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Kashmiri Song: Zoon Tarakh Intizarus

WTF man,,,still cant. iplz do something or i will go mad because i think the song you have posted is the one i am looking for since i watched it on ptv when i was a child,,,,,

Not Indiawww.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Xl5jHBHO0Not india

Ok, just remove "Not India"
Than you have the link
The claim of Sanskrit of being Indian is wrong. Indo-Aryan languages were brought from the Aryans (Indo-Iranian) and spread over Iranian plateau and east Pakistan and later over North India.
Dravidian Languages are the real "Indian" Languages and race.
Punjabis and Sindhis do have similarities with Pashtun and Baloch.
There are Baloch-Sindhi tribes. South Punjabis are mixtures of Sindhis and Baloch.
North Punjabis are also mixtures of Pashtun and Punjabis and Kashmiris.
Pashtun and Baloch are Iranian, Kashmiris are Dardic, and Punjabis and Sindhis are Indo-Aryan, together they are Indo-Iranian.
And all of them are ancestors of the Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh).

North Indians and Bengals are Indo-Aryanized Dravidians.
And South Indians and Sri Lankans speak even today Dravidian languages.
There are some fair skinned North Indians but those are not of pure Indian origins.
One part of Punjab was seperated from Pakistan and half of Kashmir is occupied in India.
These people are not Indians.

Well. Now a Pathan will tell me whether I'm Indian or not. That is hilarious. Just because your country was created out of thin air, doesn't mean the same was the case for us. Our traditions and roots are deep with respect to this land.

For all your pseudo science- just one simple question. If you believe in Nordic-looking "Aryan" invaders being the sole source of Sanskrit and Hinduism, then who were the native inhabitants of Indus valley before the Rigveda and so called 'invasion' happened (1800-2000 BC)? Delve into that and your entire world view falls apart.

And look up history of Pathan and Baloch, i.e. where they themselves say they came from. Same is the case with Mirwaiz Farooq, Geelani, Shirazi, Tabrizis etc. in Kashmir. Only they are Iranic who came with the Muslim invaders in past 900 years, the native Kashmiris are not.
Thats the Indian logic.
Everything is wrong, except what Indians say.
Are you guys Indians from India or are you Indians from America (Native Americans), because your Europeans creators didn't even get that right.

You joking right. :omghaha: Kashmir is Sanskrit name originating from the Hindu mythology. Kashmiri languages originated out of Sanskrit and categorized with other Indian languages. Even most of the cities in Kashmir still have Sanskrit names. Pashtun-Baloch historically had nothing to do with people east of Indus until British included Pashtun-Baloch in British India . Better learn some history. :cheesy:
yi kyan chu bro? :mad:

Nah mate....amongst the languages spoken by Kashmiris - I only know some Pahari, some Gojri & Urdu !

Koshur was lost as soon as Grandpa stopped speaking it !

Khair.....I was even poised to take classes in Koshur at a University near my place - Didn't like it that much & can't really have much use of it....so I instead switched to playing football ! :D
Well. Now a Pathan will tell me whether I'm Indian or not. That is hilarious. Just because your country was created out of thin air, doesn't mean the same was the case for us. Our traditions and roots are deep with respect to this land.

For all your pseudo science- just one simple question. If you believe in Nordic-looking "Aryan" invaders being the sole source of Sanskrit and Hinduism, then who were the native inhabitants of Indus valley before the Rigveda and so called 'invasion' happened (1800-2000 BC)? Delve into that and your entire world view falls apart.

And look up history of Pathan and Baloch, i.e. where they themselves say they came from. Same is the case with Mirwaiz Farooq, Geelani, Shirazi, Tabrizis etc. in Kashmir. Only they are Iranic who came with the Muslim invaders in past 900 years, the native Kashmiris are not.

The people of Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh) were not Aryan, they were the ancestors of todays Pakistan and its ethnics.
Which race they belonged is unknown.
Aryan mixed with these people in the Indus Valley Civilisation. So came Pashtun, Baloch, Sindhis, Punjabis and Kashmiris.
Aryan invaders brought Vedic Cultures to eastern Pakistan and later North India.
Vedic Culture and Religion was not Hinduism.
"Hinduism" is a creation of the British because before British there was no religion called "Hinduism".
It was just a cult in India before becoming a religion.
"Hinduism is a mixture of Vedic Religion pieces messed up with dravidians traditions. A misunderstanding of British. And Indian and Hindu is the same thing with and without an "H". So there is your fake country.
Nice song and I understood, my roots are from Pakistani Kashmir there goes the theories above....

Ghulam Hassan Sofi was my favoruite Kashmiri folk singer. Allah bless him.

Simply beautiful.

Another gem.

Never heard Sufi Sahib - AJK really operates like a world in its own ! :unsure:

I mean I've heard everyone from Baluch folk singers to Pukhtoon folk singers & everyone has heard the Punjabi, Potohari & Saraiki fol singers but I never really heard Sufi Sahib ! :(
You joking right. :omghaha: Kashmir is Sanskrit name originating from the Hindu mythology. Kashmiri languages originated out of Sanskrit and categorized with other Indian languages. Even most of the cities in Kashmir still have Sanskrit names. Pashtun-Baloch historically had nothing to do with people east of Indus until British included Pashtun-Baloch in British India . Better learn some history. :cheesy:

Again the claim of Sanskrit being "Indian". Go speak your dravidian/african languages.
Whole of todays Pakistan was not part of British India until British included it in "British Bollywood".
All of todays Pakistan was included in its predecessor states.
Kashmiri culture, language and ancestral religions has all to do with Indian culture, the name itself Sanskrit in origin. BTW the Punjabi-Sindhis share nothing in common with Pashtun-Baloch historically until they became the part of Pakistan on the basis of common religion, there was always a difference between people East of the Indus and west of the Indus. :wacko:

K, but most North Indians don't share much with Dravidians and North East Indians either. And you're even calling yourself 'India' when there's people that have nothing to do the Indic languages and don't live in a place that could even the called India (i.e The northeast) other than the modern country.

And look up history of Pathan and Baloch, i.e. where they themselves say they came from. Same is the case with Mirwaiz Farooq, Geelani, Shirazi, Tabrizis etc. in Kashmir. Only they are Iranic who came with the Muslim invaders in past 900 years, the native Kashmiris are not.

I'm sure 900 years is enough time to make you son of the land. After all, the Turks are living in Anatolia for a similar amount of time, and Europeans have been living in America for even less.

Well. Now a Pathan will tell me whether I'm Indian or not. That is hilarious. Just because your country was created out of thin air, doesn't mean the same was the case for us. Our traditions and roots are deep with respect to this land.

For all your pseudo science- just one simple question. If you believe in Nordic-looking "Aryan" invaders.

Hold it - they couldn't have been 'nordic-looking' if they didn't originate in Scandinavia :woot:

Pashtun-Baloch historically had nothing to do with people east of Indus until British included Pashtun-Baloch in British India . Better learn some history. :cheesy:

Actually the history of the people living East and West of the Indus river is quite entwined. Let's not forget both areas were part of the Mughal empire before the British, as well.
Anyways, apply the same logic to India and you suddenly understand how little sense it makes.
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Never heard Sufi Sahib - AJK really operates like a world in its own ! :unsure:

I mean I've heard everyone from Baluch folk singers to Pukhtoon folk singers & everyone has heard the Punjabi, Potohari & Saraiki fol singers but I never really heard Sufi Sahib ! :(

Brother he is from Indian Kashmir. Not from AJK, but is popular throughout. He is perhaps our greatest singer and poet in recent years.
The fact the none of the PAkistanis even understood the song says a lot. Check out the first page, people tryna guess the language :lol:

Hi, did you or most Indians on this forum understand the song? :-)
Brother he is from Indian Kashmir. Not from AJK, but is popular throughout. He is perhaps our greatest singer and poet in recent years.

What are his views on the Kashmir situation ?
What are his views on the Kashmir situation ?

He passed away bro....But for the record they were freedom.....He said let the people decide. He tended not to stray into politics too much.
Next Govt should do the following ASAP -

Divide the Jammu & Kashmir in to 3 states.

1. Hindu majority Jammu - Jammu\Temple State
2. Budhist majority Ladakh - Himalayan State
3. Sunni majority Kashmir Valley - Kashmir State

Then, build 2 new cities in Kashmir State with 5 million Good Houses, move 5 million Shia Muslims from Mainland India to Kashmir State. Recruit some of them in to army and place them. Everything will settle, it covers political equation of Valley very well.

It is against UN law to demographically change occupied territory.
The fact the none of the PAkistanis even understood the song says a lot. Check out the first page, people tryna guess the language :lol:

Yeah it does say about the linguistic diversity of Kashmir...doesn't it ? :)

He passed away bro....But for the record they were freedom.....

RIP - I'm glad...I'm glad ! :)

So Waz Bhai - How are Bhabi & the kids ? Phir aaap karteiii kiya haiin ? :)

I'm in Accountancy & Finance myself ! :)

Hopefully into Investment Finance later on !

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