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Kemalism is dead, but not Ataturk

When Ataturk took over Turkey, religious bigotry was rife. He made several reforms which eliminated bigotry and bought everyone back on track for an industrialized and prosperous Turkey.

the whole of turkey today is built on kemalist values.you take away kemalism and you are left with nothing but a defeated pa-islamist state under European imperialism. The early ottmans were sucessful because they ruled secularly the later corupt ottomas used appoint state clergy to sanction their rule in the name of reigion and upholders of islam..sort of same trick used by Al Sauds of today.
Kemalists I have ever seen their worst attitudes, egos, dramas, and pride europeans lifestyles.
the whole of turkey today is standing on kemalit values.you take away kemalism and you are left with nothing but a defeated ottoman state under european imperialism

But we should not forget the nation backed Kamal. For me "Ataturk" is a mixture of a wise man and a wise nation. To be honest I am sure every nation has a wise nationalist!!!
Why not compare Kemalism with Ottomans?

No, Kemalists were not Ottomans populations. Both of them are differences. I respect Turkey but their attitudes and egos amazed me and some of them hate Ottomans empires historically.

Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, gazete muhabirinin sorularını Adana’dan Ankara’ya giderken uçakta yanıtladı. Erdoğan, "Bölgenin lideri olmayı mı hedefliyorsunuz?" sorusuna, "Biz sistematik bir değişimi yönetmek ya da lideri olmak gibi bir pozisyonda değiliz ama bazı insanlar bizim eylemlerimizden esinlenmiş olabilir. Türkiye din devleti değildir, işleyen bir parlamenter cumhuriyettir. Biz İslam ve demokrasinin bir arada yaşayabileceğini gösterdik" karşılığını verdi.
a very strange moment! for the first time you wrote something meaningful and I agree with you!!!

Well he does write a lot of positive stuff around, man. :)

TBH he's damn right. Other than you Turks, look at the entire Islamic world. While Turkey matured into a liberal+culturally proud country with equal balance to both, the rest of the Islamic world is on the other end of the spectrum. I'd say only CAR states apart from Turkey are most mature to handle civil matters as civil and not religious. Rest could seriously do with a Mustafa Kemal.

I've read about the man now and then. You must be proud of him for he's the reason for what Turkey is today:

Strong, independent, proud and ambitious. :)
Ey zahit şaraba eyle ihtiram
İnsan ol cihanda bu dünya fani
Ehliye helâldır , naehle haram
Biz içeriz bize yoktur vebali.

Sevap almak için içeriz şarap
İçmezsek oluruz düçar-ı azap
Senin aklın ermez bu başka hesap
Meyhanede bulduk biz bu kemali.

Kandil geceleri kandil oluruz
Kandilin içinde fitil oluruz
Hakkı göstermeye delil oluruz
Fakat kör olanlar görmez bu hali.

Sen münkirsin sana haramdır bade
Bekle ki içesin öbür dünyada
Bahs açma Harab-i bundan ziyade
Çünkü bilmez haram ile helali.
excellent words by erdoğan.

"Biz sistematik bir değişimi yönetmek ya da lideri olmak gibi bir pozisyonda değiliz ama bazı insanlar bizim eylemlerimizden esinlenmiş olabilir. Türkiye din devleti değildir, işleyen bir parlamenter cumhuriyettir. Biz İslam ve demokrasinin bir arada yaşayabileceğini gösterdik"
You must be proud of him for he's the reason for what Turkey is today
Thats where you fail. He is not the reason for what Turkey is today. Ottoman Turkey,unlike many other muslim-majority countries,didnt fall into the hands of colonial powers. It was divided and destroyed but the institutions was right there. Ottoman Turkey had a long history of parliamentarism. When the first parliament established Mustafa Kemal was not even a vitamin in orange. Its the institutions who make nations progressive not a personality cult.

Then why do you guys blindly support Mustafa Kemal?(not talking about my compatriots but foreigners,especially Indians)

The answer is: Because Kemal was a militant laicist and he fought against everything represents and even evokes Islam.

Finally,i can say that Kemal is the founder of our republic. So he may stay as a respectable person but only if his supporters leave him in the past. Because Kemal's ideology and his positivist thinking is over. We(the majority) dont want that kind of mentality anymore.:coffee:
Can you prove that the majority does not want his so called ideology anymore?

People are dumb and would vote a donkey if they have more money in their pockets at the end of the day. The year the economy goes down, so will the AKP. This has absolutley nothing to do with "Atatürks ideology" many people who are supporters of Atatürk vote for the AKP, because they're doing at least something good. Prove your statements, I won't even comment on the stuff you posted before because like everything in here it would turn into a nuclear meltdown.
Can you prove that the majority does not want his so called ideology anymore?

People are dumb and would vote a donkey if they have more money in their pockets at the end of the day. The year the economy goes down, so will the AKP. This has absolutley nothing to do with "Atatürks ideology" many people who are supporters of Atatürk vote for the AKP, because they're doing at least something good. Prove your statements, I won't even comment on the stuff you posted before because like everything in here it would turn into a nuclear meltdown.

Well, Since the CHP is no longer in power...
Can you prove that the majority does not want his so called ideology anymore?

People are dumb and would vote a donkey if they have more money in their pockets at the end of the day. The year the economy goes down, so will the AKP. This has absolutley nothing to do with "Atatürks ideology" many people who are supporters of Atatürk vote for the AKP, because they're doing at least something good. Prove your statements, I won't even comment on the stuff you posted before because like everything in here it would turn into a nuclear meltdown.

You are totally right..DP leader Adnan Menderes famously said, 'Even if we nominated a piece of wood, people would vote for it.'
CHP doesnt represent Kemalism..Our some Turkish forumers dont understand the situation unfortunately..Some think that, banning headscarfs from education is the effect of Kemalism which is wrong..

To be more precise;

Atatürk's principles can be summed up in six fundamentals:
The Kemalist reforms represent a political revolution; a change from the multinational Ottoman Empire to the establishment of the nation state of Turkey and the realization of national identity of modern Turkey. Kemalism only recognizes a Republican regime for Turkey. Kemalism believes that it is only the republican regime which can best represent the wishes of the people.
The Kemalist revolution was also a social revolution in term of its content and goals. This was a revolution led by an elite with an orientation towards the people in general. The Kemalist reforms brought about a revolutionary change in the status of women through the adoption of Western codes of law in Turkey, in particular the Swiss Civil Code.

Moreover, women received the right to vote in 1934. Atatürk stated on a number of occasions that the true rulers of Turkey were the peasants. This was actually a goal rather than a reality in Turkey. In fact, in the official explanation given to the principle of populism it was stated that Kemalism was against class privileges and class distinctions and it recognized no individual, no family, no class and no organization as being above others. Kemalist ideology was, in fact, based on supreme value of Turkish citizenship. A sense of pride associated with this citizenship would give the needed psychological spur to the people to make them work harder and to achieve a sense of unity and national identity.
Kemalist secularism did not merely mean separation of state and religion, but also the separation of religion from educational, cultural and legal affairs. It meant independence of thought and independence of institutions from the dominance of religious thinking and religious institutions. Thus, the Kemalist revolution was also a secularist revolution. Many Kemalist reforms were made to bring about secularism, and others were realized because secularism had been achieved.

The Kemalist principle of secularism did not advocate atheism. It was not an anti-God principle. It was a rationalist, anti-clerical secularism. The Kemalist principle of secularism was not against an enlightened Islam, but against an Islam which was opposed to modernization.
One of the most important principles that Atatürk formulated was the principle of reformism or revolutionism. This principle meant that Turkey made reforms and that the country replaced traditional institutions with modern institutions. It meant that traditional concepts were eliminated and modern concepts were adopted. The principle of reformism went beyond the recognition of the reforms which were made.
The Kemalist revolution was also a nationalist revolution. Kemalist nationalism was not racist. It was meant to preserve the independence of the Republic of Turkey and also to help the Republic's political development. It was a nationalism which respected the right to independence of all other nations. It was a nationalism with a social content. It was not only anti-imperialist, but it was also against the rule of a dynasty or of any particular social class over Turkish society. Kemalist nationalism believes in the principle that the Turkish state is an indivisible whole comprising its territory and people.
Kemal Atatürk made clear in his statements and policies that Turkey's complete modernization was very much dependent on economic and technological development. The principle of statism was interpreted to mean that the state was to regulate the country's general economic activity and the state was to engage in areas where private enterprise was not willing to do so, or where private enterprise had proved to be inadequate, or if national interest required it. In the application of the principle of statism, however, the state emerged not only as the principle source of economic activity but also as the owner of the major industries of the country.

I am not saying we should stick to these principles to the eternity, for example, Statism principle is almost dead by privatization..But He is the guy you should respect..Thanks to him The State is ruled by positivism not superstition
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