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Khameini said India was better when Muslims ruled it

Its true.

india was a great power and economic superpower of the world ONLY under Islamic rule. That’s bc Islamic rule connected india to global Islamic Civilization which was the foremost global Civilization of that time before West took that position in 17th-18th century onwards.

india on its own is a very restricted culture and would not have any global footprint to project its civilizational presence...hence it’ll NEVER be a great/super power like superpowers of Islam and Western christendom (today’s post Christian West)

india is and will always remain a local regional power...and that too, sharing the region with another potent regional power—Pakistan. There’s nothing india can do to change that fact and events on 27th Feb only re-established this reality :)
Wow. This is kick in the nuts for Indians !

"The dignity and majesty of the Indian peninsula was highest during the time Muslims ruled over it; and the biggest blow that the British stroke in this important area was abolishing the eminent Islamic civilization."

Supreme leader of Iran Khameini

So how does one become an " Think tank consultant" in this forum ?

*Its interesting when one think thank consultant does the normal thing to placate the sane...immediately followed by another think tank consultant to placate the insane.....lol

This tactic is usually done by military dictatorships that rules over an extremist population.

Eg: Rome when it controlled israel/palestine area..
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Not a verified account, so I don't know how authentic this is.
Yes, I thought same but checked it. It appears genuine. Verification would require approach to Twiiter, USA. That might be the reason it does not have the blue tick of verification. But, the account has over half a million followers and is only following 6 and has been active since 2009. That pretty well confirms it is genuine.

So how does one become an " Think tank consultant" in this forum ?
By not being you.
By not being you.

Ya know..ye should probably change yer signature to what imran khan has recently said during his iran visit

you have a lot of choices too.... :)

This thread is just a diversionary tactic employed to cover what imran khan has said in Iran.
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Its true.

india was a great power and economic superpower of the world ONLY under Islamic rule. That’s bc Islamic rule connected india to global Islamic Civilization which was the foremost global Civilization of that time before West took that position in 17th-18th century onwards.

india on its own is a very restricted culture and would not have any global footprint to project its civilizational presence...hence it’ll NEVER be a great/super power like superpowers of Islam and Western christendom (today’s post Christian West)

india is and will always remain a local regional power...and that too, sharing the region with another potent regional power—Pakistan. There’s nothing india can do to change that fact and events on 27th Feb only re-established this reality :)

factually incorrect.....
more like a feel good post i suppose.
1000 of Muslim rule was the best ever for Subcontinent, and then British came for 100 years or so. It was ok. Under Hindu and Democracy its destroyed Indian for good. Look at the ppl living on lies, cooked up life stories. Pathetic.

why dont you move back to pakistan then mate ??
Ruled by muslims......im pretty sure pakistans economy would dwarf dem democractic britans :)
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