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Kashmiris observing Black Day against Indian invasion today

Ha Ha Ha. Smaller incident. As though you people will raise the voice in your country or in such forums & will accept all grave human right violation committed. Even internationally proven BD atrocities you don’t accept, many will just say its all false figures & all India’s propaganda. The west was closely allied with Pakistan during the BD liberation war.
If India gives figures it will always has to be fake. Anything against Pakistan anybody says from any country even if it’s not India it will be propaganda. Only what Pakistan says is truth.

You run around the world shouting Plebisite Plebisite. Why don’t you take the first step & do referendum in Azad Kashmir, POGB, Baluchistan & set an example. Put a condition to the international community, we will do referendum after which let India do the same, if all these people are not suppressed & killed brutally. The whole world knows your brutal atrocities, that’s reason nobody will bother to your broken record which you play continuously. If I am wrong show the guts & do a plebiscite in your occupied regions & prove the world how peaceful your country is & how brotherly you live.

Yeah Yeah right. I used to think for Muslim Pakistan their patriotism & pride is much above bowing down to a Hindu. One or two is agreeable. I can endlessly post thousands of people here. So many traitors from with in & outside. I am not even mentioning Sindhis, Mohajirs, Pasthuns or Balochis. I thought the spirit of Pakistan is far higher than selling or surrendering to India. Teach all these people, they should only surrender to Allah not to baniya Hindus.

Ask Murtaza who was beaten, tortured & killed brutally. I don’t want to post such atrocious videos because it shows brutality & bloody ISI barbarism.

This is pure propaganda and outrageous misuse of random events.

Ha Ha Ha. Smaller incident. As though every common man will raise their voice in Pakistan & such forums & will accept all grave human right violation committed. Even internationally proven BD atrocities you don’t accept, many will just say its all false figures & all India’s propaganda even though international media has confirmed it. The west was closely allied with Pakistan during the BD liberation war.

If India gives figures it will always be fake. Anything against Pakistan anybody says from any country even if it’s not India, it will be propaganda. Only what Pakistan says is truth even if there is concrete proof.

You run around the world shouting Plebiscite Plebiscite. Why don’t you take the first step & do referendum in Azad Kashmir, POGB, Baluchistan & set an example. Put a condition to the international community, we will do referendum first & set an example of our peaceful governance, after which let India do the same, if you are not doing Human right violation & killing innocent people & journalists brutally. The whole world knows about your brutal atrocities, that’s reason nobody bother to your broken record which you play continuously. If I am wrong show the guts & do a plebiscite in your occupied regions & prove the world how peaceful your country is & how brotherly you live & how peaceful Pakistanis are.

First video is of a random guy living in Belgium.

Second video is of a NSF 'assembly', a Marxist pro-independance political party, they enjoy no support - you can that by the size of the assembly; in Azad Kashmir and GB you are free to protest whatever you want without getting pellets shot into your eyes. We have never claimed 100% of Kashmir is pro-Pakistan, there is a very tine minority that wishes for autonomy or independence, they are yet to win over any district in an election yet.

Third video is a guy speaking Punjabi claiming to be from Kashmir. He has bullshit written all over him. I am a Kashmiri Muhajir, my grandparents were from Jammu before being forced out by the Dogra regime. I and my family live a pretty good life, compared to my relatives that are in IoK. There are millions of Kashmiri descent people living in Punjab now. Pakistan's richest city, Sialkot, is Kashmiri Muhajir majority. Our previous president, Nawaz Sharif, is a Kashmiri muhajir. You cannot say Kashmiri Muhajirs are oppressed.
First video is of a random guy living in Belgium.

Second video is of a NSF 'assembly', a Marxist pro-independance political party, they enjoy no support - you can that by the size of the assembly; in Azad Kashmir and GB you are free to protest whatever you want without getting pellets shot into your eyes. We have never claimed 100% of Kashmir is pro-Pakistan, there is a very tine minority that wishes for autonomy or independence, they are yet to win over any district in an election yet.

Third video is a guy speaking Punjabi claiming to be from Kashmir. He has bullshit written all over him. I am a Kashmiri Muhajir, my grandparents were from Jammu before being forced out by the Dogra regime. I and my family live a pretty good life, compared to my relatives that are in IoK. There are millions of Kashmiri descent people living in Punjab now. Pakistan's richest city, Sialkot, is Kashmiri Muhajir majority. Our previous president, Nawaz Sharif, is a Kashmiri muhajir. You cannot say Kashmiri Muhajirs are oppressed.
After the Catalan independence, Indian occupied Kashmiris may get their independence from India.

Yes you are right. How many people

Haha, keep posting from the same channel.

In the first video, the Azad Kashmir prime minister said nothing against Pakistan; he is simply against Gilgit Baltistan being inducted as a province until the Kashmir dispute is solved. People of Gilgit Baltistan have been fighting for decades to be a province and they don't consider themselves as being a part of Kashmir nor the Kashmir dispute.

Second video is again of a random person that no one gives two shits about.

In the third video, I could only point out one or two people that looked like GBians, the rest were obviously Indians, same thing you guys did in "Baloch protests" :omghaha:
This is what real GB expats look like, not those foreign monkeys you showed in your video.

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Haha, keep posting from the same channel.

In the first video, the Azad Kashmir prime minister said nothing against Pakistan; he is simply against Gilgit Baltistan being inducted as a province until the Kashmir dispute is solved. People of Gilgit Baltistan have been fighting for decades to be a province and they don't consider themselves as being a part of Kashmir nor the Kashmir dispute.

Second video is again of a random person that no one gives two shits about.

In the third video, I could only point out one or two people that looked like GBians, the rest were obvious Indians, same thing you guys did in "Baloch protests" :omghaha:
Ignore the Indiots, they only talk nonsense.
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