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Featured KF-X's New Customer May Be Egypt

No. They need US permission. Very few countries can make jet engine. China, France, Britain, America, Russia, Germany can make jet engine. No other country can make jet engine.
I think Koreans will make their indigenous jet engines like they are working on indigenous engine for K2 tank to export them without any problems
Korea need indigenous jet engine
I think Koreans will make their indigenous jet engines like they are working on indigenous engine for K2 tank to export them without any problems
Korea need indigenous jet engine

Very few countries can make jet engine. South Korea does not have such capability at least not for decades. It took even China decades to finally make world class jet engines.
Which is what I said. They need US permission. Britain blocked South Korea sell FA-50 to Argentina because ejection seat.

Correct, US permission I believe is the requirements since engine I believe cannot be replaced with another engine.
In the Arab media, this meeting brought to the agenda that Egypt could purchase the KF-X (Korean Fighter-eXperimental) combat aircraft, of which Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is the main contractor.

Korea has recently completed the prototype phase on the KF-X project. The prototype fighter aircraft KF-21, whose assembly was announced to be finished and introduced to the public, was named "Boramae". Korean Prime Minister Moon Jae-in said that mass production will begin after final tests and that Korea plans to produce 40 KF-21s by 2028 and 120 by 2032.

As nice as that might be, I don't think it will come to fruition. I am almost certain the Su-57 will be Egypt's next gen aircraft as it only makes the best sense with the recent acquisition of the MiG-29M/35 and Su-35S. I think the majority of the items Egypt is much more interested in are the K-9 Howitzer which they extensively tested, the Bio Tiger, their UAV/UCAVs in particular the AIR KUS-FT lol at that name that will go really good in Egypt lol and certainly some of the naval missile frigates but all would have to come with ToT and I say this mostly because of my foreseeing them negotiating for the Su-57 probably now, but also they're doing whatever they can to stay away from anything that the US has even the remotely close influence with.
KF-21 does not offer any significant advantage over Typhoon which Egypt buying. Don't see this deal happening. If Egypt wants 5th gen plane they can go for Su-57 which has internal weapons bays which KF-21 don't have.
As nice as that might be, I don't think it will come to fruition. I am almost certain the Su-57 will be Egypt's next gen aircraft as it only makes the best sense with the recent acquisition of the MiG-29M/35 and Su-35S. I think the majority of the items Egypt is much more interested in are the K-9 Howitzer which they extensively tested, the Bio Tiger, their UAV/UCAVs in particular the AIR KUS-FT lol at that name that will go really good in Egypt lol and certainly some of the naval missile frigates but all would have to come with ToT and I say this mostly because of my foreseeing them negotiating for the Su-57 probably now, but also they're doing whatever they can to stay away from anything that the US has even the remotely close influence with.

Between J 31 and SU-57 which one that you think better for Egypt as both fighters dont have any relation with US ?
Very few countries can make jet engine. South Korea does not have such capability at least not for decades. It took even China decades to finally make world class jet engines.
Japan is working on its own jet engine for future fighters so Korea have another option
In a surprise to everyone Egypt will also go for TF-X
I hope no
Between J 31 and SU-57 which one that you think better for Egypt as both fighters dont have any relation with US ?

No question Su-57. People are underestimating that aircraft quite a bit, but I've been following all it's latest developments on a Russian Forum and elsewhere and it is going to be one heck of a fifth gen aircraft.

It only makes sense since the EAF already invested in the MiG-29M/35 and Su-35SE that the next one would be the Su-57.
@Tai Hai Chen

replying to your post that J-20 is superior to TX-F.. Not even F-35s is superior to TX-F what makes you think J-20 is superior then TX-F

TF-X is by far the weakest of the 5th geners. J-20 is the strongest. Su-57 is the second weakest.

All the SU family line has more or less failed to impress globally so even mentioning SU-57 IS very bold claim and comical and even putting SU-57 above F-35 and J-20 is as unproven as they come nobody knows about it's capabilities whether it is only hype or can actully function.. TFX is right there up with F22 as the best in the world..

F-22 is the best and only USAF use F-22s in the world
and TFX will be similar to F-22 in air to air capabilities ..... also TFX will have great capabilities for air to ground attack ( F-22 lacks air to ground attack capabilities )


Roll out : 2023
First flight : 2025
Enter service : 2029

Length: 21 m
Wingspan: 14 m
Height: 6 m
Wing area: 60 m2
Max takeoff weight: 27,215 kg (60,000 lb)
Maximum speed: Mach 1.8
Combat range: 1,100 km
Service ceiling: 17,000 m (55,000 ft)

IRFS (AESA Radar, Electronic Warfare )
Advanced Navigation Features (ICNI)
Integrated Electro-Optical Systems (IEOS)
Infrared Search and Track (IRST)
Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS)
Advanced Cockpit / Human Machine Interface

TFX and MIUS will give advantage to the Turkish Airforce in the region against Rafale , Eurofighter , SU-35 ,F-15 even F-35

credit to @MMM-E
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