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Kashmiri student telling what happend in Meerut University

@SarthakGanguly may correct me if I am wrong, but no matter whether Pakistan won or lost against India the Kashmri Pundits would receive stones and abuses while they were present in the valley. Why do no bleeding heart liberals ever talk about it? What are the Kashmiris complaining about? Do they think that this kind of behaviour will be acceptable everywhere? They are not playing on the home turf, they must start behaving. I think they mistook the Indian students in the campus for the KPs, old habits die hard.
In one word - True. :(
my family moved back from kashmir ages back. but i know how army used to stare us. they still do

u move out you see 20 fking army men starring at you asking for identity. raids at home everyday. plz that sarthak ganguly also knows the truth, ask him too he is hiding what army does in kashmir
how would u feel if your son gets killed in fake encounter ?

indian muslims are safe. period
@SarthakGanguly bhai,

is it true ? :o::o:
@SarthakGanguly bhai,

is it true ? :o::o:

Army does not - unless there is a serious case of hostage etc.

At one time that was true.

Now the CRPF does it. If our friend lives in South Srinagar, checks are routine, and justified (check the arms haul in local newspapers like Greater Kashmir). But they are done by JnK Police and at most the CRPF. The Army checks happen only on important dates.
But yes, I am hiding what the Army does in Kashmir. If they don't clear the roads regularly putting their lives at risk in the Winter, the valley would starve to death in a week. Plus there are earthquakes, festivals, tournaments... To know Kashmir - you need to step out of Srinagar. Delhi is not India and the Shahr is not Kashir.
Best explanation of Indian perspective of 'Two Nation Theory'

Had it not been for visionaries who saw the future just as portrayed by @amitkriit , Pakistan and India would have been united.

It was not Jinnah who decided to create a new country, he simply wanted Muslim majority states to be ruled by Muslims with complete autonomy under the union of India. It was rather Nehru who did not agree to any state having any say over the writ of the union. And of course, we are all indebted to Nehru for letting half of India go rather than keeping problematic people whose bloodthirst would one day turn the country into a bloodfest like Pakistan has become today.

You can't imagine what a sigh of relief Indians let out at Nehru's decision whenever they hear of mass killings in Pakistan, which of course, is an everyday affair.
it is a national duty to take them in and provide them with scholarships based on their study areas

we should also make this as public as possible to garner more support from our Kashmiri brethren across the LoC.....it will also help to serve to show how "democratic" the neighbour country really is

kill 2 birds with one stone

now we know the face of the terrorists ! RR should gun them down asap !

i think our cricketers already showed your team enough terrorism! :triniti:
it is a national duty to take them in and provide them with scholarships based on their study areas

we should also make this as public as possible to garner more support from our Kashmiri brethren across the LoC.....it will also help to serve to show how "democratic" the neighbour country really is

kill 2 birds with one stone

i think our cricketers already showed your team enough terrorism! :triniti:

Terrorise all you want with last. We still remain World and ICC Champions trophy Champions ;)
Terrorise all you want with last. We still remain World and ICC Champions trophy Champions ;)

how is india's ODI record against Pakistan Nation?

it's no wonder the Kashmiris support the right team....our victory is theirs :pakistan:
how is india's ODI record against Pakistan Nation?

it's no wonder the Kashmiris support the right team....our victory is theirs :pakistan:

Overall yours is better. But if you look at the last 10-15 years India has done much better than Pakistan in Indo-Pak matches. Anyway, it's the world titles that matter ;)
No body should support violence. But what the Kashmiri students did was incredibly stupid. When you ask for trouble, don't be surprised if you actually find it. People are emotional about cricket especially with Pakistan and after a tough loss if you provoke them by shouting Pakistan Zindabad in a place like Meerut, you are bound to get into trouble. They were lucky that no one got hurt and the authorities controlled it well. We don't live in an ideal world. Having said that the sedition charges were unnecessary.

What I supported-

Their thrashing.

What I was against-

Sedition charges ( good they were dropped)
The sneaky lil turd didn't even mention why they were beaten. No mention of the pro-Pakistan and Anti-National slogans. These people are pathological liars

It goes beyond just cricket....i can see why you indians seethe in anger

just like a certain country in our neighbourhood which has earned that title from Daryl Hair and Richard Clarke.

who? :laugh:

What I supported-

Their thrashing.

What I was against-

Sedition charges ( good they were dropped)

well dont get mad then when they attack your occupation forces in THEIR lands :meeting:

it happened last summer if my memory serves me right
@Not Sure your post in this thread got deleted therefore I am replying your query in this post

The 'official figures from Central Government' about the number of riots (again its just the number of riots, not number of victims, murdered or injured) in India during the period of 2001-2012 is 774,927 ..... hope you would reconsider your position ....
It goes beyond just cricket....i can see why you indians seethe in anger

who? :laugh:

well dont get mad then when they attack your occupation forces in THEIR lands :meeting:

it happened last summer if my memory serves me right

We don't get mad. We just attack them back :agree:

The problem is the attackers are more from Punjab on the other side of the fence rather than THEIR lands.
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