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Kashmiris must be allowed to decide their future: Imran Khan

Yes, you can. There are things that are true and things that aren't.

Well that is exactly the problem with some religions which have defined the "Truth" in such a narrow sense that people keep fighting on which is the right "Truth".:D

For Hindus and Hinduism this is not a problem at all as we accept everything and believe whatever we want to believe in.

Stop using this hippie-dippie nonsense logic.

You are calling Hindus and Hinduism as hippie-dippie nonsense logic.
For Hindus and Hinduism this is not a problem at all as we accept everything and believe whatever we want to believe in.

Why would you want to remain ignorant when the consequences could be severe?

You are calling Hindus and Hinduism as hippie-dippie nonsense logic.

I'm calling what YOU'RE saying hippie-dippie nonsense logic.
Why would you want to remain ignorant when the consequences could be severe?

Let me give you an analogy:

Followers of the religions are akin to the students in the schools.

They study hard to understand what is in their text book.
Once they understood the text book they claim that they have mastered the subject while being oblivious to the fact that there are other students in other schools who are following other text books that have different content apart from new discoveries being made by the scientists everyday that may have made the content that they studied obsolete.

On the other hand Hindus are akin to the scientists who have been discovering things over the ages that became contents in those text books. Yes scientists succeed sometimes and fail sometimes but their quest for discovery is unending. Hindus enjoy this freedom and accept the risk of taking this journey of self discovery. Each Hindu is challenged to discover truth for themselves.

If you ask a student what is his understanding level of the subject, the answer would be around 80-100% while if you ask the scientist the same, the answer would be less than 1%. So you calling Hindus ignorant does not surprise me at all.:D
OK imran Sir... Thank you for your concerns but better to focus on your business and do something for them and also please start referendum from GB and so called Azad Kashmir for best example.

So next time you would have something better chance to get notice in India.
Let me give you an analogy:

Followers of the religions are akin to the students in the schools.

They study hard to understand what is in their text book.
Once they understood the text book they claim that they have mastered the subject while being oblivious to the fact that there are other students in other schools who are following other text books that have different content apart from new discoveries being made by the scientists everyday that may have made the content that they studied obsolete.

On the other hand Hindus are akin to the scientists who have been discovering things over the ages that became contents in those text books. Yes scientists succeed sometimes and fail sometimes but their quest for discovery is unending. Hindus enjoy this freedom and accept the risk of taking this journey of self discovery. Each Hindu is challenged to discover truth for themselves.

If you ask a student what is his understanding level of the subject, the answer would be around 80-100% while if you ask the scientist the same, the answer would be less than 1%. So you calling Hindus ignorant does not surprise me at all.:D

That analogy is rather poor, relying on the assumption that all religions are valid. They aren't. Only one can be true.
That analogy is rather poor, relying on the assumption that all religions are valid. They aren't. Only one can be true.
All religions are the same in a secular democracies. That's why they function while religious states are failed
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