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Kashmiris must be allowed to decide their future: Imran Khan

But do mind that every favour will be reciprocated wherever it matters. ;)

The subcontinent could have been freed from this if not for indian greed

A simple acceptance of partition and accepting that a muslim majority state like Kashmir wanted freedom from a hindu india and things could have been different
Why should we?? After all we don't seek anything from you. :azn:

The claim on GB and Azad Kashmir are merely kept to maintain some pressure and to be given away on a negotiations table down the road in future. :-)

Tell it to the kashmiris.
The subcontinent could have been freed from this if not for indian greed

A simple acceptance of partition and accepting that a muslim majority state like Kashmir wanted freedom from a hindu india and things could have been different

You may be a Muslim state but India is not Hindu alone Mr. The reason why we had a Hindu, Sikh, Muslim etc. as or P.M's and presidents throughout history is more than enough to prove the fact.

Regarding Kashmir, everything is fair in war and love. I guess we are already in a war for decades now. So who have the muscle will keep what they have. UNSC resolutions under Charter VI are a joke and non implementable. LOL :woot:
Learn to live with it else be ready to accept any favour returned. :-):-):-)

Kashmir is basically a extension of Northern Pakistan

They have nothing in common with the indians

Well keep. On repeating the same broken record. It ain't gonna change anything on ground. :-)
quoting a chinese member who made comment vis-a-vis xinjiang. if you love them sooo much, you can have all of them.
You may be a Muslim state but India is not Hindu alone

India is changing

The Kashmiris more then ever want out!!!

You to "them" are nothing more then a pope loving traitor

You and your community too will be looking for a solution to the reality that is emerging in india soon and voting for italian bhaji wont be enough
India is changing

The Kashmiris more then ever want out!!!

You to "them" are nothing more then a pope loving traitor

You and your community too will be looking for a solution to the reality that is emerging in india soon and voting for italian bhaji wont be enough

Forget about us. We are in a good if not better position compared to you. Look at your country as a whole and where it is heading. But, yes it's none of my business. I'm just a mute spectator like others w.r.t Pakistan. :-)

Kashmir Bannay ga Pakistan . Inshallah .

All the best, but make sure that Kashmir doesn't become Pakistan at the expense of Pakistan itself. LOL :lol::lol::lol:
Forget about us. We are in a good if not better position compared to you. Look at your country as a whole and where it is heading. But, yes it's none of my business. I'm just a mute spectator like others w.r.t Pakistan. :-)

Sticking your head in the sand might be ok for a rice bag convert (there term not mine)

But Kashmiris are not willing to take your path, all they want is to be part of their muslim northern Pakistani kin and family as one country

They are not willing to wait for india to go bat shit crazy and then lool for a way out
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