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Kevin Rudd says China to rule the world

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We have Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangaldesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Central Asian -stans, African countries and leftist Latin American countries.

But india is hated by all her neighbors!

Those two look very disappointed, as if letting China rise is doing a disservice to their chidren and future generations of Westerners.

When we rule the world, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar can take back their territory from india. A re-partition of india into a secular part and a hindu fundamentalist part is also possible.

:rofl: your wet dreams go on and on, must feel good after releasing your bullshit brain fart load grow up. The disintegration of china is waiting, when the public break free from the shackles of your communist rule. Tibet will be freed as an independent sovereign nation, what does up must come down in due time china will also come crashing down as with all other superpowers. History will repeat itself time and time again.
^^^ just wait till the sikhs and tamils demand their separate country.

there is no such thing as tibetians, its an imaginary race created by the anti-chinese brigade.
china has the capability to be a superpower.

only china has the independence, india is controlled by america just like japan is, so it can never challenge american dominance.

india is willing to live under the white mans rule, they are unambitious people, thats why they have alwaus been inferior to china.

India is not controlled by the whites, gets your facts straight we gave the white men a bashing and kicked them out and claimed independence, you’re such a moron. Chinese people are arrogant and expansive and aggressive you will the root cause of your rise and fall. Time will tell.
^^^ just wait till the sikhs and tamils demand their separate country.

there is no such thing as tibetians, its an imaginary race created by the anti-chinese brigade.

I am Tamil, and I can speak for the majority that we are INDIANS first, then Tamils and we are united and nothing can change the fact. Your jealousy is so evident and your rear end is burning badly. Don’t worry about us, worry about Uyghur Muslim Separatism in Xinjiang, China, International Tibet Independence Movement, Free Tibet!— The world-wide movement to achieve freedom and justice for Tibet, occupied by China since 1959, National Democratic Party of Tibet, Taiwan Independence Movement — Advocate abandoning "one-China" farce, Inner Mongolian People's Party — Advocates freedom, democracy and human rights for the Mongols in Inner Mongolia currently under Chinese colonial rule, Free Southern Mongolia — Supports the Mongolian separatist movement. Southern Mongolian Freedom Federation — Statements published by the organization and photographs of protests which it has staged.
India happy to see China disunited,but the reality is China bigger in size than India,so no happy then.
keep united India,and keep in dream China be disunited.
China is very homogenous,around 92% of the whole Chinese population are Han Chinese,we do have 55 minorities,but the percentage is very small altogether.we share the deep rooted Chinese culture and tradition,almost all people can speak standard national language,Mandarin.but look at India,the country was made by their former master British.it has so many minorities and the country has been plagued by numerous seperation groups and rebellions,insurgent troops...India has a much much bigger chance than any country in the world to break up into many pieces.
China is very homogenous,around 92% of the whole Chinese population are Han Chinese,we do have 55 minorities,but the percentage is very small altogether.we share the deep rooted Chinese culture and tradition,almost all people can speak standard national language,Mandarin.but look at India,the country was made by their former master British.it has so many minorities and the country has been plagued by numerous seperation groups and rebellions,insurgent troops...India has a much much bigger chance than any country in the world to break up into many pieces.
We really don't care India whether break up into many pieces or keep united,just Arunachal and Sikkim make us jealous about.
Maoism is an extinct word in China,but now India has more maoists than any other countries.India has a lot of guerrilla warfare fighting against government going on which we Chinese havent seen for more than half a century.



In order for China to be a superpower it has to become a consumer economy rather than an export based economy. You can only control other countries and their policies when you can threaten then with 'no trade', the reason USA runs things is because they control WTO, IMF and what not and also because they have the biggest consumer based economy. Wait until China's per capita reaches 10000 dollars.
haha,we defeated them in every aspect,do you need me to go over all the facts and figures of the war again?

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 AM ----------

I just posted those facts and figures today,we defeated Vietnam in every aspect in 1979.check this link
Dude, can you stop lying about 1979 war ?? you'd better use US link , don't forget US was your master in 1979.
As Henry J. Kenny points out, “Most Western writers agree that Vietnam had indeed outperformed the PLA on the battlefield, but say that with the seizure of Lang Son, the PLA was poised to move into the militarily more hospitable terrain of the Red River Delta, and thence to Hanoi.” Kenny, however, points out that Lang Son is less than twelve miles from the Chinese border but is twice that distance from the delta. Moreover, at least five PAVN divisions remained poised for a counterattack in the delta, and thirty thousand additional PAVN troops from Cambodia, along with several regiments from Laos, were moving to their support. Thus the PLA would have taken huge losses in any southward move toward Hanoi.
Do you know :"Most Western writers agree" means ???

Of course, if you consider "biting" and running also a "great Victory" then Oki you win like this way LoL

What the PLA Learned in Vietnam, 1979 | Far Outliers
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China changes all the so called "rules",can't predict China's future based on the history.

---------- Post added at 09:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 AM ----------

US is your former master,never China's,ha,and we use third party facts and figures to assess that war,we won in every aspect.

---------- Post added at 09:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 AM ----------

haha,can anyone speak for"most writers"? who made that poll?or just a haphazard personal assumption?
Maoism is an extinct word in China,but now India has more maoists than any other countries.India has a lot of guerrilla warfare fighting against government going on which we Chinese havent seen for more than half a century.
Maoists in Kerala? joke?
No maoists or any B* separatists group here.
oh just saw the watermark "CNN" utter propaganda channel. pfft.
the fact of that war is our PLA killed more of Vietnamese,capture 10 times more of Vietnamese POWs,totally destroyed North Vietnam,got extra land for China.and you Vietnam glorious army can not even touch a grass on Chinese soil.

---------- Post added at 09:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------

Maoists in Kerala? joke?
No maoists or any B* separatists group here.
oh just saw the watermark "CNN" utter propaganda channel. pfft.

you know it better i guess,cause India has so many insurgent groups and their combat units.they can confuse most foreigners.
there is a lot of difference between your article and the title you have given , china overtaking american economy is inevitable but china ruling the world is by far impossible brother .

Rudd wrote a book with that title ( I think - too lazy to google)
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