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Kashmiri Song: Zoon Tarakh Intizarus

Lineage doesn't mean squat - A person is the sum of the decisions he makes in life !

Kerala is a good place ! :)

You know I sometimes wonder if South India was a separate country - We probably would've had good relations with you guys - You're not the 'Alaaalaaa types' that start foaming & frothing from the mouth like we Pakistanis & North Indians do to each other ! :lol:

That's a misconception about South Indians.

You have to keep in mind that the 4 states (soon to be 5) that comprise South India all have different languages, cultures and have disputes over River water distribution that has gotten acrimonious at times.

You have to keep in mind that it is the Atheistic politics that has kept out Conservative Hinduism out of politics.

@Armstrong there was a proposal for a seperate South Indian nation called Dravida Nadu, and it flopped because none of the other three states were willing to come under Tamil domination.

South Indians are still overwhelmingly Hindu, and their sympathies would lie with the North Indians.

There is no cultural similarity to speak of, and the South Indians who complained about North Indian arrogance would have viewed Pakistan as an Islamic version of it.

South Indians are only marginally better off than North Indians. That's not a compliment. :)

@Armstrong You have to remember that prior to independence, South India was more socially unequal, had more casteism and was more conservative than North India.

It took a lot of blood in Kerala to get some semblance of equal rights.
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And you are accusing him of being a racist :rofl::rofl:
And what skin color has to do with what he posted :lol: Typical looser attitude :lol:

Well if you read what he said, "hard to think as a pashtun".
Thats racism.
He talked about skin color. I talked about skin color. There is nothing being a racist about talking about skin colors.
Nah mate....amongst the languages spoken by Kashmiris - I only know some Pahari, some Gojri & Urdu !

Koshur was lost as soon as Grandpa stopped speaking it !

Khair.....I was even poised to take classes in Koshur at a University near my place - Didn't like it that much & can't really have much use of it....so I instead switched to playing football ! :D
And still ended up being motu :mad:
But then my tummy is also trying to increase :(
Who taught you these words? The great "Indian" Sanskrit language?

No its Hindi. ;)

Now we are coming near the truth. Thank you.
Punjabis and Sindhis are more pure than North Indians. Indo-Aryans settled mostly in the Indus River (Eastern Pakistan).
But still the old race of Indus Valley Civilisation is unknown.
Yes there was a version of this cult in Kashmir and even in Punjab and Sindh. But Pakistan later became mostly Buddhist. Than Graeco-Buddhist and then Islam.
Nobody is denying that.

What do you mean by more pure. :omghaha::omghaha:
Nothing wrong in using few of them. ;)

Thing call 'pure race' don't exist. You should have some basic knowledge about genetics.

Yes a pure race doesn't exist anymore. Maybe in the past.
But that doesn't mean that somedody could be more pure than the other. One could have mixed ancestors and one can have less mixed ancestors.
Yes a pure race doesn't exist anymore. Maybe in the past.
But that doesn't mean that somedody could be more pure than the other. One could have mixed ancestors and one can have less mixed ancestors.

You can either be pure or mixed. No such thing called more pure exist. :omghaha::omghaha:
Yes a pure race doesn't exist anymore. Maybe in the past.
But that doesn't mean that somedody could be more pure than the other. One could have mixed ancestors and one can have less mixed ancestors.

Pakistanis are pure by virtue of being born in pure land. No other explanation is needed, these primitive beings has been brainwashed by original hindus from Pakistan. :D
Does anyone have this film - Ach Daleel Loolech ?
This song is a part of it. Screened in Tagore Hall, Srinagar, 2001. :ashamed:

Oh shan is here. :unsure:
I'm out. :wave:
Pakistanis are pure by virtue of being born in pure land. No other explanation is needed, these primitive beings has been brainwashed by original hindus from Pakistan. :D

I agree my Pakistani brother :)
But there is nothing wrong to talk about races and skin colors. Without being racist or insulting of course.

That was a pair like true and false. ;)

RIP genetics. :pissed:

Well thats convincing. (not)
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