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Kerala, terror's own country, says NIA

Engine out completely!:D

Terrorism mathramalla political akramangalum kolapathakavum koodiyitund .

Kazhija divasam ivide 2 perk vet kitti in RSS-DYFI sankarsham . Kannur onnu othungi varuvarunnu anneram ella kazhuverikalum ivide thekkum parupadi thudangi .
He is not a Hindu ... he is one of our alien minority community ...

We will not spare both these 25% and 20% ...

We would not allow them to destroy our motherland ... We will take them down with us...

:omghaha: started again?? What about your girl friend, she also included in that 20% :P
Keralites don't care one bit because most of these fukrs go to other states and do their dirty work. Incompetent Kerala police will wake up when they see bomb blasts inside their state.

Its not the incompetency of the Kerala police.. Rather some political parties actively supporting this groups.. The first warning was when PDF attacked sabrimala devotees on December 6.. There was strong rumour that PDP got training at that time from CPM camp in Kannor. Then incidents like bus burning, Maradu riots and chopping the hand of a professor happened.. Even though arrests were made, political parties did not allowed police to investigate further because they do not want to upset the vote banks..
But one wonder why would they resort to something like this???? There should be some reason for people to get involved in such extreme thoughts..... They have one of the best living standards they can get in subcontinent.....

Active involvement of money!! It is stated that quotation groups are used for terrorists actions by giving them money and also lot of people going to Middle Eastern countries.. Its easy to brain wash a mind with lots of money and religion.. We may have best living standard by consider to what they see abroad we are nothing.. Money comes easily for these kind of activities..
Its not the incompetency of the Kerala police.. Rather some political parties actively supporting this groups.. The first warning was when PDF attacked sabrimala devotees on December 6.. There was strong rumour that PDP got training at that time from CPM camp in Kannor. Then incidents like bus burning, Maradu riots and chopping the hand of a professor happened.. Even though arrests were made, political parties did not allowed police to investigate further because they do not want to upset the vote banks..

I agree it is votebank. But things will change if they conduct bombblasts inside the state like they do outside. People and the government don't care as much now because it looks more like criminal activity than terrorism.
Active involvement of money!! It is stated that quotation groups are used for terrorists actions by giving them money and also lot of people going to Middle Eastern countries.. Its easy to brain wash a mind with lots of money and religion.. We may have best living standard by consider to what they see abroad we are nothing.. Money comes easily for these kind of activities..

what makes interesting is they decide literally everything happens in kerala (thanks to ummachan gang and their majority)..... I in middle east every friday people should make donations and these donations are used for funding terrorist activities....Havala and kuzhal panam is another issue.... No one has any clue on how to control this flow of money to the state
Government or some entity wants to club Kerala with problem areas like Kashmir where J1hadi attitude has taken over. this is because, with a 28-30% Sunni Muslim population, Kerala is not experiencing the Terrorism that is seen in North India. may be, they should study the differences of Malawari Muslims from those Urdu speaking Hanafis in rest of India. even though extremist religionists are poisoning them, Malayali ethnic identity is still there.

however, there is truth about the terrorism thing in Kerala. the case of hand chopping in central Kerala hints that 100% pure version of Sunni Islam has entered Kerala officially. everywhere hoardings of preachers with Arabi-like names wearing Arabi dress can be seen. they are, mostly part of Salafists and such groups who's hearts bleeds for Saudia and Palestine more than their own Malabar.

in Kerala, Hindu terrorist groups(RSS and Co) are also into weapon amassing may be as a backup(first line of defence?) against any Terrorist attack. chaddis are seen training kids and young men on temple grounds as well as doing march past in towns.

a BJP leader K Surendran is rumored to be responsible for planning tensions between hindus and muslims in northernmost district Kasaragode.

lady leader of Hindu Aikya Vedi - Sasikala teacher who travels extensively all over Kerala visiting Temples where Sanghparivar organizes meetings mostly to spread Hindutva agenda . all motivating average Hindus to go against Muslims and even Christians as per the north Indian militant Hindutva agenda.
Sangh is really working hard.


Try to be the cheap regionalist now?

At last the cat is out of the bag; secularists want to keep India divided.

BTW Hindutva means being Hindu according to their community. Many of my gurkha brothers are die-hard Hindus. Does that make them non-Indian? I am a conservative Buddhist; does that make me anything non-Indian?

But being a die-hard Islamist is not the same case.

There is nothing north-Indian or south or east or west or NE Indian.

It is only one: nationalism and against treacherous secularist ideology that has kept India divided in the name of religion, caste, region, language etc.
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Terrorism mathramalla political akramangalum kolapathakavum koodiyitund .

Kazhija divasam ivide 2 perk vet kitti in RSS-DYFI sankarsham . Kannur onnu othungi varuvarunnu anneram ella kazhuverikalum ivide thekkum parupadi thudangi .

I think it'll be much better if we stick to english in here.
People tend to equate "terrorism" in kerala to the one's we see in J&K. Our's is certainly different. We are kinda a passive state IMO,providing support for the terror activities.
I do not side with Christians or Muslims or Hindus JFYI. regarding Christians, I will google and find you some faults with them as well :) if that is the case!..

https://www.google.co.in/search?q=+site:haindavakeralam.com+kerala+christians will make all happy ?

How convenient.

Why not elucidate these incidents as vibrantly as you like to paste 'chaddis' and call Hindus as terrorists?

You live in their majority country and you hate them.

How lowly, man.

I think it'll be much better if we stick to english in here.
People tend to equate "terrorism" in kerala to the one's we see in J&K. Our's is certainly different. We are kinda a passive state IMO,providing support for the terror activities.

And that is acceptable to you?

jehadi attacks is jehadi attacks whether north, south, east, west or northeast.

Let's face it; we are having a problem and a single source of problem.

The more we deny, the more this problem will increase.
Don't go by looks... It could be deceiving. There is a reason to believe that some foul play is being played between the investigating agencies. It's beyond anyone's imagination as to why NIA is averse to sharing the confessional statement of 26/11 terror accused David Headley with CBI for its probe into the Ishrat Jahan encounter case? Afterall there is also a written letter by the legal attache of the US embassy endorsing the claim that Lashkar-e-Toiba operative David Headley had spoken about Ishrat having been a suicide bomber.

Either all that confessions they obtained during Headley interrogation is completely wrong or they are correct. You can not be selective about those as per your convenience...

Headley being Lashkar or anyone is coverup.What if I said he works for Black ops of the US govt.
How convenient.

Why not elucidate these incidents as vibrantly as you like to paste 'chaddis' and call Hindus as terrorists?

You live in their majority country and you hate them.

How lowly, man.

And that is acceptable to you?

jehadi attacks is jehadi attacks whether north, south, east, west or northeast.

Let's face it; we are having a problem and a single source of problem.

The more we deny, the more this problem will increase.

Who told thats acceptable to me????:hitwall::pissed:

The rats needs to be crushed without mercy,active or passive ,north or south.:taz::devil:
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