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Kashmiris manhandling Indian police in occupied Kashmir

So ????

Because of your logic police is beaten by protesters shows that they want freedom so same logic can also applied in Baluchistan :lol:

dude young one's don't start barking as soon as they are born. Balochistan issue is far far different than Kashmir or Khalistan. Baloch activly participate in each & every field of Pakistan, they follow Pakistani rules, plus those who were fighting were fighting for autonomous provence not for separation. & its a dead issue now, where as the Kashmir or Khalistan or Assam or Arunachal or Tamilnadu issue is different, they all are fighting from 61 years continiously to get freedom from India, especially Kashmiris, Khalistanis & Assamese.
If u think patriotism for the independent country is mere rhetorics then every indian would not have been singing vande mataram,or subhara kumari chauhan would not have written the the laxmibai poem during indian independence movement days.

But Kashmiris ain't chanting Vande Kashmiriyat but Bukha, Nanga Hindustan rhetoric. Their struggle originates from their hate for rest of Indians who are Hindus by majority. It's a bigoted demand, and completely contrary of our idea of India. And we will never let the very idea which created India to die.
only solution of handling kashmir is removal of article,let the locals to live there.
everything will be solved
But Kashmiris ain't chanting Vande Kashmiriyat but Bukha, Nanga Hindustan rhetoric. Their struggle originates from their hate for rest of Indians who are Hindus by majority. It's a bigoted demand, and completely contrary of our idea of India. And we will never let the very idea which created India to die.

i'll suggest u to read Kani Shahar'(Stoney City) by Bashir Athar
But Muslim League never participated in Freedom Struggle, did they. So didn't Hindu Mahasabha.

Funny you mentioned Bangladesh. Here is an example of freedom struggle. Bangladeshis didn't want a country only for Muslims rather fought against the tyranny that has been handed out to minorities by PA.
It were the UP and and bengali muslims who were on the forefront of pakistani movement rather than the west pakistans.
So? How does that related to Bangladesh freedom struggle?
A country which fought for separate homeland for muslims of subcontinent in the name of pakistan thats how its related.And for kashmir too it fought for first 20 years of its existence as pakistan.Kashmir is unfinished agenda for various opressed people of subcontinent which inspires people against the tyranny of the GOI to fight against it for freedom.
Kashmiris are not bound to follow the laws imposed on them bt delhi.coz kashmiris dont consider themselves as indians.Even gandhi defied british rule when india was part of british empire.
Gandhiji defied Britsh rule in non-violent means...additionally he fought for the independence of a nation for all and was against religious segregation. Those are our founding principles and thats what we are defending today... the very concept of segregating based on religion.
A country which fought for separate homeland for muslims of subcontinent in the name of pakistan thats how its related.And for kashmir too it fought for first 20 years of its existence as pakistan.Kashmir is unfinished agenda for various opressed people of subcontinent which inspires people against the tyranny of the GOI to fight against it for freedom.

Since this is the multimedia section, let me express my opinion in the form of a pic:

only solution of handling kashmir is removal of article,let the locals to live there.
everything will be solved
If u think u can win kashmir removing article 370 allowing indians to settle in kashmir there by changing demography of it,then u live in fool's paradise.There will be many kashmirs in india then from kerala to UP and Maharashtra to west bengal.
.Kashmir is unfinished agenda for various opressed people of subcontinent which inspires people against the tyranny of the GOI to fight against it for freedom.
Kashmir was a finished agenda until Pakistan started meddling in our internal affairs in 80s. We had a peaceful Kashmir until then. Pakistan is equally responsible for the situation in Kashmir as is India today.
Asim, 59% of Kahmiris participated in the state elections very recently. So your categorical claims are effectively punctured and baseless.
0% have participated in the UN administered plebiscite - till that happens I can say with confidence India is lying about the statistics.

If you so sure about your 59% conduct a plebiscite and prove me wrong. I'm 100% sure you will fail miserably. You will fail miserably even if India was allowed to give the other options a handicap. India is a detested entity that gets beaten up in Kashmir. That kick on the butt that Indian police officer got was a kick on the entity that India represents.

The kick echo's:

"Get out of our home!"
If u think u can win kashmir removing article 370 allowing indians to settle in kashmir there by changing demography of it,then u live in fool's paradise.

No, we believe that by removing article 370 we can extend people to people interaction with Kashmiris and further integrate them into Indian society
macho ki macho said:
Asim, 59% of Kahmiris participated in the state elections very recently. So your categorical claims are effectively punctured and baseless.
Actually its 59% of register pollers...which means if ten people registered 6 showed up to vote. Does not represents whole of Kashmir!

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