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Kazakhstan protests

Anyways, there is now information which points to a power struggle between existing President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev and Former President Nazarbayev. Tokayev has successfully taken control of the government and has dismissed Nazarbayev and his men from the country's Security Council. Apparently he had Russian backing.

The X President Nazarbayev had always put hurdles to economic integration with Russia and Central Asian states, and also Chinese BRI. He had played Western cards by inviting Western agencies. He is now out of the door and things will settle down very, very quickly.

I say good outcome as the whole region including Pakistan are heading towards formation of EU like block, and Russia and China are removing all hurdles before US has the chance to do anything.

so basically Russia has invaded Kazakhstan on the pretext of restoring order. And its a Russian colony again. Well they have had 30 years of independence, I hope they have enjoyed it and its back the the Russian empire again. One thing is sure and that is that most Kazakhs will want their independence again and Russian troops out and they will fight a low level insurgency to get the Russian out. And they will be armed but he west. So for the the enact 20 years I expect an afghan style insurgency if my assessment is correct.
Oh and I forgot to mention once the insurgency against Russia starts, Russia will annex all territories where any ethnic Russian has ever lived. And all the gas and oil producing parts of the courtly.

And when its over in 20 years, Russia will wish it never invaded. Just like in Afghanistan. This will be the perfect opportunity to the US to bleed Russia, economically and on the battlefield.
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Lol, neoliberal are not they type son people that would kill any Chinese because they are Chinese.
right-wingers on the other hand will.

Obviously the billionaires in their ivory towers aren't doing the killing. It is the constant, incessant, daily propaganda created to generate hatred that is creating the conditions for murder from right wingers to ghetto trash.
I'm not holding my breath... Tokayev is Nazarbayev's right hand in all this. And he invited Putin to kill protestors.
Obviously the billionaires in their ivory towers aren't doing the killing. It is the constant, incessant, daily propaganda created to generate hatred that is creating the conditions for murder from right wingers to ghetto trash.

I think you fail to understand that the neoliberals are the only reason Chinese are even allowed into western countries. If the righwingers had their say the Chinese exclusion act will still be in place.

The only media that would ever say a bad thing abut the Chinese is right wing media. trust me, if you are Chinese neoliberals are your friend. Rightwingers are definitely your enemy.
Ah yes the CIA convinced millions of citizens and thousands of soldiers to revolt. Man you people make the CIA look like it’s God or something.

Mind you this is the same CIA that failed to predict the fall of Kabul.

US almost involved in every unrest these years, and we saw some notorious NGO like Soro's Open Society Foundations running in Kazakhstan too, which highly involved in the Hongkong riot recently. I think it's fair to suspect the intervention of the US this time.

I'm from Taiwan. The US is also involved in the Sun flower event few years ago, it's almost a color revolution, the non-ruling party and it's supporters occupied our parliament and central administration building.
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This is a people's revolution not a CIA op. Get your facts right and stop spreading fake CCP narrative from your govt dept that pays you to be here.

Calm down, professional bleeding heart.
Kazakh police officers at work. Another bunch of terrorists go to jail. "Kazakhstan is easy target, she says. Time to change place, she says. Syria does not bring us money anymore, she says" - in their minds.

Swift action is very critical. The US had killed 6 of the protesters where no shooting and foreign meddling was involved. This is obviously an economic grievance hijacked by foreign intetests. Under therl regional security framework, Russia's action is legitimate and required. In fact, good to see that those frameworks are working. Makes one feel better about the SCO, which is designed to fight extremism, separatism and terrorism.
Would you care to show the thousands in jail and glorious human right violations by these russian sponsored Kazakh thugs you gloriously label as police. These are criminals in legal uniform.

Kazakh Protesters Demand Info On Aghadil’s Death In Custody, Seek Release Of Other Activists
February 26, 2020 15:15 GMT
People at the February 26 protest said there was no guarantee that other activists were safe in the detention center after what happened to Dulat Aghadil.

People at the February 26 protest said there was no guarantee that other activists were safe in the detention center after what happened to Dulat Aghadil.
NUR-SULTAN -- Dozens of protesters have gathered in front of a central detention center in the Kazakh capital to demand detailed information about the mysterious death of a prominent civil rights activist while in custody and immediate release of dozens of other activists detained before and during anti-government rallies over the last weekend.

People at the February 26 protest said there was no guarantee that activists and supporters of the banned Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan movement and unregistered Democratic Party of Kazakhstan, who were detained on February 21-22, are safe in the detention center after what happened to Dulat Aghadil.

Nur-Sultan city police said on February 25 that Aghadil died in the detention center hours after he was detained for failing to meet a court order to report to local police.

According to police, Aghadil was intoxicated at the time of his arrest late on February 24 and died of heart problems hours later.

Aghadil's relatives and colleagues insist that Aghadil did not drink alcohol due to his health problems and had never complained about his heart.

Also on February 26, dozens of protesters rallied in the Central Asian nation's largest city, Almaty, demanding "truth" about Aghadil's death.

In the central city of Qaraghandy, at least one local activist was detained by police on February 26 after a group of protesters rallied in the city center demanding justice for Aghadil.

The unrest follows a similar rally the previous day when a crowd gathered in front of the Interior Ministry in Nur-Sultan on February 25 demanding ministry officials give them detailed information about Aghadil' death.
After nobody came out of the building, the activists blocked a central street near the ministry, but were quickly dispersed by police and more than 20 demonstrators were detained.
Protesters Dragged Away By Kazakh Police After Activist's Death's Death

Protesters Dragged Away By Kazakh Police After Activist's Death
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On the same day in the cities of Almaty, Shymkent and Aqtobe, dozens rallied on that day, demanding dissolution of the government over the activist's death and the resignation of ex-President Nursultan Nazarbaev, who is now the life-time chairman of the Security Council and his daughter Darigha Nazarbaeva, who is the speaker of the parliament's upper chamber, Senate.

Kazakh Ombudswoman Elvira Azimova promised on February 25 to thoroughly investigate Aghadil's death.

"Because Aghadil was a civil rights activist, society has doubts [about his death]. All sides, including representatives of civil society must be allowed to take part in the investigation," Azimova said.

Meanwhile, campaigners told RFE/RL that at least six activists who intended to attend Aghadil's funeral, scheduled for February 27, were prevented from travelling to Nur-Sultan from the cities of Oskemen, Semei, and Shymkent.

Bakhytzhan Toreghozhina, the head of Almaty-based human rights foundation Ar.Rukh.Khaq (Dignity, Spirit, Truth), told RFE/RL on February 25 that official statements from Kazakh authorities were "often misleading."

"Surely, a thorough autopsy by independent experts is necessary to find the truth and exclude possible foul play," Toreghozhina said.

Aghadil was widely known for his civil rights activities. He was sentenced to several days in jail many times for taking part in unsanctioned rallies and resisting arrest. Since August last year, he had spent at least 60 days in jail.

In November, Aghadil made headlines after he escaped from jail just one day before his expected release. He later explained that he made the move "to protest my illegal arrest."

Radio Free Europe. Ha ha ha. Slightly worse than WION.
Lol what are you on about?
We can't deny that there's hardly any western democratic country that has collapsed in recent modern times compared to dictatorships who have been collapsing more frequently leading to crisis . The thing with democracy is that change is normal and even expected, so its not a big deal. Since state instituatons are strong/independent and the system is geared towards change and providing a smooth transition for change in government and leadership.

However dictatorships/dictators censure any talk of change of government and suppress any institutions who can challenge their absolute hold on power(as if they can live forever. Lol) Reason when there is an uprising or crisis which leads to collapse of the dictator/government /party it creates a power vacuum , since the country and its institutions were never prepared for this, hence the crisis. Look at China during the tianemen crisis, the regime almost collapsed as well, if they didn't use brutal force to massacre they would have collapsed or open the door for multi Party democracy.

Moreover richness can indeed help make the dictators more at ease or safer from uprising or crisis. However that in itself is not a guarantee as well. Since what happens when or if there is an economic crisis one day? After all no country can keep growing and enjoying wealth forever without ever encountering a sort of economic crisis at one point in time.
Same with political crisis, what happens when there is a political crisis ? Then even that wealth won't help the dictators much. Look at Lybia or even rich Gulf state like Bahrain, the regime there almost collapsed as well due to uprising(backed by Iran though) eventhough it was quashed with help of Saudis.
So you can see here that even wealth is not a guarantee.

Western countries all tried these forms of governments in this past centuries (one person dictatorships, monarchies , autocracy , fascism, one Party states etc) but they learned from those examples/crisis before arriving at the current more stable system they have today.
As Churchill said: "Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”
I agree with him on this one.

Colonial riches and colonial legacies keep the West stable. Once economy falters, they also face countless challenges. Only that, state security apparatuses are much stronger in the West than in the developing world.

But, as economic power shifts, chances of stability and instability shift, too.
Anyways, there is now information which points to a power struggle between existing President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev and Former President Nazarbayev. Tokayev has successfully taken control of the government and has dismissed Nazarbayev and his men from the country's Security Council. Apparently he had Russian backing.

The X President Nazarbayev had always put hurdles to economic integration with Russia and Central Asian states, and also Chinese BRI. He had played Western cards by inviting Western agencies. He is now out of the door and things will settle down very, very quickly.

I say good outcome as the whole region including Pakistan are heading towards formation of EU like block, and Russia and China are removing all hurdles before US has the chance to do anything.
So, it seems I was right from the getgo
Russia's action is legitimate and required. In fact, good to see that those frameworks are working. Makes one feel better about the SCO, which is designed to fight extremism, separatism and terrorism.

This Russia needed, Kazakhstan had an army of 100,00 soldiers. Why do they need Russians? To occupy the country of course and the Army will probably split and attack the Russians soon.
Not the fact that Russia invaded and still holds Chinese land to this day :D Siberia is technically Chinese
Exactly, that's why Beijing is making a fuzz about a tiny rock in the ocean, over thousands of square kilometres right north of the border.

It will look very weak if it will have to face anybody, but Japs, or SK
I think you fail to understand that the neoliberals are the only reason Chinese are even allowed into western countries. If the righwingers had their say the Chinese exclusion act will still be in place.

The only media that would ever say a bad thing abut the Chinese is right wing media. trust me, if you are Chinese neoliberals are your friend. Rightwingers are definitely your enemy.
No I understand the situation. I don’t see the right wing as friends. But I know who controls the media and government.
Anyways, there is now information which points to a power struggle between existing President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev and Former President Nazarbayev. Tokayev has successfully taken control of the government and has dismissed Nazarbayev and his men from the country's Security Council. Apparently he had Russian backing.

The X President Nazarbayev had always put hurdles to economic integration with Russia and Central Asian states, and also Chinese BRI. He had played Western cards by inviting Western agencies. He is now out of the door and things will settle down very, very quickly.

I say good outcome as the whole region including Pakistan are heading towards formation of EU like block, and Russia and China are removing all hurdles before US has the chance to do anything.
Hey if the new guy is looking for more regional cooperation, trade links
From our presepctive atleast- he is the good guy
Don't know about Kazacks though..
Kazakhstan is short of water resources, and 40% of their water resources come from China (Ili River and Ertis River), and Kazakhstan's economy depends on oil and gas exports, so Kazakhstan's domestic political disputes usually do not affect China's interests. The so-called Anti China faction Nazarbayev leased 74400 hectares of agricultural land to Chinese enterprises during his administration. This has made great contributions to China's food security.
They are a problem between the anti Russian faction and the pro Russian faction. Attempts to drag China into Kazakhstan's political struggle are dishonest.
During the USSR, the Soviet govt included Astana region into Kazakhstan. As a result, there are more Russians in Kazakhstan than Kazakhs. This is the cause of the de Russian movement in Kazakhstan.
I believe that the West provoked this unrest in order to alleviate the pressure on Ukraine. Russia has sufficient capacity to quickly solve the anti Russian forces. In the end, the unrest will give the pro Russian faction complete control of power.
so basically Russia has invaded Kazakhstan on the pretext of restoring order. And its a Russian colony again. Well they have had 30 years of independence, I hope they have enjoyed it and its back the the Russian empire again. One thing is sure and that is that most Kazakhs will want their independence again and Russian troops out and they will fight a low level insurgency to get the Russian out. And they will be armed but he west. So for the the enact 20 years I expect an afghan style insurgency if my assessment is correct.
Oh and I forgot to mention once the insurgency against Russia starts, Russia will annex all territories where any ethnic Russian has ever lived. And all the gas and oil producing parts of the courtly.

And when its over in 20 years, Russia will wish it never invaded. Just like in Afghanistan. This will be the perfect opportunity to the US to bleed Russia, economically and on the battlefield.

Well 25% of Kazak population is Russian. Kazakhstan was part of Soviet Union. So Russians invading Kazakh is better than CIA invading Kazakhstan. Anyways, CIA has been kicked out, and regional integration is happening very quickly. We will see an EU like block happening in the near future.
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