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Kemalism is dead, but not Ataturk

What is with you and labelling people? you label some allahists, some conservative etc etc.

And for your information, there is a limit between joke and mud throwing. You are intentionally throwing mud at religious people by calling them "Allahists" whereas a joke would be a completely different thing. And i believe you are aware of the fact that religous people are sensitive about their beliefs. They expect a certain amount of respect, i don't know if you have ever acted acording to respects in your life. But in forums like these there are certain lines you should not cross.

I promise to never joke about anything related to religion in this forum, unless I'm provoked. I did not mean to derail the thread. Irony is something people can't read. Sorry about that if that offended you.

On 7 September 1980, Evren and the four service commanders decided that they would overthrow the civilian government. On September 12, the National Security Council (Turkish: Milli Güvenlik Kurulu, MGK), headed by Evren declared coup d'état on the national channel. The MGK then extended martial law throughout the country, abolished the Parliament and the government, suspended the Constitution and banned all political parties and trade unions. They invoked the Kemalist tradition of state secularism and in the unity of the nation, which had already justified the precedent coups, and presented themselves as opposed to communism, fascism, separatism and religious sectarianism. Sourche: Wikipedia

As you can see all Parties where banned, Not only CHP...

Does it make sense to you, that a allegedly so called Kemalist coup would result in banning the Kemalist party? And if so do you also think that those people must have smoked some mad weed in order to do so? It makes no sense at all.

I am an AKP voter who labels himself as Kemalist..These 2 things are not contradictive, at least thats what i believe

The sad truth is some people think that everyone who's voting for the AKP is anti-secular or anti-Atatürk, which is not true.
You have to admit that they're doing some really good stuff. What I can't stand is that people in here for example act like: look the CHP is getting less and less votes, Kemalists/secularist are becoming extinct.

People also seem to forget that Erdogan made a decision and allied himself with the west again, he's not the islamic-hero people all over in the islamic world seem to believe. He promoted secualrism in the Middle East, he decided to have the US/NATO rocket shield on our soil and yes he has the best relations with the USA we ever had. Seems like there is at least a bit secularism/Kemalism in Erdogan.
I made a joke, but as always I forgot that conservative people don't understand jokes.

Kafirist sounds cool, would make a awesome username.

Nice comeback.

Looks more like you are a joke.
Kemal Ataturk was a great leader. Every islamic country needs someone like him now.
Ataturk and Islamic can't be used in the same sentence.

A turk nationalist, Arabs had Nasser and Saddam, nasserism was something combined nationalism, islam, and africanism.
What is africanism?!
naserism islamic?!!

the whole of turkey today is built on kemalist values.you take away kemalism and you are left with nothing but a defeated pa-islamist state under European imperialism. The early ottmans were sucessful because they ruled secularly the later corupt ottomas used appoint state clergy to sanction their rule in the name of reigion and upholders of islam..sort of same trick used by Al Sauds of today.
I doubt that. Source?
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