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Featured KF-X's New Customer May Be Egypt

I just wanted to clarify something, Egypt's F-16s do not lack BVR capabilities, in fact, the BVR capabilities are pretty decent, the AIM-7P Sparrow has a range of 70km, the earlier version of the missile 'AIM-7M' scored many kills in the Gulf War, out of 44 missiles fired, 30 (68.2%) hit their targets, 19 kills were obtained beyond visual range

AIM-7P is an upgraded version of the AIM-7M from Gulf War, with improved guidance and improved resistance to countermeasures and jamming, the AIM-7Ps have technology from the AMRAAM missiles, such as the midcourse datalink guidance:
"The AIM-7 Sparrow missile is a medium-range, all-weather, all-aspect, semi-active guided missile used in multiple roles by multiple services. Performance improvements in this combat-proven system include look-down, shoot-down in heavy clutter environments and much lower altitude engagement. Additionally, it is more time immune to the ever challenging countermeasures threat."

Many countries still operate AIM-7! Even countries that have AMRAAMs such as Turkey and the US, they still use the AIM-7s along with the AMRAAMs! For example you will still see the AIM-7s are still used on F-18 Hornets in US navy!

Of course all of that still doesn't mean that Egypt's F-16s are not at a disadvantage! they do have a disadvantage when it comes to the range of engagement, but it's not that big of a deal as some make it out to be! And it can be compensated for with tactics! Some of you even went as far as saying the F-16's are only good for ground attack! because instead of having a 100km range AMRAAM they rely on a 70km range AIM-7!

220 F-16's with AIM-7P Sparrows (90's technology btw) are still very capable of defensive and even offensive action, and taking into consideration all the defensive measures, warning systems, and everything fighter aircraft are equipped with today, including the limitations of the radar to actually pick up the target from a long distance, it will be easy to overcome the range disadvantage. The only real disadvantage is the Fire And Forget capability, missiles like AMRAAM which provide the capability to engage multiple targets simultaneously (if fired within the 20km fire and forget range), but otherwise AMRAAMs require radar lock from the launching aircraft until the missile is within the active seeker range. And Egypt does have the fire and forget capability for Mirage 2000, Mig-29 and Rafale, they only lack it in the large F-16 fleet.

Bottom line is, the US didn't deny Egypt BVR capabilities for their F-16 fleet, they do have BVR capability, but Egypt was denied the capability to engage multiple targets simultaneously, that's the reason Egypt was denied AMRAAMs, not to limit their engagement range, but to restrict their ability for major offensive action, you are not allowed to focus on 2 or more jets at once, you are only allowed to focus on 1. And again, this only applies if the target is within the active seeker range on the AMRAAM (20km), otherwise AMRAAM requires radar lock just like any semi-active radar homing missile.

I've been telling people this for over 10-12 years ever since an ex-USAF pilot told me the same exact thing. And those guys don't even like to admit anything good about the US Navy lol, because they're just type-A personalities that compete with one another.

Also, BVR or Beyond Visual Range is considered 20 nautical miles or 37 kilometers and more. Firing from 100+ kilometers puts the missile at the end of it's peak performance since it'll be at the end of it's maximum range. Not to mention all the EW and jamming and self defense features that can skittle a missile at the end of it's range. Another reason you always see most US aircraft that are carrying AIM-120s are also carrying AIM-9s. Mmm....makes you wonder. No escape zones are also questionable depending on the range the missile was fired from. The further it's fired, the lesser the NEZ is.

Even once the Rafales are equipped with the meteor, it'll still be challenging despite how terrific that missile is. The MICA's at 60 - 80 km are actually perfect for both functions, BVR and WVR especially when the MICA NG comes out and provided the training of the pilot is at its peak.

The way Egypt is on buying spree sorry but I now seriously believe in another conflict with Israel.

The only element aimed at Israel is to be able to defend against any aggression from THEM. Egypt has no intentions of breaking the peace treaty and going on an offensive war with Israel. Frankly it's had enough of that because since 1948/56 to 1979/85, Egypt has been mired in war with that damned state that it has set back the huge economic potential that is only beginning to show. So particular weapons, training, strategies and certain forces (such as the Rapid Deployment Forces which are in charge of quickly stopping the Suez Canal shipping and engineering bridges and moving massive amounts of armory across to defend from an invasion) are geared towards protecting from a surprise attack like they like to do. Part of that entire package is also 24/7/365 surveillance and radar monitoring with the huge radars Egypt (and Algeria) have bought from Russia and the creation of a quick defensive system to stop an invasion, the rest is simply a modernization and for being prepared for any other potential, regional threats.

Egyptian Air Force will fail miserably.

Why? Care to explain? And please don't refer to 1967. That has nothing to do with the EAF's capabilities today.

Three new types of fighters jet like Rafale and SU 35 and one other plane is more then enough specially if they are with BVR.

They all have BVR missiles and just like the last 2 posts, BVR is not the end all be all. People are so enamored by the BVR concept and missiles that have 100-120 km range that they lose sight of tactics and the use of available SAM systems in the right hands and strategic depths etc. Why does the EAF need to be like most other air forces with only 3 or 4 types? Maintenance or logistics issues is just a convenient excuse and doesn't matter whatsoever, especially when all are tied into the same rapid data sharing and coms.

This gathering of 6 to 7 different jets will only create more trouble. Plus Egypt has very focus on AWACS and EW planes.

Egypt is in fact VERY focused on AWACs and EW with not just the 8 modernized E-2C Hawkeyes and 2 compass calls C-130s and there is even word about creating a special squadron of Rafales for EW. Currently the fleet of recently upgraded Beechcraft 1900s are tasked with the role of EW.
S. Korea, Egypt agree to expand defense industry cooperation

By Yonhap
Published : Aug 31, 2021 - 09:38 Updated : Aug 31, 2021 - 09:38

South Korean Defense Minister Suh Wook has met with Egypt's Military Production Minister Mohamed Ahmed Morsi during a visit to the country and agreed to expand defense industry cooperation between the two sides, his office said Tuesday.

The meeting took place Monday after Suh arrived in Egypt for a two-day visit at the invitation of the country's defense chief Mohamed Ahmed Zaki Mohamed. He is South Korea's first defense minister to visit the Middle Eastern nation.

During the talks, Suh said South Korea's defense industry could contribute to Egypt's push to modernize its military, according to the ministry.

"The two ministers ... agreed to further strengthen their cooperation down the road to achieve tangible outcomes in the defense industry," the ministry said in a release, adding they decided to expand senior-level communications.

On Tuesday, Suh will have talks with Zaki and pay a courtesy call on Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi before flying to Oman for a two-day visit. (Yonhap)

Why are they hoarding so many weapons?

"Hoarding" means "to take everything and NOT allow anyone else to take anything of a particular item." That is certainly not the case, here.

But the answer to your question is simple - Egypt is trying to be as strong as possible, and at the same time trying to expand it's domestic production capabilities as it's developing its infrastructure and growing its economy. From a new capital city to almost every single industrial process. A large part of that is obviously the military, but there are many other areas it is building up to bigger and better.
South Korea needs to do two things to sell this KF X. First make sure it doesn't have any US components. Not just in plane but also the weapons are of South Korean origin. Plus when USA pressures them not to sell which they would even if their is no US component in plane reject that pressure. Trust me the moment KF X comes with internal bay. Lot of Arab countries and other countries would buy KF X.
South Korea needs to do two things to sell this KF X. First make sure it doesn't have any US components. Not just in plane but also the weapons are of South Korean origin. Plus when USA pressures them not to sell which they would even if their is no US component in plane reject that pressure. Trust me the moment KF X comes with internal bay. Lot of Arab countries and other countries would buy KF X.

South Korean has BVR and WVR missile program for KF 21/IFX, it will use ramjet technology. It has sophisticated jet engine technology for commercial plane. I believe this plane will be much more indigenous within 20 years time frame inshaAllah. Indonesia also plans to develop some avionics technology inside it for IFX (Indonesian production)


Currently it uses European missiles for BVR and WVR. I believe you have seen Korean test on long range Air to Surface missile being launched from their Phantom.
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I believe this plane will be much more indigenous within 20 years time frame inshaAllah.

Yep, you are 100% correct since right now, Egypt wouldn't touch that thing with someone else's ten foot pole lol. Because the radar and the entire avionics package are Israeli. It still has a ways to go before becoming truly indigenous as you said.
Yep, you are 100% correct since right now, Egypt wouldn't touch that thing with someone else's ten foot pole lol. Because the radar and the entire avionics package are Israeli. It still has a ways to go before becoming truly indigenous as you said.

Nope, Israeli just helping the AESA Radar testing, radar and other avionics is developed by South Korea Hanwa and LG1, they have developed AESA Radar for quite long as we know KF 21/IFX program started in 2011
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