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Kerala, terror's own country, says NIA

Our newspapers and channels are more busy with solar scam , Oommen Chandy and Saritha :smitten:

They are more interested to report what comes out of the mouth of P.C.George rather than discuss matters of national importance which eventually will bring a bad name to our state .
Therefore, the public of Kerala can't be blamed for not knowing the threat lying right below their noses!
Terror breeds under congress rule. & the states where terrorists are taken care off, congress wants to declare them as martyrs..

CBI to say Ishrat Jehan was "innocent college girl" in next chargesheet

CBI to say Ishrat Jehan was "innocent college girl" in next chargesheet Video: NDTV.com

I would urge that you do not participate in some mass orgy of naming someone a terrorist or not. Leave that to the courts. Real people see their lives destroyed , families uprooted and wrecked in the process. If she was a terrorist, let the courts pronounce it and punish those concerned. But do not spread such judgements when you are in no way involved in it. A similar allegation was made against scientists in the DRDO with the BJP govt in Karnataka flamboyantly descending and arresting them with front page news. Many members including @Marxist were jumping up and down declaring it a victory as they were 'interrogated' and tortured. Eventually when the CBI was brought in they realized the whole thing was cooked up. And what was the big crime of these men? That they were here to make weapons in defence of the nation- and this is the reward they get? What if it was ABdul Kalam who had been picked up? These poor basterds have nowhere to go, DRDO won't reinstate them and no private corporation will hire them.

Leave this to the courts instead of passing judgements. do not add to your sins through ignorant support.
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I would urge that you do not participate in some mass orgy of naming someone a terrorist or not. Leave that to the courts. Real people see their lives destroyed , families uprooted and wrecked in the process. If she was a terrorist, let the courts pronounce it and punish those concerned. But do not spread such judgements when you are in no way involved in it. A similar allegation was made against scientists in the DRDO with the BJP govt in Karnataka flamboyantly descending and arresting them with front page news. Many members including @Marxist were jumping up and down declaring it a victory as they were 'interrogated' and tortured. Eventually when the CBI was brought in they realized the whole thing was cooked up. And what was the big crime of these men? That they were here to make weapons in defence of the nation- and this is the reward they get? What if it was ABdul Kalam who had been picked up? These poor basterds have nowhere to go, DRDO won't reinstate them and no private corporation will hire them.

Leave this to the courts instead of passing judgements. do not add to your sins through ignorant support.

CBI ??? it was NIA ....nothing wrong in Karnataka police's action ,they arrested 15 and 11 are still accused in that Terror plot case ,And a central agency failed to find evidence it's not BJP's or Karnataka police's fault
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CBI ??? it was NIA ....yes i am happy about strict action by Karnataka police ,they arrested 15 and 11 are still accused in that case ...

So, it's ok to prosecute people even if they are innocent?

CBI ??? it was NIA ....yes i am happy about strict action by Karnataka police ,they arrested 15 and 11 are still accused in that case ...

So, it's ok to prosecute people even if they are innocent?
I would urge that you do not participate in some mass orgy of naming someone a terrorist or not. Leave that to the courts. Real people see their lives destroyed , families uprooted and wrecked in the process. If she was a terrorist, let the courts pronounce it and punish those concerned. But do not spread such judgements when you are in no way involved in it. A similar allegation was made against scientists in the DRDO with the BJP govt in Karnataka flamboyantly descending and arresting them with front page news. Many members including @Marxist were jumping up and down declaring it a victory as they were 'interrogated' and tortured. Eventually when the CBI was brought in they realized the whole thing was cooked up. And what was the big crime of these men? That they were here to make weapons in defence of the nation- and this is the reward they get? What if it was ABdul Kalam who had been picked up? These poor basterds have nowhere to go, DRDO won't reinstate them and no private corporation will hire them.

Leave this to the courts instead of passing judgements. do not add to your sins through ignorant support.

wow... look who is talking? Since when did you start giving due respect to the courts in finding out whether someone is guilty of the crime or not? @Guynextdoor2 you need to shut your trap & stop being a preacher. Do I have to remind you the amount of crap posts you have made about certain someone being guilty of mass murder, without waiting for the courts to judge whether he is guilty or not?
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wow... look who is talking? Since when did you start giving due respect to the courts in finding out whether someone is guilty of the crime or not? @Guynextdoor2 you need to shut your trap & stop being a preacher. Do I have to remind you the amount of crap posts you have made about certain someone being guilty of mass murder, without waiting for the courts to judge whether he is guilty or not?

I make a disctinction between people who have the power to subvert the system and those that don't. I fight the big guy with power and stand up for the little guy. You defend the guy with power and pick on guys who can't. (especially for @Marxist)
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I make a disctinction between people who have the power to subvert the system and those that don't. I fight the big guy with power and stand up for the little guy. You defend the guy with power and pick on guys who can't. (especially for @Marxist)

Shut the hell up man. You are no one to fight for anyone. I'm pretty much conversant with your samaritanism... & know which way you hang! You are not going to impress me with your big guy / little guy crap!
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Shut the hell up man. You are no one to fight for anyone. I'm pretty much conversant with your samaritanism... & know which way you hang! You are not going to impress me with your big guy / little guy crap!

it is the TRUTH. ANy investigative rport that talks about how Babu Bajrangi ripped babies out of the wombs of women during the riots and how he was in touch with Amit Shah is rubbished by you. Sanjeev Bhatt comes and makes a confession that he was in the meeting where Modi talked about retaliation and how the police should not interfere- you ignore that. But a scientist is picked up and victimized- you have nothingg to say. There is no 'impressing'- it's the truth.

You are supporting a terrorist who has the power to subvert the system. That is what terrorism is designed to do.

You are not standing up for the little guy. you are standing up for the terrorist with a gun and a bomb strapped to his back and looking to Kill that little guy (an Indian). You are no hero, but a terrorist sympathizer trying to hide behind a technicality. That Ishrat Jahan was a terrorist is well known, but to claim that she is a defenseless little guy is just too much.

Again...why did you respond to my posts?
There has been no proof of any of the allegation made by you. None of those people are in jail nor has the govt. of India been able to prove any of those allegation. Yet you are keen to hold that up as proof of guilt.

But you have a double standard when it comes to a terrorist like Ishrat Jahan. You are keen to proclaim her as the innocent little guy.

I am responding to your post because this form is meant for such exchanges and I disagree with you views. I should think that much is pretty obvious.

it is the TRUTH. ANy investigative rport that talks about how Babu Bajrangi ripped babies out of the wombs of women during the riots and how he was in touch with Amit Shah is rubbished by you. Sanjeev Bhatt comes and makes a confession that he was in the meeting where Modi talked about retaliation and how the police should not interfere- you ignore that. But a scientist is picked up and victimized- you have nothingg to say. There is no 'impressing'- it's the truth.

Now.. that's more like you & at your familiar turf. Stop this preaching thing & trying to portray yourself as someone who really cares about all the ills happening in India & you are a lone man fighting for the cause. Stick to your day job... which is bashing Modi & the rest connected to him!
Now.. that's more like you & at your familiar turf. Stop this preaching thing & trying to portray yourself as someone who really cares about all the ills happening in India & you are a lone man fighting for the cause. Stick to what your day job... which is bashing Modi & the rest connected to him!

Oh your logic keeps getting infalliable every day.

I thought he came across as a terrorist sympathizer attempting to obfuscate their evil. He did not mention Modi anytime.

I have already told you not to attempt intelligent analysis of anything
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