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Kashmiris must abandon illusions and embrace reality

Very good article Kashmir is part of India, we live happy in India, I want to tell my Kashmiri brothers accept the reality you never get that much freedom in Pakistan which you enjoying in India. 21 century for India we progress to gather I am proud to be an Indian

Joke of the day!!
Have u ever been there ??? How many news reports or independant researches have u seen???? Simply by throwing back our words u aint gonna prove yourself right.

LOL... that is part of our country I have never seen any Azad Kashmiri even calling himself kashmiri as a separate nation. Frankly ask any one from Azad Kashmir that where are you from? they will tell u we are from Pakistan, then u ask where in Pakistan they will tell u Kashmir.

Our part of kashmir is not free as India, they don't feel the love of Pakistan like Indian kashmiris who always find themselves being hugged by India in the name of their army!!

750,000. for God's Sake, we don't have that many soldiers even on all of our borders. Why you need so many soldiers in your so called ATUT ANG, maybe you people are too scared of being ashamed if you loosen your girp, your atut-ang would fly away!!

And was your government sleeping all these years, (63yrs) they were concerned enough to fight but not caring enough to give them their rights, that's all because all you interested in is that piece of Land!! Not their people, you need the land by hook or by crook.[/QUOTE]
Hi guys - new here - I hope to enjoy my stay here and hope to add as much as I can.

Now on topic!

Well you said it - as if you don't need that land - It is simple - Kashmir i.e. however you might wanna name it IOK or a separate state, etc. can not be let go due to its strategic importance and Pakistan wants it again for its strategic importance.

You think the you will create rucuss and India will hand over Kashmir to you but you are very wrong as the fate of 1 billion plus people or atleast half of India i.e. North India is tied to the fate of KASHMIR.

It is all about WATER and you think your government cares about the Kashmiris cos of ISLAMIC faith - you gotta be kidding me - by that assumption you should be fighting it out with the Palestineans too but do you? NO.

If we let go off Kashmir and give it to your state as you so claim it to be or make it a separate state as you say you want it to be - How do you suggest we sleep sound at night knowing that any moment the water to mostly all of North India can be cut off any moment?

So that is why I say Kashmir is important for it's location. As for other things I can argue that Kashmiri Pandits were in large numbers but they were killed and raped by you so called FREEDOM FIGHTERS - who the F*** will pay for that - not you right? its the poor Kashmiris that are facing the aftermath as India will never put its guard down in the valley after the massacre and knowing that so much is at stake. For the lives of a few hundred million we cannot trade the lives of half our country!

I may be blunt and rude but that is the reality and we all know Pakistan is not in a position to fight a war with India over Kashmir and even if you do there is little possibility of you guys winning! so I would say the only way forward is Dialogue "PROVIDED" your army or "non state actors" stop the insurgensies!


Just a welcoming thank u...Hope u ll be a "Vajra"yudha..:toast_sign:
Very good article Kashmir is part of India, we live happy in India, I want to tell my Kashmiri brothers accept the reality you never get that much freedom in Pakistan which you enjoying in India. 21 century for India we progress to gather I am proud to be an Indian

Do mean freedoms like the gujarat incident or the fact that muslims are the poorest minorities in india? Get a life man
Do mean freedoms like the gujarat incident or the fact that muslims are the poorest minorities in india? Get a life man

Try a dictionary to know more about what an Incident is and what a movement is...
Try a dictionary to know more about what an Incident is and what a movement is...

Try to tell your fellow countryman not to make stupid remarks like that. He said kashmiris will have more freedom in india compared to Pakistan, and I just pointed out a massacre an a fact that india isnt the land of the free that hes making it out to be
Do mean freedoms like the gujarat incident or the fact that muslims are the poorest minorities in india? Get a life man

You question Gujarat as if your country men are saints!

One incident in Gujarat and the Samjhauta express - WHAT ABOUT 50 years of INSURGENCY? any thoughts on that?

You are also quick to jump on the "poorest" card hmmm - you said it yourself "poorest minority" how about you also take a consensus on the "HINDU MAJORITY" which is as "POOR"

On the other hand you fail to consider the muslims at the top of their fields like the "3 Khans" oh sorry make that "4 Khans". You also fail to mention AR Rehman and AZAD sir!

So please before you start spewing - think about it a minute and look at the flip side!
You question Gujarat as if your country men are saints!

One incident in Gujarat and the Samjhauta express - WHAT ABOUT 50 years of INSURGENCY? any thoughts on that?

You are also quick to jump on the "poorest" card hmmm - you said it yourself "poorest minority" how about you also take a consensus on the "HINDU MAJORITY" which is as "POOR"

On the other hand you fail to consider the muslims at the top of their fields like the "3 Khans" oh sorry make that "4 Khans". You also fail to mention AR Rehman and AZAD sir!

So please before you start spewing - think about it a minute and look at the flip side!
They rely playing on religion card. Ignore such trolls who talk bullcrap on religion all the time. They have no answer when I asked them what radical Muslims did to us Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs of J&K in 1989 whenever they howl for Gujarat. Or even why their governmen has no guts to talk to Chinese when they quelled the riots in Uyighur (Muslim) region. No Answers.

BTW one of my cousin brother's name is your on-screen name: Vajra :).
KASHMIR IS NOT an allusion if it was then bhartis aka Indians would never needed to put thousands of Indian terrorist army personnel in occupied Kashmir to quell Kashmiri protests

Rightly said jana...

Kashmir to india is not at all an illusion.Pakistan refers to kashmiris but frankly saying kashmir for india is primarly kashmir and not kashmiris.India was/is/will not in a position to let go that teritory go.
pakistanis talk of 1000 cuts but deep in their heart each one of us know india would never let kashmir go even if there are 1000 wars,even if there are nuclear wars crores of population die on both sides.If we let that peice of land go then india will be black mailed on a daily basis.Kashmir is a strategic asset to which both india and pakistan wants to have control.
Do mean freedoms like the gujarat incident or the fact that muslims are the poorest minorities in india? Get a life man

Every body have their own oppurtinities.Majority of the poorest in india are the Tribals who are Hindus..They donot have access to Roads, schools, infrastructure.
Onthe other hand majority of the muslims living in india live in urban areas having access to schools, hospitals, jobs.
Now if a man earning 4000 wants to have 2-3 wifes 8-9 children, and then send them to madrassas instead of sending them to orthodox way of studtying in india.Majority of the muslims stay away from the main stream of india.They have to change their mindset.How can they compete if they are donot make themselves capable enof??

Arundhati Roy, a well respected Indian writer, while speaking in New York in May 2006, said: “The biggest myth of all times is that India is a democracy. In reality, it is not. Several states in India are on the verge of civil war…. In the Kashmir valley alone, some 80,000 people have been killed. In Iraq, there are 1, 50,000 military personnel whereas in Kashmir valley there are some 7, 00,000”.


Jana lemme tell u a first that "Arundathi darling" respected in india??ru talking about the same india which is to pakistan's east and Bangladesh's west??

2nd thing in india wont leave kashmir even if u add one more 0 to the extreme left WRT figures corresponding to kashmir.
For ex see this american pro gov they listen to america un virtually every thing,nuclear bill,nuclear liability bill,talks with pakistan virtually on every thing they respect american advice.Now even after pakistan's repeated request america is not willing to advice india on kashmir Y??simply bcoz india wont listen to them,infact india cares none WRT Kashmir
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