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Khalistan Zindabad slogans and rallies in Indian punjab

actually one of our gorkha brother was general in sikh army , his name was general amar singh thapa , he lost his life fighting with afghans in waziristsn as khalsa army .
we know there can not be any friendship between sikhs and muslims, so forget about khalistan , it is imposdible .sikhs have given their lives for india , at least they will not betray india for pakistan .
First of all the example you gave is a very old one . Let's talk what relevant today. And if it's a example competition then I can give names of several Muslim generals in the ranjeet Singh army. And the importance of muslims in the throughput history of Sikhism and the good relationships they enjoyed mostly.
But wait did I even talk about the Sikh Muslim freindship?? I was just talking politically not religiously. But you exposed yourself and showed what was really bothering you. I know you Brahmin RSS Hindus lost your sleep since the opening of karturpur corridor and the love and respect sikhs get in Pakistan and the way the respect us back. You just don't want us to meet with each other because that will expose your false narrative of Muslims being enemies of Sikhs and Hindus.
But my freind mark my words this time you are going to fail miserably because the sikhs are realizing who is their real enemy.
Your long struggles of building enmity between sikhs and Muslims to not recognizing Sikh religion in the Indian constitution and putting it in santam dharmi religion will all fail this time.
Conronavirus delayed referendum 2020, Pakistan should approach Sikh temples in Pakistan to arrange such referendum in cooperation with SJF, Also Akal takht leaders should be persuade for this democratic practice since Bharat claim to be the largest democracy.
Akal Takht Chief already announced that all sikhs in India and abroad want khalistan.
At the very least you managed to poke a few Indians on this forum, a critical contribution to the overall war you have going on over here.
Yes many butthurt indians on this thread like you.
The painful and angry comments showing how difficult is for them to swallow this bitter pill called khalistan on a independence day right inside in Indian Punjab.
That's not just poking that represents the harsh reality you are facing.
Laughing while being oppressed living in the RSS infested hindutva state really helps to ease depression for a short time.

This is getting rich, to quote an eminent hypocrite of the day. Either I am crypto-RSS or I am one of the oppressed living in the RSS infested hindutva state. Can't be both....oh, wait, what am I saying? Of course it can be both; it depends on whether you are coming or going, and since you don't know if you are coming or going, it's all right to say everything all at once. :rofl:

That is the trouble with Trumped-up charges; they tend to be internally inconsistent.
Yes many butthurt indians on this thread like you.
The painful and angry comments showing how difficult is for them to swallow this bitter pill called khalistan on a independence day right inside in Indian Punjab.
That's not just poking that represents the harsh reality you are facing.
If anyone puts up a ridiculous notion on this forum, does opposition or derision qualify as proof of concept? Going by your logic, God forbid, if someone posts about disintegration of Pakistan and received much expected disdain and opposition as a result, does it imply poking at harsh realities?

At the end of the day, if thinking of Khalistan makes you joyous, all the power to you mate. Confirming validity of a concept from its opposition alone will give you a skewed picture, albeit a comforting one. Conventional logic dictates to give greater weightage to personal impartial data over media reports, especially from biased sources. It's strange that as a foreigner you'd take an obvious biased report to be the gospel truth whilst ignoring other anecdotal on-ground reports to be false or to even entertain the notion that your sources might not depict the entire picture. It's similar to an Indian poster petulantly sticking to the warped image of Pakistan despite evidence to the contrary from many of the Pakistani members here or other confirmed data sources.

You might assume the comments from Indian members to be painful or angry but I assure you kind sir, take off your glasses you'd only find derision and pity at the fools who believe in this wholeheartedly.
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Dude they even claimed that Gorkhas are about to attack India from the Chinese side ;), regarding Khalistan, their Mosque was converted into a stable by the same Khalsa army .....

these poor souls will bring khalistsan ?
If anyone puts up a ridiculous notion on this forum, does opposition or derision qualify as proof of concept? Going by your logic, God forbid, if someone posts about disintegration of Pakistan and received much expected disdain and opposition as a result, does it imply poking at harsh realities?

At the end of the day, if thinking of Khalistan makes you joyous, all the power to you mate. Confirming validity of a concept from its opposition alone will give you a skewed picture, albeit a comforting one. Conventional logic dictates to give greater weightage to personal impartial data over media reports, especially from biased sources. It's strange that as a foreigner you'd take an obvious biased report to be the gospel truth whilst ignoring other anecdotal on-ground reports to be false or to even entertain the notion that your sources might not depict the entire picture. It's similar to an Indian poster petulantly sticking to the warped image of Pakistan despite evidence to the contrary from many of the Pakistani members here or other confirmed data sources.

You might assume the comments from Indian members to be painful or angry but I assure you kind sir, take off your glasses you'd only find derision and pity at the fools who believe in this wholeheartedly.
What a naked eye can see cannot be false.
No where in Pakistan you can see separatist rallies,protests like the ones you just had in Punjab and Kashmir so be my guest and try to poke us and do show us harsh realities the way I am showing you.
And now wow BBC is not a credible source according to bhartis because you cannot swallow the truth. What a nation full of hypocrites..
on pdf yes. outside of here generally Pakistanis have no interest in Sikhs what so ever they do. might be shocking to our eastern darkies a rule is Pakistanis don’t bother on India .......
Dude you must be living under a rock..
Social media specially YouTube is full of khalistan .
This is getting rich, to quote an eminent hypocrite of the day. Either I am crypto-RSS or I am one of the oppressed living in the RSS infested hindutva state. Can't be both....oh, wait, what am I saying? Of course it can be both; it depends on whether you are coming or going, and since you don't know if you are coming or going, it's all right to say everything all at once. :rofl:

That is the trouble with Trumped-up charges; they tend to be internally inconsistent.
You can be a RSS hindutva sanghi and still feel oppressed depends on which Hindu caste you belongs to. Lower caste sanghis are treated like shit by Brahmin elite sanghis. Here you are trying to prove your loyalty to a nation which is not truly yours.Infact it's not a nation it's kind of Brahmin oligarchy. May your oppression and economic ,social murder soon my freind I feel pity for you.
If anyone puts up a ridiculous notion on this forum, does opposition or derision qualify as proof of concept? Going by your logic, God forbid, if someone posts about disintegration of Pakistan and received much expected disdain and opposition as a result, does it imply poking at harsh realities?

At the end of the day, if thinking of Khalistan makes you joyous, all the power to you mate. Confirming validity of a concept from its opposition alone will give you a skewed picture, albeit a comforting one. Conventional logic dictates to give greater weightage to personal impartial data over media reports, especially from biased sources. It's strange that as a foreigner you'd take an obvious biased report to be the gospel truth whilst ignoring other anecdotal on-ground reports to be false or to even entertain the notion that your sources might not depict the entire picture. It's similar to an Indian poster petulantly sticking to the warped image of Pakistan despite evidence to the contrary from many of the Pakistani members here or other confirmed data sources.

You might assume the comments from Indian members to be painful or angry but I assure you kind sir, take off your glasses you'd only find derision and pity at the fools who believe in this wholeheartedly.
Now this is eloquence @Joe Shearer , not your flowery sh!t :lol:
Dude they even claimed that Gorkhas are about to attack India from the Chinese side ;), regarding Khalistan, their Mosque was converted into a stable by the same Khalsa army .....
30 thousand gorkhas serve in indian army they chant chamunda mata ki jai with their khukri at work .
First of all the example you gave is a very old one . Let's talk what relevant today. And if it's a example competition then I can give names of several Muslim generals in the ranjeet Singh army. And the importance of muslims in the throughput history of Sikhism and the good relationships they enjoyed mostly.
But wait did I even talk about the Sikh Muslim freindship?? I was just talking politically not religiously. But you exposed yourself and showed what was really bothering you. I know you Brahmin RSS Hindus lost your sleep since the opening of karturpur corridor and the love and respect sikhs get in Pakistan and the way the respect us back. You just don't want us to meet with each other because that will expose your false narrative of Muslims being enemies of Sikhs and Hindus.
But my freind mark my words this time you are going to fail miserably because the sikhs are realizing who is their real enemy.
Your long struggles of building enmity between sikhs and Muslims to not recognizing Sikh religion in the Indian constitution and putting it in santam dharmi religion will all fail this time.

Akal Takht Chief already announced that all sikhs in India and abroad want khalistan.
i can give you example from current history , more than ten percent sikhs work in indian army right from soldiers to generals ,sikhs panth was devised to save hindu religion from muslims during aurangjebs time by tenth guru govind singh . same is the case with gorkhas they serve indian army as an elite force of the indian army .
so forget about few sold outs who get money from outside to disturb india . they are nothing just fooling enemies of india .
Buddy I know Gaurkhas ... as per them they live only in Nepal and Nepal and India are like eternal enemies .

Checkout the thread about Gurkhas .

30 thousand gorkhas serve in indian army they chant chamunda mata ki jai with their khukri at work .

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