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Kashmiri student telling what happend in Meerut University

now that Pakistan has extended invitation.lets c if these students migrate their
I can't believe that I posted some comments (replies to the existing posts) on the indian news sites and the comments were to the point and clean but they are still not being displayed. This has happened to me quite few times before. They do not display any comments which they do not like??? any reasons
There are no "kashmiri freedom fighters", they were infilterators from Pakistan. People like asmatullah shaheen bhittani, omar khalid and mast gul fought in kashmir.

well going by that flawed logic I guess the likes of Shabir Shah, Maqbool Butt, Yasin Malik etc. were/are "infiltrators" too :laugh:

That's ok.. Some people in Pakistan are reliving the mistake of Afghan Strategic depth via the route of Kashmiri Monkey trap. Dont deny them that...:).. The same Mast Gul who was once cheered by these people as a commander of Kashmir freedom fight, is now slaughtering Pakistani security forces on the western border. More to come..

And meanwhile, tamil nationalism is on the rise in hindustan after years of exporting terrorism to Sri Lanka....cheers
well going by that flawed logic I guess the likes of Shabir Shah, Maqbool Butt, Yasin Malik etc. were/are "infiltrators" too :laugh:

And meanwhile, tamil nationalism is on the rise in hindustan after years of exporting terrorism to Sri Lanka....cheers
By "fighters" i meant the militants. But i guess huriat conferance leaders can also be termed as freedom fighters though in my opinion the correct term should be "huriat pasand"
This is great, this incident alone will cause a wedge between moderate Kashmir and india, this will be seen as a recruitment tool for the freedom fighters.
Now they are just troubled students, I wonder what they would become with the help of that "organization that cannot be named"!! God help those kids!! :(
They"ll end up being drone targets
The fastest help they can get is through an organization that cannot be named. I spoke to them and will call them again.

First all of those left behind have to get home!

Who's the guy in the avatar? I've seen quite a few Pakistani members with this guys pic.
These students should realize that they got the admission based on them being Indian citizen. If they do not consider themselves Indians they should have applied as foreigner. The issue with these people is they want to take all benefit from India and still spread hate against India. They have medieval teachings when they grow up. Kashmiris like these have confused identity, they are neither here nor their and does not have intellectual level to fix the situation. They will be at loss if they continue to behave as such. Unfortunately their parents are the one who choose this path for them.
If Kashmiri students do not like then get out. Go to Pakistan, if they have universities for free and study there.
my family moved back from kashmir ages back. but i know how army used to stare us. they still do

u move out you see 20 fking army men starring at you asking for identity. raids at home everyday. plz that sarthak ganguly also knows the truth, ask him too he is hiding what army does in kashmir
how would u feel if your son gets killed in fake encounter ?

indian muslims are safe. period
Don't blame Army. The situation was created by your parents by supporting terrorist. Any place where terrorist make safe haven this is bound to happen. The blame is on people who sheltered the terrorist. Today in many states in Pakistan similar or even worse situation exists when Army moved in to tackle militants. Only idiots blame it on Army.
Imo the police were over -reacting putting sedition charges on hardly adult students, freedom od expression sbouldnt be compromised.

The beating by the other students was the perfect remedy however, its college life, dumb asses get beat all the time.

UP is like the wild west anyways, nobody wudve cared about dumb schmucks getting their asses whooped, and they wudve learnt a lesson.
This thread is the reality of Indian inferiority and non-tolerance (hatred inside) of the utter defeat Big 3 India faced from Pakistan.
Let world know that due to Pakistanis .. Kashmiris having trouble every where.
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