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Kerala Corner

൦ ൧ ൨ ൩ ൪ ൫ ൬ ൭ ൮ ൯
may have used character set in ms office or windows(in malayalam section). seems like Malayalam digits to me.

Yup they are malayalam but they dont make a word... so was trying to figure out what word he was trying to write
Blooddyyy mallusssss :D :D enthokke undu visheshangal??
^^ippozhahe onam.... ravile eneechu.... veettukare kurachu help.....pinne kurachu tv kanum... kazhinjal 2 small adikkam.... bakshanam.... tv kanal... purathu karanguka.... rathri veendum adikkuka ... uranguka....
Hi. I am a mallu myself. Was born in Malapurram district in kerala, later moved to New Zealand =) I have been reading this thread for quite a while and there were some comments on the district itself and the 'Muslim problem.' ( I don't want to start a religious flame war here, not my intention).

Since I come from that part of the region, I thought I would add some details that would add some nuance to the whole discussion.
There was a report done on the BBC, where 50% of the Men from this district go to the gulf countries. Most of them Muslims. A significant proportion come back, with the more austere version of Islam in the Middle-East internalised with them. They insist their women cover up and all that.

But I want to state something that can be a little controversial. I think the biggest victims of wahhabism or radical islamisation are not Hindus, or Christians. Rather, they are Muslim women. In Malapurram especially, young Muslim girls, frequently aged 16 are yanked out from High school, and made to marry. The husband then usually leaves for the Gulf, only to return once every two years for two months or so. Mental depression among Muslim women in the district is disproportionately high, education levels are low compared to other groups.

it is known as the 'gulf syndrome.' I believe the most effective way to combat radicalisation within the Muslim community is to educate their women, through secondary and tertiary levels. Even though Kerala claims to be a 99% literate state, female participation in the tertiary level, and in the workplace is low. This is even more so for Muslim women.

That is why I disagree with some of the people here, Muslim women lose the most in terms of having their own dreams, individuality and career prospects if their men gets radicalised. Steps must be taken to implement this

Concentrating on Muslim women have also the benefit of raising a future muslim population that seeks academic achievement. There was a U.N. report that stated that the number one way to combat poverty and population growth is through Female education and empowerment.

I think however, measures like this would be met with disgust by conservative muslims and indifference from politically correct media or politicians. I just wanted to post this as some members advocates Hindutva as a reaction. I think that's wrong too.

I am not saying that Islam is evil. Chrisitianity in the 1500's was resistant to change. India as a whole, is abysmal when it comes to female rights. We must rectify that.

I hope I didn't offend anyone =)
the biggest sufferers of all religions are indeed Women. who doubts?

Look at Hinduism, Women suffer under it and Sati was once enforced in India. even today, Women are not seen equal and I can go on.
In Christianity also Women are indirectly asked to cover under Veil. few centuries back, Christian Europe were barbarians and we can expect how their women suffered. in India, Christian situation is much similar to Hindus the way women are treated.

in the case of Muslims, their women are confined to the house and it is much more rigid. however, our society is not like middle east, we don't go by religion(Hindus,Christians) fully and even government supports women empowerment. even their are Muslim families who does not even wear a veil and many westernized ones also.
I've even heard, Muslims believe women does not have Rooh or Spirit that will go to heaven. they are subordinate or slave class.

Regarding Muslims in our state or anywhere, education cannot change rigid religious values injected on to them. it is completely wrong. if their book says earth is suspended by pillars, it must be true for a muslim ph.d scholar. even you will find 100 carore website justifying earth being oval is wrong and it is indeed suspended under pillars.
so, what to expect with Muslim women? when you aspire to follow your religion 100%, the more you will be going back to medieval Arabia. that is expected by others. but not by common Muslims. they respect those who are into religious enforcement.

since Islam cannot be modernized or their scripts or hadees cannot be corrected, I don't think Islam or Muslims will ever change these rules including women confined to homes covered all around or J!had against Non-Muslim world. only Secularism and Western Liberal values ingrained to younger generation may help.
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