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Keel laying ceremony of 2nd ship of Type 054 A/P held at Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard

don't worry. 054AP will be delivered to the PN accordance with the contract schedule.

we don't even worry about 003, 075 and 055.
its not about your ships you promise us to deliver on 2021 but look at the ship now it not become ready in late 2022, i thinks it is delayed due to CONVID-19 pandemic
its not about your ships you promise us to deliver on 2021 but look at the ship now it not become ready in late 2022, i thinks it is delayed due to CONVID-19 pandemic
as long as we are willing. we can build 10+ type 054AP in one year.

you know. Even the China Coast Guard Shipyard(wenchong). It also has the ability to build 054A
as long as we are willing. we can build 10+ type 054AP in one year.

you know. Even the China Coast Guard Shipyard(wenchong). It also has the ability to build 054A
In emergency yes (threatening/ war situation), but in routine days it will be uneconomical even for China
In emergency yes (threatening/ war situation), but in routine days it will be uneconomical even for China
In wartime production (Full production. the whole country's industry is concentrated in the military sector), economic factors are not considered. :-)
In emergency yes (threatening/ war situation), but in routine days it will be uneconomical even for China
In peacetime. This is China's production capacity. same time build 10 DDG (052D / 052DL), 3 LHD (075), 8 cruiser (055), 1 aircraft carrier (003) in one year


Its a multi role Frigate not a Destroyer bro, Destroyers are bigger/heavier than Frigates which means they have more weapons than Frigates

Ok we are going off topic please stick to the topic and you're right you can make 1000 Tpye 54A frigate in a year now happy:angel:

i missed out a lot on this deal. what are pakistan specs on this one?
I am just in reality you're living in your fantasy world, building a naval ships is not easy things its complex projects, its takes times to fabricate and installed so many components and install electronics RADAR/Avionics/ECM/EECM/ESM/EW/wepaons systems etc etc, its takes time

You are ruining a thread with your stubbornness
Update on Pakistan Navy

The Hull of very first Type-54AP Frigate of Pakistan Navy.

Picture Credits: Loongnaval

EastPendulum by sharing this picture quoted construction is slower as compared to building Chinese own of same class frigates.
in China,there is very little news about 054A. not even much news on 052D / 052DL. Almost all naval news is discussing 003, 075 and 055.

About 054AP or 071E or other export warships. most sources are Weibo, WeChat or some personal media. no official confirmation. we can only speculate based on China's industrial capacity.

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