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Kashmiris must abandon illusions and embrace reality

Well Kashmir is not our illusion. It is yours. We have it with us and all the rivers flowing through Kashmir is Indian. And Indian army will stand up with its heads high on the Peaks of the mountains. So Kashmir is ours and emotions are yours.:whistle:

Indian army with heads high after killing Innocent Kashmiris

Human Rights Violations in Indian Held Kashmir

Recently, the International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice disclosed that 2,700 unmarked graves with nearly 3,000 bodies across 55 villages in three districts, Bandipore, Baramullah and Kupwara of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) have been discovered. Some of the mass graves contain 3 to 17 bodies.

The Tribunal claimed that the graves could be of those missing from custody of Indian troops. The report is based on research between November 2006 and November 2009 and has been authored by prominent human rights activists of India and occupied Kashmir.

Last year too, the group had found 1,000 unmarked graves in the Kashmir valley. Dr. Angana Chatterjee of the Tribunal said, “The graves might be containing the bodies of the 8,000 people who disappeared during 20 years of the armed conflict”. The history of atrocities in Indian held Kashmir is as old as the dispute itself. Similarly, the High Court Bar Association of Occupied Kashmir maintained that more than 100,000 Kashmiris had been killed by Indian troops in the last two decades, while 10,000 persons were disappeared in custody. Similarly, it said that more than 300,000 Kashmiri’s were tortured in jails and interrogation centers.

Ironically, human rights are violated on large scale in the so-called world’s largest democracy. To crush the Kashmiri Liberation movement, India has employed various techniques including black laws. Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act 1990 (TADA) and Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1990, (AFSPA) are enforced in Kashmir despite the fact that they contravenes the Indian Constitution and international law. These laws violate the basic human rights such as right to life, the right to liberty and security of the person and the right to remedy. The Armed Forces (Jammu & Kashmir) Special Powers enforced on 10 September, 1990 authorized even a non-commissioned officer to search any place, fire at any person (and kill), or arrest on the basis of suspicion. TADA gives security forces and armed forces special powers for unauthorized administrative detention without formal charges or trial for up to one year. Under POTA, any person can be put into prison for not disclosing the information that can prevent an act of terrorism.

The International humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International condemned these draconian laws. According to Amnesty International TADA gives a license to kill. Wide powers of arrest granted under TADA, combined with the absence of fundamental legal safeguards for detainees, create a climate, which encourages abuse of power and facilitates illegal and secret detention. AFSPA violates provisions of International human rights law, including the right to life, the right to remedy and the rights to be free from arbitrary deprivation of liberty and from torture and cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Amnesty International is of the view that the POTA continue to be used to detain political opponents and members of minority populations.

Currently, 700,000 Indian army troops are deployed in occupied Kashmir to crush the Kashmiri freedom movement. The Indian occupational forces have killed more than 91,168 innocent Kashmiris, 38,450 rendered disable or crippled for life and 30,000 women have been raped and molested. More than 105,238 hoses and shops have been destroyed and 106,755 have become orphaned in Jammu and Kashmir, since 1989. According to the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons 8,000 to 10,000 Kashmiris disappeared mysteriously in Indian Held Kashmir from 1989-2008 while the Asian Centre for Human Rights put the figure at six thousand. Up till July 2006 number of innocent Kashmiris in Indian custody accounted to 3,735.

The condition of Kashmiris detained in different jails of the occupied Kashmir is worse than that of those in Abu Gharib prison in Iraq. The interrogation methods and manners used in these jails are ghastly. Lord Eric Aveybury, Chairman, British Parliamentary Human Rights Group has described Indian atrocities as, “The atrocities committed by Indian imperialists in occupied Kashmir surpass brutalities of apartheid regime in South Africa or of Nazis 50 years ago”.

Arundhati Roy, a well respected Indian writer, while speaking in New York in May 2006, said: “The biggest myth of all times is that India is a democracy. In reality, it is not. Several states in India are on the verge of civil war…. In the Kashmir valley alone, some 80,000 people have been killed. In Iraq, there are 1, 50,000 military personnel whereas in Kashmir valley there are some 7, 00,000”.

Human rights organizations are routinely denied permission to investigate in a free manner. Media-men are being attacked and arrested. Humanitarian relief is limited as external agencies are not being allowed to provide medical assistance and other relief materials. Recently, the Amnesty International has requested President Barack Obama to help end human rights abuses in IHK. Even a five member European Tribunal recently expressed dissatisfaction about the prevailing human rights situation in IHK and urged India to improve this situation.

Many cases of human rights violation stem from abuse of power under repressive laws and police/army brutality unleashed against the Kashmiri people. They are taken into custody for acts that are legitimized by international human rights standards of free speech, freedom of association and assembly, and freedom of the press. The Indian government’s failure to account for these abuses and to take rigorous action against its forces responsible for murder, rape and torture speaks volumes of its fake posture of secular and democratic state. These atrocities are true reflection of its policy of condoning human rights violations by the Indian security forces in Kashmir that needs to be addressed, the sooner the better.
Indeed India will keep killing innocent Kashmirs forever and ever.

Indian army will keep on raping and filling mass gravs with bodies of innocent Kashmiris forever and ever.

Indian armymen will keep on killing each other and committing suicides in Occupied Kashmir out of guilt.

Jana, you are one good example of how bad journalism could be!!

Being a responsible journalist you should tell your fellow pakistanis the truth. You people are blinded by the hate you have against india.

Being a patriot doesn't mean that you simply support what your ignorant countrymen say.

Sometimes telling others the actual truth, ground realities and their ignorance is just as equal as patriotism.

I see you have posted about 14,000 posts. Had you spent that time in knowing the truth about kashmir, you would have served your country and the duties of a responsible journalist much better.
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Indeed India will keep killing innocent Kashmirs forever and ever.

Indian army will keep on raping and filling mass gravs with bodies of innocent Kashmiris forever and ever.

Indian armymen will keep on killing each other and committing suicides in Occupied Kashmir out of guilt.

Ya we will keep on doing what we feel like with our country and our ppl, & you can write what you want but kashmir will alsways remain with us, thats the truth & I know its bitter for you ppl.

Indian army with heads high after killing Innocent Kashmiris

Human Rights Violations in Indian Held Kashmir

Recently, the International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice disclosed that 2,700 unmarked graves with nearly 3,000 bodies across 55 villages in three districts, Bandipore, Baramullah and Kupwara of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) have been discovered. Some of the mass graves contain 3 to 17 bodies.

The Tribunal claimed that the graves could be of those missing from custody of Indian troops. The report is based on research between November 2006 and November 2009 and has been authored by prominent human rights activists of India and occupied Kashmir.

Last year too, the group had found 1,000 unmarked graves in the Kashmir valley. Dr. Angana Chatterjee of the Tribunal said, “The graves might be containing the bodies of the 8,000 people who disappeared during 20 years of the armed conflict”. The history of atrocities in Indian held Kashmir is as old as the dispute itself. Similarly, the High Court Bar Association of Occupied Kashmir maintained that more than 100,000 Kashmiris had been killed by Indian troops in the last two decades, while 10,000 persons were disappeared in custody. Similarly, it said that more than 300,000 Kashmiri’s were tortured in jails and interrogation centers.

Ironically, human rights are violated on large scale in the so-called world’s largest democracy. To crush the Kashmiri Liberation movement, India has employed various techniques including black laws. Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act 1990 (TADA) and Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1990, (AFSPA) are enforced in Kashmir despite the fact that they contravenes the Indian Constitution and international law. These laws violate the basic human rights such as right to life, the right to liberty and security of the person and the right to remedy. The Armed Forces (Jammu & Kashmir) Special Powers enforced on 10 September, 1990 authorized even a non-commissioned officer to search any place, fire at any person (and kill), or arrest on the basis of suspicion. TADA gives security forces and armed forces special powers for unauthorized administrative detention without formal charges or trial for up to one year. Under POTA, any person can be put into prison for not disclosing the information that can prevent an act of terrorism.

The International humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International condemned these draconian laws. According to Amnesty International TADA gives a license to kill. Wide powers of arrest granted under TADA, combined with the absence of fundamental legal safeguards for detainees, create a climate, which encourages abuse of power and facilitates illegal and secret detention. AFSPA violates provisions of International human rights law, including the right to life, the right to remedy and the rights to be free from arbitrary deprivation of liberty and from torture and cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Amnesty International is of the view that the POTA continue to be used to detain political opponents and members of minority populations.

Currently, 700,000 Indian army troops are deployed in occupied Kashmir to crush the Kashmiri freedom movement. The Indian occupational forces have killed more than 91,168 innocent Kashmiris, 38,450 rendered disable or crippled for life and 30,000 women have been raped and molested. More than 105,238 hoses and shops have been destroyed and 106,755 have become orphaned in Jammu and Kashmir, since 1989. According to the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons 8,000 to 10,000 Kashmiris disappeared mysteriously in Indian Held Kashmir from 1989-2008 while the Asian Centre for Human Rights put the figure at six thousand. Up till July 2006 number of innocent Kashmiris in Indian custody accounted to 3,735.

The condition of Kashmiris detained in different jails of the occupied Kashmir is worse than that of those in Abu Gharib prison in Iraq. The interrogation methods and manners used in these jails are ghastly. Lord Eric Aveybury, Chairman, British Parliamentary Human Rights Group has described Indian atrocities as, “The atrocities committed by Indian imperialists in occupied Kashmir surpass brutalities of apartheid regime in South Africa or of Nazis 50 years ago”.

Arundhati Roy, a well respected Indian writer, while speaking in New York in May 2006, said: “The biggest myth of all times is that India is a democracy. In reality, it is not. Several states in India are on the verge of civil war…. In the Kashmir valley alone, some 80,000 people have been killed. In Iraq, there are 1, 50,000 military personnel whereas in Kashmir valley there are some 7, 00,000”.

Human rights organizations are routinely denied permission to investigate in a free manner. Media-men are being attacked and arrested. Humanitarian relief is limited as external agencies are not being allowed to provide medical assistance and other relief materials. Recently, the Amnesty International has requested President Barack Obama to help end human rights abuses in IHK. Even a five member European Tribunal recently expressed dissatisfaction about the prevailing human rights situation in IHK and urged India to improve this situation.

Many cases of human rights violation stem from abuse of power under repressive laws and police/army brutality unleashed against the Kashmiri people. They are taken into custody for acts that are legitimized by international human rights standards of free speech, freedom of association and assembly, and freedom of the press. The Indian government’s failure to account for these abuses and to take rigorous action against its forces responsible for murder, rape and torture speaks volumes of its fake posture of secular and democratic state. These atrocities are true reflection of its policy of condoning human rights violations by the Indian security forces in Kashmir that needs to be addressed, the sooner the better.

Arundhathi Roy?...You quoting her to me?...So what?...Kashmir is still with us and you dont have the part that matters most. Indian Army is there not Pakistani Army. And where is the link to this article?


And I think you people arent far behind us. So lets call it a truce and head towards the topic.
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Arundhati roy is among those coward people who just like to present themselves as the well wisher of the society. They talk about human rights??
Does arundhati roy knows what is the situation our armed forces have to face in kashmir??
These types of comments by so called human right activists an be made 100s of kilometers out of line of fire in a fully air conditioned room in some foreign country to grab headlines.

First tell us about the human right of 80,000 army men killed by terrorists since 1980 and then talk about the hardship on kashmiris. There is just a matter of a second where a security personnel has to decide about firing a bullet on a terrorist or getting killed.

These kashmiris give shelter to terrorists in their home, most of the time out of fear. Do you people know that these terrorists rape the daughters of the person who give them shelter at gun point??
What about their human rights? See what is the real face of a so called mujahideen.

Don't post some crappy articles on hardship on kashmiris jana.
Anything written by moulana is not worth the paper is printed on. These backward mentality religious zealots are stanch enemies of Jinnah idealogy and independent secular islamic state as a whole. For them a state proclaimed as "secualar islamic" is outright heretic and doesnt deserve to exist. Either you live under hardcore forced "islamism" or be a part of infidel state for good.

In my opnion, no molana has credibility to speak on politics, and many such kashmir expert molanas are no doubt on state payroll to abuse religion for political shapings.

Paksitani Army Rapes Azad Kashmiri Women.

Even the Media isn't allowed to count how many are Raped.

If such was the case the Azad kashmiris would be revolting day and night against PA. I know such scenerios make for juicy themes in indian movies but reality is not such that.

Arundhati roy is among those coward people who just like to present themselves as the well wisher of the society. They talk about human rights??
Does arundhati roy knows what is the situation our armed forces have to face in kashmir??
These types of comments by so called human right activists an be made 100s of kilometers out of line of fire in a fully air conditioned room in some foreign country to grab headlines.

First tell us about the human right of 80,000 army men killed by terrorists since 1980 and then talk about the hardship on kashmiris. There is just a matter of a second where a security personnel has to decide about firing a bullet on a terrorist or getting killed.

These kashmiris give shelter to terrorists in their home, most of the time out of fear. Do you people know that these terrorists rape the daughters of the person who give them shelter at gun point??
What about their human rights? See what is the real face of a so called mujahideen.

Don't post some crappy articles on hardship on kashmiris jana.

All of this is straight out of bollywood BS. Watch less movies espeically propoganda ones..and stick to indian love stories :D :D I know there are many movies made around this theme but honestly do kashmiri people are wearing bangles that they would invite a bunch of terrorist to rape their women?
All of this is straight out of bollywood BS. Watch less movies espeically propoganda ones..and stick to indian love stories :D :D I know there are many movies made around this theme but honestly do kashmiri people are wearing bangles that they would invite a bunch of terrorist to rape their women?

Practically speaking, how do you expect to react when you are forced to do something against your wishes at gun point?
Let us analyse this situation, either you do that thing or your brain will be left opened for post-mortem. What else choices you have??
This is no movie plot that you will beat the hell out of terrorist equipped with automatic rifles like our famous sunny deol.:D:D
Indian army is there to protect the common man.... it is the terrorists from across the border training camps who are responsible for the violence and killling of people in Kashmir....

so stop those terrorists and stop those training camps if u wish for welfare of Kasmiri people.
Indeed India will keep killing innocent Kashmirs forever and ever.

Indian army will keep on raping and filling mass gravs with bodies of innocent Kashmiris forever and ever.

Indian armymen will keep on killing each other and committing suicides in Occupied Kashmir out of guilt.

Ma'm, with all due respect,I'll ask this once and once only;hoping that you are true to your profession...

1.Who killed Kashmiri pandits?
2.Who raped their daughters?
3.Who made them refugees in their own country?
4.Do they have even one pakistani speaking out for them; if yes what kind of reaction does it evoke in normal pakistani?

There are scribes and then there are scribes......Your answer will go a long way in explaining the difference....Over to you!
Arundhati roy is among those coward people who just like to present themselves as the well wisher of the society. They talk about human rights??
Does arundhati roy knows what is the situation our armed forces have to face in kashmir??
These types of comments by so called human right activists an be made 100s of kilometers out of line of fire in a fully air conditioned room in some foreign country to grab headlines.

First tell us about the human right of 80,000 army men killed by terrorists since 1980 and then talk about the hardship on kashmiris. There is just a matter of a second where a security personnel has to decide about firing a bullet on a terrorist or getting killed.

These kashmiris give shelter to terrorists in their home, most of the time out of fear. Do you people know that these terrorists rape the daughters of the person who give them shelter at gun point??
What about their human rights? See what is the real face of a so called mujahideen.

Don't post some crappy articles on hardship on kashmiris jana.

Excellent thats wat i always wanted to ask from these so called Human Rights oragnisations & activists:angry: - Whenever ne civilian being killed by forces in crossfire with terrorists thy make a hellout f it.But never heard a BS crap frm em when these terorists killed som1 either it newhr in kashmir or elsewhr in india.Let them pick up once,make thr standingsheep in the centre f gunbattle.:angry: n show dem a realitypic..... i bet they wnt say the word again human rights nemore rather start talking bout Human responsibilities:what: being written in constitution towards the Nations too.... as before human, Nation:sniper: comes 1st an d formost.:cheers:
Ermm, I would rather replace the word Kashmiris with Indians in the Title.

Kashmir is a disputed territory no matter how much you try to rationalize it and they don't want to be a part of the indian nation (can it be called a nation? anyway...), they never have and never will. 63 years of oppression haven't changed their views, what make you think they will change now?

Wake up indians and read the writing on the wall... Kashmir never was yours to begin with.


Srinagar: Less than half of residents of Kashmir favour independence as a solution to end unrest in the region and only two per cent of them want to join Pakistan if given an option, a survey said on Friday.

Conducted by British academic Robert Bradnock, the independent survey found that 44 percent of people in Pakistani occupied Kashmir favour independence, and 43 percent on the Indian side Kashmir.

United Nations resolutions soon after the partition of the sub-continent in 1947 called for a plebiscite to determine whether the region should belong to India or Pakistan, both of which claim Kashmir in full.

"These results support the already widespread view that the plebiscite options are likely to offer no solution to the dispute," said the survey, which was released by the London-based Chatham House think-tank.

Titled "Kashmir: Paths to Peace", it was a rare attempt to assess the opinions of people on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC) -- the de facto border that splits the region between the two rival nations.

"Any solution will depend on the Indian and Pakistani governments’ commitment to achieving a permanent settlement," Bradnock said.

The survey interviewed about 3,800 people to record their views on how they saw the future of Kashmir -- a scenic region that has been a constant source of tension between India and Pakistan.

In the Kashmir valley, which has been at the heart of a 20-year-old insurgency against Indian rule, between 74 percent and 95 percent respondents favoured independent Kashmir.

But in the Jammu region, support for independence dwindled to less than one percent.

Surprisingly, nearly 58% of those surveyed said the LOC could be accepted as a permanent border if it was made more flexible.

The survey found that the "overwhelming majority" of people wanted a solution to the dispute, even though there were no "simple fixes".

It also showed that only 20% of respondents said violence could be a solution to the issue while 40% felt it was a deterrent to peace.

Less than 50% Kashmiris want independence: Survey
98% Kashmiris do not want to join Pakistan | TwoCircles.net

Only 2% Kashmiris want to join Pak: Survey - National Issue | hindujagruti.org

Think 2wice before speaking anything offensive.
Do you think that the Kashmiris want to risk their future,by joining the already struggling Pakistan and its economy!!?
I would say it should be "Pakistan must abandon illusions and embrace reality".
I think simply put , Pakistan would not venture into Gujrat or New delhi and claim it ..

Our sentiments are only with Kashmir because that is destiny

We solve this and I sincerely doubt any Pakistani will lay claim on any other indian territory instead - our doors will be open to our indian friends , controling region with army would only lead to more chaos and pain and increase risks of nuclear war or accidental wars.

Infact I have never heard any Pakistani say they want any other place in India , the ideal solution is hand it over to UN for 30-40 years and forget about it , lets build environment for peace , while both countries have access to Kashmir , and focus on people in our states -

After that do a simple electroal process and get results

Hopefully in 30-40 years all war mongoers will have passed away leading a way for more pragmatic and rational generation to move forward

None of the world powers want peace for India /Pakistan they sell weapons to them worth billions .... its a money making machine

Otherwise cycle will endlessly continue untill point of no return

If you are that kind ,i have never seen Pakistan opposing the illegal control of China over Tibet?
Tibet also wants freedom,then being kind,you should support Tibet?
But you don't cuz you don't wanna go against China,which feeds you.

Its simple,
Its the grudge in the minds of Pakistani's that make them speak against India and pretend to be humanitarian.
KASHMIR IS NOT an allusion if it was then bhartis aka Indians would never needed to put thousands of Indian terrorist army personnel in occupied Kashmir to quell Kashmiri protests

Indian army is there also to retaliate against the PAKISTANI TERRORISTS,which are supported by ISI.
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