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Kevin Rudd says China to rule the world

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India is not controlled by the whites, gets your facts straight we gave the white men a bashing and kicked them out and claimed independence, you’re such a moron. Chinese people are arrogant and expansive and aggressive you will the root cause of your rise and fall. Time will tell.

There is difference between views of India and China. Chinese think, by transferring nuclear and missiles to those small countries who are against West, they may prove they are not controlled by Whites. While India thinks you don’t need to do so to prove you are not controlled by West. And about China, in 2006 when I was talking to one Russian friend why Russia gives engine to China which would only be used against India, then he replied, China need to be made superpower and for that they do need at least engine, copying Russian aircrafts isn’t enough for them, they couldn’t copy engine yet. And he also added, until Pakistan is buying aircraft from China, they won’t buy too many F16s from US so don’t worry much about it.

Even right now, China’s naval power could get it’s first ever aircraft career from Ukraine recently while India is using aircraft career for a very long, top gun of super power China is around 200 J10s only, which is not even in comparison with F16 block52, while India has far more superior 146 SU30MKIs right now with 51 Mirage2000-5 mk2. I don’t find China to be strong enough to resist India if they may face any aggression from Indian side any time, as, they can’t put their every strength against India at any time as they have to deal with their east also, with keeping their north quite. Neither China is as strong enough that Russia (and India also) would stop helping it against West, on different world platforms in behalf of developing countries, nor it looks like China is going to be Big boss of Asia in future, India will always stay somewhere near to China in future. Few days before I was talking, one Indian Rakesh Sharma visited space in early 80s with Russian spacecraft while China could do the same few years before. China is still on a generation gap.

I mean, Super Power China is still not capable enough to threaten West to bring them in the position for a bargain for India and Russia. In other way, I would say Russia is a super power maker and its Son China would perform well in future, we hope :tup:. And India has all those techs which Russia has. And Indian companies are not that blamed to copy Western techs like China, but they mostly develop them by themselves. Just talk to our Pakistani friends about their friendship with China, (deeper than sea and higher than mountain as China and Pakistan both claim), did Chian ever dare to interfere either in 1971 or in 1999 while India did whatever they wanted to do with Pakistan? The Answer is No, :no:, which Mr N Sharif was clearly given when he visited China during Kargil war also. And the main reason behind it is, China won’t commit suicide by going against India, no matter how deep and high friendship they have with Pakistan. First India is strong enough to deal with China and second China was never capable enough to handle any tough response from north. 200 J10s isn't enough to survive :no:

But one thing I must say that, Russia always advise India not to create problem for China, even in case of Dalai Lama, as they always think China doing good work against West and they don’t want India to create problem for China until India really need to do so. As, until China is capable enough to resist US, India with Russia can sleep peacefully. Like,its just Russian engines why Pakistan don’t have too many F16s otherwise they just need to allow more drone attacks and get more F16s from US in return. Russia always favours a power balance in world.
There is difference between views of India and China. Chinese think, by transferring nuclear and missiles to those small countries who are against West, they may prove they are not controlled by Whites. While India thinks you don’t need to do so to prove you are not controlled by West. And about China, in 2006 when I was talking to one Russian friend why Russia gives engine to China which would only be used against India, then he replied, China need to be made superpower and for that they do need at least engine, copying Russian aircrafts isn’t enough for them, they couldn’t copy engine yet. And he also added, until Pakistan is buying aircraft from China, they won’t buy too many F16s from US so don’t worry much about it.

Even right now, China’s naval power could get it’s first ever aircraft career from Ukraine recently while India is using aircraft career for a very long, top gun of super power China is around 200 J10s only, which is not even in comparison with F16 block52, while India has far more superior 146 SU30MKIs right now with 51 Mirage2000-5 mk2. I don’t find China to be strong enough to resist India if they may face any aggression from Indian side any time, as, they can’t put their every strength against India at any time as they have to deal with their east also, with keeping their north quite. Neither China is as strong enough that Russia ((and India also) would stop helping it against West, on different world platforms in behalf of developing countries, nor it looks like China is going to be Big boss of Asia in future, India will always stay somewhere near to China in future. Few days before I was talking, one Indian Rakesh Sharma visited space in early 80s with Russian spacecraft while China could do the same few years before. China is still on a generation gap.

I mean, Super Power China is still not capable enough to threaten West to bring them in the position for a bargain for India and Russia. In other way, I would say Russia is a super power maker and its son China would perform well in future, we hope :tup:. And India has all those techs which Russia has. And Indian companies are not that blamed to copy Western techs like China, but they mostly develop them by themselves. Just talk to our Pakistani friends about their friendship with China, (deeper than see and higher than mountain as China and Pakistan both claim), did Chian ever dare to interfere either in 1971 or in 1998 while India did whatever they wanted to do with Pakistan? The Answer is No, :no:, which Mr N Sharif was clearly given when he visited China during Kargil war also. And the main reason behind it is, China won’t commit suicide by going against India, no matter how deep and high friendship they have with Pakistan. First India is strong enough to deal with China and second China was never capable enough to handle any tough response from north. 200 J10s isn't enough to survive :no:

But one thing I must say that, Russia always advise India not to create problem for China, even in case of Dalai Lama, as they always think China doing good work against West and they don’t want India to create problem for China until India really need to do so. As, until China is capable enough to resist US, India with Russia can sleep peacefully. Like,its just Russian engines why Pakistan don’t have too many F16s otherwise they just need to allow more drone attacks and get more F16s from US in return. Russia always favours a power balance in world.
That is total baloney. China's military technology is already beyond that of Russia, and far far beyond anything india can buy or make. LMAO. PAKFA is inferior to J-20. Bulava is inferior to JL-2. T-90 is inferior to T-99G. Kuznetzov is inferior to Ex-Varyag. Amur is inferior to Qing-class. Glonass is inferior to Beidou.

indian military is just a joke filled with corruption, bragging and cowardice. Buying loads of hardware doesn't upgrade your military organization or training. No wonder you were beaten silly by PLA in 1962 even though you had top Western weapons from WW2. It will be worse the next time.

In a war, india will last only a few hours before New Delhi succumbs to massive air and missile strikes. Once New Delhi is reduced to rubble, all the indian states will separate from the union, and then Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka can take back their territory like Kashmir, Punjab state, New Delhi, Bengal and Tamil Nadu.

Just a cursory overview would tell you india is still a third world hole with people literally starving to death while China is already the second biggest GDP in the world and within 5 years will be the biggest. But if indians want to be rubbed out from the Earth so badly it can be arranged. And why do you have a CCCP flag? Are you from the past?
China going to rule the world :lol:...my foot!

This is just a way by Australia to cover up its recent actions that were clearly against China : a) agreeing to supply Uranium to India b) allowing US to have permanent military bases c) conceptualizing the trilateral military arrangement among US, India and Australia

Those things you listed weren't "actions" against China.

China didn't even factor in to the decision to sell uranium to India. It's purely business, not political. Also the U.S isn't getting a permanent military base in Australia. They are sending a rotation of marines here to train out of an Australian Army barracks. That in it's self is nothing new. That's been happening since 1942.
If China will rule the world then it will be the Australia who will be enslaved by China first.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

With time passing, China will buy all the resources of Australia

I hope China does. We will be very very very rich. It would take China a very very long time to buy all our resources, considering we have an estimated 10 trillion dollars worth still in the ground.

and with economic fall of US, (like how Russia had to decommission its aircraft careers/ Mir spacecraft and other military equipments after collapse of SU), Australian Chinese origins will demand China to give security guarantee to Australia, similar to how China rule Hong Kong.

Lol another ridiculous statement. People born here of Chinese heritage are loyal to Australia. Australia doesn't need any gurantee of security. We have a capable defence force and plenty of allies.

I was going to respond to the rest of your post, but it was that ridiculous, wasn't even woth a response. You are clearly trolling.

sir, if Western economies are set to fall by no later than 2020, then it simply means China would then rule the world with keeping India and Russia somewhere for power balance. and here, if you will take over, Rule, few countries like Australia then those who don't want to be captured by China will need help from that time remaining powers like Russia and India, a logic? nothing else I said. like, if China had to take help from SU against US during cold war, help in terms of military arms etc, then if China will rule the world then those who will need help while being threatened with China will need India and RUssia that time. :)

You are obviously a child who has no idea about the world. You pretend that with economic collaspe, countries cease to exist. This is not the case. Europe and America may have economic collaspe, but they will be renewed.

Your idiotic comments of "oh China will enslave the world when the U.S gets into trouble economically" is ridiculous.
That is total baloney. China's military technology is already beyond that of Russia, and far far beyond anything india can buy or make.:rofl: LMAO. PAKFA is inferior to J-20.:rofl: Bulava is inferior to JL-2. T-90 is inferior to T-99G. Kuznetzov is inferior to Ex-Varyag. Amur is inferior to Qing-class. Glonass is inferior to Beidou.:rofl:

indian military is just a joke filled with corruption, bragging and cowardice
.:rofl: Buying loads of hardware doesn't upgrade your military organization or training. No wonder you were beaten silly by PLA in 1962 even though you had top Western weapons from WW2. :tup: It will be worse the next time.

In a war, india will last only a few hours before New Delhi succumbs to massive air and missile strikes. Once New Delhi is reduced to rubble, all the indian states will separate from the union, and then Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka can take back their territory like Kashmir, Punjab state, New Delhi, Bengal and Tamil Nadu.

Just a cursory overview would tell you india is still a third world hole with people literally starving to death while China is already the second biggest GDP in the world and within 5 years will be the biggest. But if indians want to be rubbed out from the Earth so badly it can be arranged. And why do you have a CCCP flag? Are you from the past?

Look, what I have already said in my previous post, you are still supplied engines for your aircrafts as you can’t copy it, because cloning Russian aircrafts isn’t enough for China, while its Russia who transferred production line of SU27s to China. And, Im talking about even F35/ JSF and its superiorities since 2002 but still it is in development, you will face real tough time if you don’t keep getting help from Russia in this J20 program also. And I find total greatness of Chinese naval power is their first ever aircraft career, Ukrainian owed SU’s, which you could refit. Chinese arms are still needed in 3rd world countries only as there is a limit of copying……..

China is super power because this is what in need by India and Russia. What I said, 200 J10s aren’t enough for survival, and things aren’t like 1962 when India just got freedom and Indian army was sent to fight with PT shoes on mountains. Just encourage Chinese army to do similar misadventure in Arunanchal Pradesh, 146 SU30MKIs are itself enough to bomb Sanghai and Beijing back to stone age:tup:. At the same time, there is a difference between father and son and your father of every military arm, you copied till now, is already sitting on your top, in north. :agree:
Where is mods when you need them? This hello_10 guy is a troll and probably a previous banned member.

He is just spewing crap and derailing the thread.
there is a lot of difference between your article and the title you have given , china overtaking american economy is inevitable but china ruling the world is by far impossible brother .
Why?? Do U think India deserves that position??.........:what:
What a ridiculous thing to say.

I hope China does. We will be very very very rich. It would take China a very very long time to buy all our resources, considering we have an estimated 10 trillion dollars worth still in the ground.

Lol another ridiculous statement. People born here of Chinese heritage are loyal to Australia. Australia doesn't need any gurantee of security. We have a capable defence force and plenty of allies.

I was going to respond to the rest of your post, but it was that ridiculous, wasn't even woth a response. You are clearly trolling.

You are obviously a child who has no idea about the world. You pretend that with economic collaspe, countries cease to exist. This is not the case. Europe and America may have economic collaspe, but they will be renewed.

Your idiotic comments of "oh China will enslave the world when the U.S gets into trouble economically" is ridiculous.

I have lived in Australia for more than 10 years and Chinese are just considered as threats for common Western people, it just that that can’t organise hate crimes against Chinese as Chinese origins are good number in Australia. During all the social meeting, at least one time we talk about how Chinese origins keep circulating different papers written in Chinese language among Chinese origins on the streets of Sydney city (have you lived in Sydney?). Did you see a very popular movie in Australia, “Tomorrow, When the War Began?” which was released last year, with claims that soon Chinese communist will kill and capture whole Australia? They consider China very wrong who had put North Korea on front to keep transferring nuclear and missiles to 3rd world countries. and in fact all the Australians journalists hate North Korea and are threaten to say the same for China as they know big countries like India, Russia or China can’t be fought. Have a look on even India – US friendship, it is just to make sure India will keep China within limits in future, which US itself cant do. Friendship between West and India is based on their hate with China only, and they only want to put India to keep China down, the only reason why US is selling its best arms like P8I and Transport aircrafts etc. and Dalai Lama is also given full assurance by West that, as he is treated like a Lord in India, the country where Buddhism was originated, he will get Tibet freed in his time and Russia has also taken promise from India, not to attack China in behalf of West until ‘right time’ come.

Indian journalists are involved in organising a war against China in behalf of West, to make Tibet free, and the time may be close when India will claim that as China has attacked, (similar to 1971, and like recent publicity that China may attack on India), India will then have to respond and China will face a tough response from US on East at the same time and then Indian army will finally free Tibet. China is just on the mercy of Russia right now who has kept India with it, somehow/ someway, and they don’t want India to help either West or Dalai Lama. China will only have to fight with US/ West in future, it is just India whether it want to free Tibet or not, write down somewhere.
And Chinese blame us for slave mentality. So u proved again that you also need certificates from great white man. Keep it up.
If we post the article writed by chinese, or the article from the chinese newspaper, I do believe indian will don't trust it.
and said somthing like that chinese don't have our own mind thing. Not we need the certification, But you indian don't believe chinese, We just post the foreign article here to feed you. OK!!!
If we post the article writed by chinese, or the article from the chinese newspaper, I do believe indian will don't trust it.
and said somthing like that chinese don't have our own mind thing. Not we need the certification, But you indian don't believe chinese, We just post the foreign article here to feed you. OK!!!

Indian rulers keep sympathy with CHina and see China as a Role Model for progress. China, the non NATO ally, has put blood in the developing world that they can progress without help of West and Indian leaders proud to discuss achievements of China and wish to do so. China + India will only gain if they dont fall in the "Divide and Rule" Trap of West. We always wish CHina to become a rich and strong country with a hope that India may also keep itself close to China in future :tup:
yeah , but whosoever gave it , i will tell you why , china does not enjoy the kind of support usa has among its nato allies and other non - nato allies , china just continues to be a regional power and is never ready to play the role which uncle sam has been doing for so many years i.e of being the police of the world , you have your enemies in your neighborhood ( japan , india , vietnam ) but usa has always kept its surroudings clean .
I don't know what make you happy? see around you, There are also many enemies, You are not good than chinese.
At least, around china, we have pak, and NK, what do you have?
And we don't have the NATO-kind support, So what, we don't care, now we don't want to confront with USA face to face, China are not sstupid like some country, we know our mighty, now, we just want to protect ourself, of coure, now no country have the gut to attack china, Do indian ha?
If we continue to develop, and one day surpass USA, in that time, we know what we should and can do. If you have the the power, You wil have the follower, Do 150 YEARS AGO, British follow USA?
And as you logic, you don't have the allies, So you can surpass USA? Or you choose to follow USA, to be a dog? I just follwe you logic.
Star√ation;2505662 said:
Of course, there is no leader in the world gonna say that.
The article is about economy, I guess the editor's idea was "China to rule the world" in economic term.
Our Chinese friend beijingwalker was easily got his heart thumping to think it generally about Chinese as rulers like Roman rulers or Mongolian rulers.
This article is from western, and the title is original, the poster had said these, and i don't find chinese said we like to be the ruler, just see the comments, all you such kind od china hater post the ridiculous comments, want to slap chinese, first slap the western writer, but i think you ---- don't have the gut to do this. And about the issue, it doesn't matter with you, just go back to sleep, ok. You have your show time to make human fun.
Tienanmen square seriously ? mate One of the biggest tragedies in the century are the forceful occupation of Iraq on the pretext of fake WMD & the horrendous destruction of Afghanistan . it will be an insult to the millions of innocent lives lost in Iraq & Afghanistan at the hands of the worst warmongers on the face this planet known as the U.S to compare it with a western media propaganda called the Tienanmen square incident
Indian don't believe chinese information sourse and western sourse, they just believe the negative news about china. Or even a good news they will distort it, and find any point to mock and attack chinese, does i get it? Friend, CCP tell me this, haha. Thank CCP for you rule.
Look, what I have already said in my previous post, you are still supplied engines for your aircrafts as you can’t copy it, because cloning Russian aircrafts isn’t enough for China, while its Russia who transferred production line of SU27s to China. And, Im talking about even F35/ JSF and its superiorities since 2002 but still it is in development, you will face real tough time if you don’t keep getting help from Russia in this J20 program also. And I find total greatness of Chinese naval power is their first ever aircraft career, Ukrainian owed SU’s, which you could refit. Chinese arms are still needed in 3rd world countries only as there is a limit of copying……..

China is super power because this is what in need by India and Russia. What I said, 200 J10s aren’t enough for survival, and things aren’t like 1962 when India just got freedom and Indian army was sent to fight with PT shoes on mountains. Just encourage Chinese army to do similar misadventure in Arunanchal Pradesh, 146 SU30MKIs are itself enough to bomb Sanghai and Beijing back to stone age:tup:. At the same time, there is a difference between father and son and your father of every military arm, you copied till now, is already sitting on your top, in north. :agree:

i'm going to be as nice as possible.

if 1 Su-30 MKIs can make it to Sichuan without being shot down, never mind Beijing or Shanghai, I'll be immensely impressed.

The J-20 went 20 times more flight tests than the PAK-FA, so I'll let you guess progress on that project yourself.

Just a little reminder on how far behind India is: China's 1st nuclear sub: 1971. India's 1st nuclear sub: incomplete as of 2012.
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