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Kevin Rudd says China to rule the world

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I guess all i can say is kevin rudd is an ignorant person.
and for my chinese counterparts, i think we all know that's not gonna happen at least not for another century. Trust me when I say this, i m not even being creative.
I guess all i can say is kevin rudd is an ignorant person.
and for my chinese counterparts, i think we all know that's not gonna happen at least not for another century. Trust me when I say this, i m not even being creative.

That is not what Rudd meant, i think you have major comprehension problems, what he meant is China will be a major economic force in the future, this is inevitable as it restructures it economy and empowers hundreds of millions more consumers in the coming decades, but other power centers will rise around the world, Saudi Arabia and the middle east is getting more and more independent from America policies and getting very ambitious, Turkey is getting very ambitious, Russia is in revival mode, India, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, South Africa etc will be powerhouses in their own rights in the future, it is American influence that is decreasing, slowly but surely, this is inevitable, the world is heading towards multipolarity, that is what he meant, 10 years ago America spend more on their military than the next 20 countries combined, today it's about 10, in 2020 it will be 5, not only American military advantage is decreasing in spending but other countries have develop counterweight that could hurt them immensely, it's economic advantages have diminished as well, it's inevitable, and just as countries are finding cheaper alternatives to ensure their own national security, America has bankrupted itself on 2 losing wars, and a gross irresponsibility in it's status as the world reserve holder and it's abuse of power as world policeman, the share of reserve holdings in dollars will decrease as well, as other countries hold more reserves of other currencies, these are inevitable trends, nothing America can do to reverse it. They sure as hell cannot reverse it by militarily attacking Iran for example, it will just speed up their collapse and turn a slow graceful decline into their worst nightmare. China is not going to rule the world this century, America sure as hell cannot either.
And if America tries to stop this trend instead of balancing the rise of other nations, they will never again be trusted to wield so much responsibilities in the world, when you abuse your power sooner or later it comes back to bite you hard and it already did.
Look, what I have already said in my previous post, you are still supplied engines for your aircrafts as you can’t copy it, because cloning Russian aircrafts isn’t enough for China, while its Russia who transferred production line of SU27s to China. And, Im talking about even F35/ JSF and its superiorities since 2002 but still it is in development, you will face real tough time if you don’t keep getting help from Russia in this J20 program also. And I find total greatness of Chinese naval power is their first ever aircraft career, Ukrainian owed SU’s, which you could refit. Chinese arms are still needed in 3rd world countries only as there is a limit of copying……..

China is super power because this is what in need by India and Russia. What I said, 200 J10s aren’t enough for survival, and things aren’t like 1962 when India just got freedom and Indian army was sent to fight with PT shoes on mountains. Just encourage Chinese army to do similar misadventure in Arunanchal Pradesh, 146 SU30MKIs are itself enough to bomb Sanghai and Beijing back to stone age:tup:. At the same time, there is a difference between father and son and your father of every military arm, you copied till now, is already sitting on your top, in north. :agree:
LOL......... it's not 2005 anymore. All of China's new fighter jet use indigenous Chinese turbofan engines (see photo below), which are superior to the AL-31F in T/W and reliability! AL-31F are no longer installed on new fighter jets; they are only for replacing old parts on old airframes.


China doesn't want anything to do with your PAKFA program. That thing is just a spiced up Su-35. Look the underside..... so stealthy :lol: F-35 is not a true 5 generation because it's not supermaneuverable. Only F-22 and J-20 are true 5th generation.


Varyag was just a frame when we got it. Now we've upgraded it with indigenous Chinese equipment and it is far superior to the Admiral Kuznetsov. Does the Kuznetsov have a steam catapult? No. But see the rear launch zone in the photo below. Varyag has a steam catapult, and it can launch naval AEW aircraft (similar to USA Hawkeye)!


Please don't make me laugh about MKI. Do you know how old the electronics are on that thing? 1970's Soviet era. :lol: The MKI is heavy, dumb and slow. Not only can our 4.5 generation J-10 shoot it out of the sky, even Pakistan's JF-17 can handle it no problem!

I have lived in Australia for more than 10 years and Chinese are just considered as threats for common Western people, it just that that can’t organise hate crimes against Chinese as Chinese origins are good number in Australia. During all the social meeting, at least one time we talk about how Chinese origins keep circulating different papers written in Chinese language among Chinese origins on the streets of Sydney city (have you lived in Sydney?). Did you see a very popular movie in Australia, “Tomorrow, When the War Began?” which was released last year, with claims that soon Chinese communist will kill and capture whole Australia? They consider China very wrong who had put North Korea on front to keep transferring nuclear and missiles to 3rd world countries. and in fact all the Australians journalists hate North Korea and are threaten to say the same for China as they know big countries like India, Russia or China can’t be fought. Have a look on even India – US friendship, it is just to make sure India will keep China within limits in future, which US itself cant do. Friendship between West and India is based on their hate with China only, and they only want to put India to keep China down, the only reason why US is selling its best arms like P8I and Transport aircrafts etc. and Dalai Lama is also given full assurance by West that, as he is treated like a Lord in India, the country where Buddhism was originated, he will get Tibet freed in his time and Russia has also taken promise from India, not to attack China in behalf of West until ‘right time’ come.

Indian journalists are involved in organising a war against China in behalf of West, to make Tibet free, and the time may be close when India will claim that as China has attacked, (similar to 1971, and like recent publicity that China may attack on India), India will then have to respond and China will face a tough response from US on East at the same time and then Indian army will finally free Tibet. China is just on the mercy of Russia right now who has kept India with it, somehow/ someway, and they don’t want India to help either West or Dalai Lama. China will only have to fight with US/ West in future, it is just India whether it want to free Tibet or not, write down somewhere.

You obviously haven't lived in Australia or been to Australia because everything you said in this post and all your other ones are crap and is just pure nonsense.

It's just filled with trolling nonsense and it's clear you are a previously banned member who has come back with a new account to troll.

You are just spamming this thread with ridiculous nonsense that isn't even respondable because it's just wrong and out there.

Why haven't the mods dealt with this troll yet?
Friendship between West and India is based on their hate with China only, and they only want to put India to keep China down, the only reason why US is selling its best arms like P8I and Transport aircrafts etc. and Dalai Lama is also given full assurance by West that, as he is treated like a Lord in India, the country where Buddhism was originated, he will get Tibet freed in his time and Russia has also taken promise from India, not to attack China in behalf of West until ‘right time’ come.

Indian journalists are involved in organising a war against China in behalf of West, to make Tibet free, and the time may be close when India will claim that as China has attacked, (similar to 1971, and like recent publicity that China may attack on India), India will then have to respond and China will face a tough response from US on East at the same time and then Indian army will finally free Tibet. China is just on the mercy of Russia right now who has kept India with it, somehow/ someway, and they don’t want India to help either West or Dalai Lama. China will only have to fight with US/ West in future, it is just India whether it want to free Tibet or not, write down somewhere.
Yes, india obviously has a plan to grab Tibet while China is fighting against USA and its allies. What you unfortunately forgot is that China is a nuclear power with 3000 nuclear warheads, while india has 0 thermonuclear weapons and 0 reliable modern ballistic missiles.

When india tries to make its sneaky move on Tibet, it will give China the perfect excuse to launch our DF-25 at the hindi belt and liquidate all you indian clowns. Forget about Dalai and your free Tibet dreams, if there is anybody left in the hindi-speaking belt afterward, they will be hunted down one-by-one by combined Pakistan and PLA ground forces.

That is not what Rudd meant, i think you have major comprehension problems, what he meant is China will be a major economic force in the future, this is inevitable as it restructures it economy and empowers hundreds of millions more consumers in the coming decades, but other power centers will rise around the world, Saudi Arabia and the middle east is getting more and more independent from America policies and getting very ambitious, Turkey is getting very ambitious, Russia is in revival mode, India, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, South Africa etc will be powerhouses in their own rights in the future, it is American influence that is decreasing, slowly but surely, this is inevitable, the world is heading towards multipolarity, that is what he meant, 10 years ago America spend more on their military than the next 20 countries combined, today it's about 10, in 2020 it will be 5, not only American military advantage is decreasing in spending but other countries have develop counterweight that could hurt them immensely, it's economic advantages have diminished as well, it's inevitable, and just as countries are finding cheaper alternatives to ensure their own national security, America has bankrupted itself on 2 losing wars, and a gross irresponsibility in it's status as the world reserve holder and it's abuse of power as world policeman, the share of reserve holdings in dollars will decrease as well, as other countries hold more reserves of other currencies, these are inevitable trends, nothing America can do to reverse it. They sure as hell cannot reverse it by militarily attacking Iran for example, it will just speed up their collapse and turn a slow graceful decline into their worst nightmare. China is not going to rule the world this century, America sure as hell cannot either.
you are right about this whole globalization thing. America is declining and facing a lot of issues domestically and globally. i guess you can say those two wars are failures for americans since you re not american. You don't believe in what we valued. the iraqis and afghanistans are definitely better off now. just imagine what would happen if the chinese renminbi replaced the dollar now, genius.
After Australia allowed US to open military bases in Darwin, Mr Kevin Rudd continue to allow China to open military bases on the clouds. He flatter the Chinese to fly on the clouds. L-MAO(ism)
You obviously haven't lived in Australia or been to Australia because everything you said in this post and all your other ones are crap and is just pure nonsense.

It's just filled with trolling nonsense and it's clear you are a previously banned member who has come back with a new account to troll.

You are just spamming this thread with ridiculous nonsense that isn't even respondable because it's just wrong and out there.

Why haven't the mods dealt with this troll yet?

except you, every senior menber of this forum knows from where Im coming, and, yes I was banned during 26/11 2008.

if you don't understand what I said about Chinese in Australia then it simply means your flag is wrong. if I dont know Australia then Ms Gillard is not citizen of Australia :lol:, ask my one good friend, Asim.

Just watch this online AUstralian movie, "Tomorrow When the War Began", we saw this movie during social meeting, you will find how Australia look on China. :)
After Australia allowed US to open military bases in Darwin, Mr Kevin Rudd continue to allow China to open military bases on the clouds. He flatter the Chinese to fly on the clouds. L-MAO(ism)

Madam, I tell you about Australians, they are simply cowards. They want to put whole world against China but they are always threatened with China. I have seen dramas during even $20bn Chinese investment in BHP during 2008, ……. They simply won’t accept China to buy their resources and see China as their threat. They are just trying hard to unite whole world against China, like how India was offered to join Japan-Australia-India in Asia but they refused. Australia is involved in uniting whole world against China but they don’t want China to direct over Australia.
those two look like they are going to a funeral when admitting this fact.Kevin Rudd was very unfriendly towards China when serving the prime minister of Australia,he brought the bilateral relationship to a bottom low point.
They used to call him a pro China PM.

@beijingwalker hopefully you are using a VPN :unsure:
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Madam, I tell you about Australians, they are simply cowards. They want to put whole world against China but they are always threatened with China. I have seen dramas during even $20bn Chinese investment in BHP during 2008, ……. They simply won’t accept China to buy their resources and see China as their threat. They are just trying hard to unite whole world against China, like how India was offered to join Japan-Australia-India in Asia but they refused. Australia is involved in uniting whole world against China but they don’t want China to direct over Australia.

Yes, I agree with you, except for "madam".
And world will see at least 30 countries will come from the country called China... [/url]

more than 30 countries will come from the country called India and some of them will join China,China is very homogenous and over 92% of the population are Han Chinese,we speak the same language and share the same culture,but case in India is very different,it's the hotbed for seperetionism.do you not already have numerous anti government troops fighting India on daily basis,and one of the biggest carried PRC's founding father Mao's name.we will help them to finish their job.
China doesn't want anything to do with your PAKFA program. That thing is just a spiced up Su-35. Look the underside..... so stealthy :lol: F-35 is not a true 5 generation because it's not supermaneuverable. Only F-22 and J-20 are true 5th generation.

Please don't make me laugh about MKI. Do you know how old the electronics are on that thing? 1970's Soviet era. :lol: The MKI is heavy, dumb and slow. Not only can our 4.5 generation J-10 shoot it out of the sky, even Pakistan's JF-17 can handle it no problem!
You dragged too many of your enemies into one single post:lol:
Ok, I got it. Only China's are superior, U.S's and Russia's are always inferior and fall behind China for centuries :lol:

Oh, BTW, I wonder whether you are working for Mr.Kim Jong Un's Propaganda Ministry:woot:
Kevin Rudd is pro China, however he has his limitations

Australia has no independent foreign policy. It follows what US says. US is anti China, so is Australia
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