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Kashmiri Song: Zoon Tarakh Intizarus

Yeah it does say about the linguistic diversity of Kashmir...doesn't it ? :)

Pakistani Kashmiri is full of Koshur speakers, especially in muzaffarabad. The hilarious thing about it is that Koshur isn't spoken in areas held by India such as Rajouri and Poonch.

Yeah it does say about the linguistic diversity of Kashmir...doesn't it ? :)

RIP - I'm glad...I'm glad ! :)

So Waz Bhai - How are Bhabi & the kids ? Phir aaap karteiii kiya haiin ? :)

I'm in Accountancy & Finance myself ! :)

Hopefully into Investment Finance later on !

All good brother thank you for asking. Are you married yet?

I'm a full time educator now bro. Left the city behind 8 years ago now haha.
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Pakistani Kashmiri is full of Koshur speakers, especially in muzaffarabad. The hilarious thing about it is that Koshur isn't spoken in areas held by India such as Rajouri and Poonch.

I know my cousins in Muzaffarabad speak it ! :)

The rest of the family - those who settled here in the Punjab - instead reverted to Punjabi & Urdu as our Mother-Tongues; just like the Baloch of Southern Punjab or Sindh who speak Suleimanki Saraiki & Sindhi respectively ! :)

To be honest - I never really liked Koshur that much & because I never really could see much use of it.....I didn't learn it despite having ample opportunities to do so; Persian & French have always attracted me more & Pashto & Saraiki in the local sense - Have been making plans about learning them for a while but the lazy basterd that I am...I'm still making plans for the past 3 years ! :ashamed:
Brutal communal riots, agitating the natives even more, loss of international prestige and going back on years of official Indian policy on the state.

Islamic militants had done this during the peak years of insurgency. So I think you are saying a repeat of this will happen.

Even in a situation where Kashmir is to be given autonomy/freedom, Jammu would have to be separated out, as it is a Hindu majority area.

It is most likely that an independent Kashmir will fall under the sway of a Quasi-Taliban Al Qaeda regime. So any Non-Muslims will have to get out of dodge.

I am begininng to believe that Islamic militants would have killed Indians regardless of Kashmir.

Going by the narrative here, Islamist have also viewed Hindus as inferior, dark skinned Idol worshippers who are an abomination to their god.

If it wasn't Kashmir, it would have been in Hyderabad.

The Hindu right wing know this and both these groups act in synchronicity.

So on one side you people taking up the Kashmiri Pandit cause.

The on another you have a group of Kashmiri separatists who are willing to deny Non-Muslims and Women the same freedoms they crave.

Funny world this.

I am an Atheist, but I do believe that tings have come to a stage where Hindus and Muslims can never live together in Harmony.

And Indo-Pak relations, anything other than the status quo is a bit if a pipe dream. I am cynical like that :-)
All good brother thank you for asking. Are you married yet?

I'm a full time educator now bro. Left the city behind 8 years ago now haha.

Married - Bro, I'm 23....no marriage for another 10-15 years is on the cards ! :lol:

Perhaps not even then - Freedom is everything ! :smokin:

A full time educator - You have my respect ! :)
I know my cousins in Muzaffarabad speak it ! :)

The rest of the family - those who settled here in the Punjab - instead reverted to Punjabi & Urdu as our Mother-Tongues; just like the Baloch of Southern Punjab or Sindh who speak Suleimanki Saraiki & Sindhi respectively ! :)

To be honest - I never really liked Koshur that much & because I never really could see much use of it.....I didn't learn it despite having ample opportunities to do so; Persian & French have always attracted me more & Pashto & Saraiki in the local sense - Have been making plans about learning them for a while but the lazy basterd that I am...I'm still making plans for the past 3 years ! :ashamed:

Muzaffarabad is heaven on earth good lord sharda, lasdana, Neelum Valley....

You should learn your mother tongue as well bro. You should learn. I understand Pashto but can't speak it.

Married - Bro, I'm 23....no marriage for another 10-15 years is on the cards ! :lol:

Perhaps not even then - Freedom is everything ! :smokin:

A full time educator - You have my respect ! :)

Haha you want to play the field. Don't blame you bro.

Too many lovely ladies around.
Again the claim of Sanskrit being "Indian". Go speak your dravidian/african languages.
Whole of todays Pakistan was not part of British India until British included it in "British Bollywood".
All of todays Pakistan was included in its predecessor states.

Sanskrit language, Indo-Aryan languages are associated with Indian race, not with the Pashtun or some martian or the garbage you just wrote. :wacko:
Islamic militants had done this during the peak years of insurgency. So I think you are saying a repeat of this will happen.

Even in a situation where Kashmir is to be given autonomy/freedom, Jammu would have to be separated out, as it is a Hindu majority area.

It is most likely that an independent Kashmir will fall under the sway of a Quasi-Taliban Al Qaeda regime. So any Non-Muslims will have to get out of dodge.

I am begininng to believe that Islamic militants would have killed Indians regardless of Kashmir.

Going by the narrative here, Islamist have also viewed Hindus as inferior, dark skinned Idol worshippers who are an abomination to their god.

If it wasn't Kashmir, it would have been in Hyderabad.

The Hindu right wing know this and both these groups act in synchronicity.

So on one side you people taking up the Kashmiri Pandit cause.

The on another you have a group of Kashmiri separatists who are willing to deny Non-Muslims and Women the same freedoms they crave.

Funny world this.

I am an Atheist, but I do believe that tings have come to a stage where Hindus and Muslims can never live together in Harmony.

And Indo-Pak relations, anything other than the status quo is a bit if a pipe dream. I am cynical like that :-)

No Ravi i'm talking about the general population. The insurgents of the Taliban kind don't have any support now and are held in contempt.

You are right about Jammu splitting and to be honest that is their right. As for the valley falling under Talb/extremist sway I doubt it. If you look at Pakistani Kashmir they are despised there , hence no terrorist attacks and their religious doctrine is pretty much shunned for the peaceful Sufi school of thinking.

I agree whole hearted with your comments about extremist ideologies riding on populist struggles, after all they don't have much more else to offer do they?

As for future Pak/India relations, only time will tell.
The people of Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh) were not Aryan, they were the ancestors of todays Pakistan and its ethnics.
Which race they belonged is unknown.
Aryan mixed with these people in the Indus Valley Civilisation. So came Pashtun, Baloch, Sindhis, Punjabis and Kashmiris.
Aryan invaders brought Vedic Cultures to eastern Pakistan and later North India.
Vedic Culture and Religion was not Hinduism.
"Hinduism" is a creation of the British because before British there was no religion called "Hinduism".
It was just a cult in India before becoming a religion.
"Hinduism is a mixture of Vedic Religion pieces messed up with dravidians traditions. A misunderstanding of British. And Indian and Hindu is the same thing with and without an "H". So there is your fake country.

According to Aryan Invasion theory, the inhabitants of subcontinent before the invasion were dravidians and african looking tribal people. Modern Indic races are a mixture of these two groups according to your white masters.

Hinduism was a cult, okay. A version of this cult was being followed in Kashmir for thousands of years up till Muslim invaders polluted the valley.

It is against UN law to demographically change occupied territory.

Agreed. Unfortunately, Pakistan has actually done this for the past 60 years. There is no equivalent of article 370 in Pakistan occupied Kashmir/GB

"Further, instead of withdrawing Pakistani Troops and other nationals from Pakistan occupied Kashmir as called for by these resolutions, Pakistan introduced huge quantities of military equipment and armed forces into Pakistan occupied Kashmir. It also encouraged demographic changes in the area by permitting generations of non-Kashmiris to take residence."

Foreign Policy Annual - Google Books

There are dozens of sources for this, including from UN and Britain. You know very well how altered the demography is there, so tell this to fellow Pakistanis, not us.
Sanskrit language, Indo-Aryan languages are associated with Indian race, not with the Pashtun or some martian or the garbage you just wrote. :wacko:

Indo-Aryan languages are assosiated with indo-aryan languages. Iranian languages are assosiated with Iranian languages. Dardic languages are assosiated with Dardic languages (although scientists are not sure if it is Nuristani languages or Indo-Aryan languages).

"Indian" languages and "Indian" Race are Dravidian languages and Dravidian Race.
North Indians are just Indo-Aryanized linguistically. But they are Dravidian by race.
Muzaffarabad is heaven on earth good lord sharda, lasdana, Neelum Valley....

You should learn your mother tongue as well bro. You should learn. I understand Pashto but can't speak it.

Well strictly speaking because my Mom's a Punjabi - Punjabi & Urdu are my mother-tongues ! :kiss3:

Aur waisee bhiii that sort of talk about knowing your ancestral tongue, your culture, your history etc. never really found much mention amongst us - It was always 'who are you?' - A Pakistani but in an overarching & all encompassing manner so we never really got bogged down in these sort of details or romanticized notions about our lineage & our past or anything of the sort.

Haha you want to play the field. Don't blame you bro.

Too many lovely ladies around.

I've just seen far too many seemingly perfect marriages go bust, all around me ! :(
K, but most North Indians don't share much with Dravidians and North East Indians either. And you're even calling yourself 'India' when there's people that have nothing to do the Indic languages and don't live in a place that could even the called India (i.e The northeast) other than the modern country.

Now, that's called ignorance, North and South Indians have same culture and part of Indic race since time eternal and we had a name Uttarapatha for North India and Dakshinapatha for South India, together they made Bharat varsha. Also, not entire North-East was different and now people in India too consider them as one of us.

Actually the history of the people living East and West of the Indus river is quite entwined. Let's not forget both areas were part of the Mughal empire before the British, as well.
Anyways, apply the same logic to India and you suddenly understand how little sense it makes.

only thing that connects people East and west of Indus is the common religion that was the basic of the creation of Pakistan.
Agreed. Unfortunately, Pakistan has actually done this for the past 60 years. There is no equivalent of article 370 in Pakistan occupied Kashmir/GB
"Further, instead of withdrawing Pakistani Troops and other nationals from Pakistan occupied Kashmir as called for by these resolutions, Pakistan introduced huge quantities of military equipment and armed forces into Pakistan occupied Kashmir. It also encouraged demographic changes in the area by permitting generations of non-Kashmiris to take residence."
Foreign Policy Annual - Google Books
There are dozens of sources for this, including from UN and Britain. You know very well how altered the demography is there, so tell this to fellow Pakistanis, not us.

LOL who has hundreds of thousands of troops in Kashmir? Who was trying to settle radical hindus in kashmir and building of hindu temples in Kashmir? Can't fool me with your saffron chaddi propaganda.
Well bro I'm doing 10 years this August hahah. There are lots going well.

God Bless you & Bhabi ! :)

No you're right....waisee tou I've also strong....strong marriages all around me but more than anything its the thought of a man loosing much of his freedom & that his day-to-day living sees him reduced to the role of a human ATM machine that bothers me !

I mean I've seen so many cousins & some older friends who used to be the most out-going of people & we used to grab our cars & voila what do you know we're in Murree & back the next day....but now most of them have commitments & not only terms of family ones but job commitments piling up because you have to practically kill yourself at work to get that one more promotion before attaining some peace of mind & having the money to pay off those rising bills that everyone has after marriage - And before they know it....its been years since they actually....truly had some 'alone' time for themselves to do what they want to do !

I just don't like that !
According to Aryan Invasion theory, the inhabitants of subcontinent before the invasion were dravidians and african looking tribal people. Modern Indic races are a mixture of these two groups according to your white masters.

Hinduism was a cult, okay. A version of this cult was being followed in Kashmir for thousands of years up till Muslim invaders polluted the valley.

Now we are coming near the truth. Thank you.
Punjabis and Sindhis are more pure than North Indians. Indo-Aryans settled mostly in the Indus River (Eastern Pakistan).
But still the old race of Indus Valley Civilisation is unknown.
Yes there was a version of this cult in Kashmir and even in Punjab and Sindh. But Pakistan later became mostly Buddhist. Than Graeco-Buddhist and then Islam.
Nobody is denying that.
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