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Khalistan Zindabad slogans and rallies in Indian punjab

Buddy I know Gaurkhas ... as per them they live only in Nepal and Nepal and India are like eternal enemies .

Checkout the thread about Gurkhas .
gurkhas ?
whose enemy ? they work allover india .
i can give you example from current history , more than ten percent sikhs work in indian army right from soldiers to generals ,sikhs panth was devised to save hindu religion from muslims during aurangjebs time by tenth guru govind singh . same is the case with gorkhas they serve indian army as an elite force of the indian army .
so forget about few sold outs who get money from outside to disturb india . they are nothing just fooling enemies of india .
Well I know you are going to bring Aurangzeb because that's a typical Indian propoganda to create hatred between sikhs and Muslims. And you hypocrites call yourself secular.
Aurangzeb or the Mughal empire was not at all a Islamic or Muslim empire. They themselves were not practicing Muslims and had several non Muslim Hindus ,Sikhs generals serving in their army and government on top level positions.That was a fight of power not a fight of Islam and Sikhism.
And whatever happened in 1947 was just a overall madness in which everyone suffered.

What an utterly imbecile thread!
  1. What gave the idiots commenting on the Nepalese remark the idea that Indian Gorkhas are recruited in Nepal? The British do that because they have to; they can hardly recruit them in Catterick.
  2. Do they know how and why the 11 GR were formed? Can they figure out why Limbus and Rais from 7 GR and 10 GR dropped out of their regiments and had to be accommodated elsewhere?
  3. Do they know where Limbus and Rais live?
  4. Do they know how many Gorkhas live in Assam and where the Assam Rifles and the Eastern Frontier Rifles are recruited?
Why were you on that thread at all, bandying words with people who know nothing about the subject and just want to sit and visualise glorious possibilities in their minds? Why were you on a thread where that nincompoop Rajiv Malhotra is quoted reverently as an expert?
Joe Sir in my city there are 3000 Second Gen Nepali voters :D and I am talking about Haryana
What an utterly imbecile thread!
  1. What gave the idiots commenting on the Nepalese remark the idea that Indian Gorkhas are recruited in Nepal? The British do that because they have to; they can hardly recruit them in Catterick.
  2. Do they know how and why the 11 GR were formed? Can they figure out why Limbus and Rais from 7 GR and 10 GR dropped out of their regiments and had to be accommodated elsewhere?
  3. Do they know where Limbus and Rais live?
  4. Do they know how many Gorkhas live in Assam and where the Assam Rifles and the Eastern Frontier Rifles are recruited?
Why were you on that thread at all, bandying words with people who know nothing about the subject and just want to sit and visualise glorious possibilities in their minds? Why were you on a thread where that nincompoop Rajiv Malhotra is quoted reverently as an expert?
No no Since when Gaurkhas become enemies man, it's an individual choice where they want to serve ...but the irony is the countries whose ex-General is serving as a Mercenary general in Saudi is pointing fingers towards Gaurka
no sir
they are not enemies .
honestly speakkng khalistan capital should be lahore , maharaja ranjit singhs capital of khalsa kingdom , pakistsnis should help their sikh brothers to get their cspital .
As per your sanghi logic Dehli should be the capital of Pakistan:pakistan:
Joe Sir in my city there are 3000 Second Gen Nepali voters :D and I am talking about Haryana


If you break down the composition of the Gorkha regiments, they are constituted entirely of Gurung, Magar, Limbu and Rai (other surnames, Pun, for instance, are from sub-castes of these). Most Limbus and Rais live in India, and are part of a larger grouping that extends into eastern Nepal.

The British deliberately kept khas Nepalis out of the Gorkha regiments, and, of course, they could never, never, never be officers (even today, they disparage Chhetris and Thakurs). The Indian Army has no such issues and there are a large number of Gorkha origin officers in the Indian Army.
As per your sanghi logic Dehli should be the capital of Pakistan:pakistan:

Keep a civil tongue in your head. What is Sanghi about that remark? Cheeky, perhaps, Sanghi?

Find out, given the recent posts before yours, what Gorkhas serving outside Nepal as soldiers are called by their neighbours in their native villages to this day.
those serving presently indian army will keep serving till they retire .
more over gorkhas are opposing this move .

The treaty has nothing to do with India-resident Gorkhas in any case.
Dada I think Rawats are also Gurkhas or Rajputs ? I think now they have started taking officers from Nepal too... What they consider themselves as Kshatriyas or they are different like Jats

If you break down the composition of the Gorkha regiments, they are constituted entirely of Gurung, Magar, Limbu and Rai (other surnames, Pun, for instance, are from sub-castes of these). Most Limbus and Rais live in India, and are part of a larger grouping that extends into eastern Nepal.

The British deliberately kept khas Nepalis out of the Gorkha regiments, and, of course, they could never, never, never be officers (even today, they disparage Chhetris and Thakurs). The Indian Army has no such issues and there are a large number of Gorkha origin officers in the Indian Army.

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