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Kashmiri Song: Zoon Tarakh Intizarus

God Bless you & Bhabi ! :)

No you're right....waisee tou I've also strong....strong marriages all around me but more than anything its the thought of a man loosing much of his freedom & that his day-to-day living sees him reduced to the role of a human ATM machine that bothers me !

I mean I've seen so many cousins & some older friends who used to be the most out-going of people & we used to grab our cars & voila what do you know we're in Murree & back the next day....but now most of them have commitments & not only terms of family ones but job commitments piling up because you have to practically kill yourself at work to get that one more promotion before attaining some peace of mind & having the money to pay off those rising bills that everyone has after marriage - And before they know it....its been years since they actually....truly had some 'alone' time for themselves to do what they want to do !

I just don't like that !

Thanks for the kind words bro.

Your post can be summed up with the classic "keeping up with the jones" or "keeping up with the neighbours". We chase after duniyah 24 hours a day. You are right there is more to life. Take time out and reach out to others.
LOL who has hundreds of thousands of troops in Kashmir? Who was trying to settle radical hindus in kashmir and building of hindu temples in Kashmir? Can't fool me with your saffron chaddi propaganda.

Err.. soldiers stationed in Kashmir do not constitute demographic change like settling punjabi/pathan civilians in GB/ghulaam Kashmir that Pakistan has done. They are stationed there, and will retire wherever their hometown is (whether in J&K or another state of India).

We have lakhs of troops (which incl. police and paramilitary) just as you people have lakhs of troops in Pakistan occupied Kashmir/GB. You expect us to withdraw them when you have tried infiltrating/invading for the past 60 years? We're not so stupid. The UN resolutions clearly state that Indian troops must maintain a residual presence, whereas ALL Pakistani-origin troops and civilians must leave occupied Kashmir/GB.

Now we are coming near the truth. Thank you.
Punjabis and Sindhis are more pure than North Indians. Indo-Aryans settled mostly in the Indus River (Eastern Pakistan).
But still the old race of Indus Valley Civilisation is unknown.
Yes there was a version of this cult in Kashmir and even in Punjab and Sindh. But Pakistan later became mostly Buddhist. Than Graeco-Buddhist and then Islam.
Nobody is denying that.

Are "more pure". Haha. So where did the "impure" part come from buddy? Did that part magically transport itself there? Or were the earlier natives impure and mixed with Aryans like yourself? :lol:
No Ravi i'm talking about the general population. The insurgents of the Taliban kind don't have any support now and are held in contempt.

You are right about Jammu splitting and to be honest that is their right. As for the valley falling under Talb/extremist sway I doubt it. If you look at Pakistani Kashmir they are despised there , hence no terrorist attacks and their religious doctrine is pretty much shunned for the peaceful Sufi school of thinking.

I agree whole hearted with your comments about extremist ideologies riding on populist struggles, after all they don't have much more else to offer do they?

As for future Pak/India relations, only time will tell.


This thought just popped into my head. After 26/11 Indians were jumping up and down in impotent rage because they knew they couldn't do anything against Pakistan.

It fed into the stereotype a certain Pakistanis have about Indians. That as long as you give the Baniyas money, they will keep quiet and this is how the Hindus were lorded over for 800 years.

So if Indians were to give Kashmiris freedom, what is stopping from Pakistan to brag about it :P

Think about it, I think it has become more of an ego issue.

as I said before, Kashmir is the most subsidized state in India and yet it has woeful Economic and Human development Indices. So the current situation is not the way to go.

and I am sure that Indians probably will out of spite will just round up all the Kashmiris and deport them to Kashmir (You know how ridiculous Indians can get)

@waz what's this Punjabis and Sindhis are more pure than North Indians Yaara? What's ging on :sad:

Well strictly speaking because my Mom's a Punjabi - Punjabi & Urdu are my mother-tongues ! :kiss3:

Aur waisee bhiii that sort of talk about knowing your ancestral tongue, your culture, your history etc. never really found much mention amongst us - It was always 'who are you?' - A Pakistani but in an overarching & all encompassing manner so we never really got bogged down in these sort of details or romanticized notions about our lineage & our past or anything of the sort.

I've just seen far too many seemingly perfect marriages go bust, all around me ! :(

What's your paternal lineage?
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Indo-Aryan languages are assosiated with indo-aryan languages. Iranian languages are assosiated with Iranian languages. Dardic languages are assosiated with Dardic languages (although scientists are not sure if it is Nuristani languages or Indo-Aryan languages).

"Indian" languages and "Indian" Race are Dravidian languages and Dravidian Race.
North Indians are just Indo-Aryanized linguistically. But they are Dravidian by race.

It seems your third class sarkari school is churning out lot many gawars and jahils. :omghaha::omghaha:
Are "more pure". Haha. So where did the "impure" part come from buddy? Did that part magically transport itself there? Or were the earlier natives impure and mixed with Aryans like yourself? :lol:

Like I said the race and religion of Indus Valley Civilisation (sindh) is unknown but it has nothing to do with "India".
Aryans mixed with these people of todays Pakistan (Iranian-dardic-Indo-Aryan).
Some dravidians from India came to Balochistan settled there down, better known as "Brahui", they are dark because they are from India. They also live in Sindh.
And some africans also came to balochistan and Sindh settled there down. Better known as Sheedis. They are also dark.
And also after Independence Muhajirs from India came to Pakistan, they live mostly in Karachi but also in smaller numbers in other big cities in Pakistan especially in Sindh and also Punjab. They are also dark.
So these are all foreign people. Either from India or Africa.
But we all live together because we are muslims.
Like I said the race and religion of Indus Valley Civilisation (sindh) is unknown but it has nothing to do with "India".
Aryans mixed with these people of todays Pakistan (Iranian-dardic-Indo-Aryan).
Some dravidians from India came to Balochistan settled there down, better known as "Brahui", they are dark because they are from India. They also live in Sindh.
And some africans also came to balochistan and Sindh settled there down. Better known as Sheedis. They are also dark.
And also after Independence Muhajirs from India came to Pakistan, they live mostly in Karachi but also in smaller numbers in other big cities in Pakistan especially in Sindh and also Punjab. They are also dark.
So these are all foreign people. Either from India or Africa.
But we all live together because we are muslims.

Hahaha I'm dying of laughter at this delusion :omghaha:

Really, you should contact PDF's resident scientist shan, he will explain to you what black Andaman Island ASI genes every Pakistani has. @Nuri Natt bombard him with your harrapa shrrapa project bro :lol:

Not a single Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi is without ASI genes. So what does that tell you? Think hard. I know its difficult for a Pathan, but try your best!
Kashmiri with roots from Khreu on the other side of the LOC !

What is yours ? :azn:

A Mauri South Indian who does a Bhangra instead of a Hakka ! :o:

You are lucky to have an eclectic lineage. My heritage is conventionally dull :'(

Both my Parents are Nairs from Kerala. :sad:

@Armstrong I don't know if this is true or not, but I think Pakistanis tend to have mixed marriages within Pakistan than Indians.

Indian society is stratified, and often arranged marriages have to take into consideration caste and sub-caste.

Only the elite have the luxury of gene migration.
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You are lucky to have an eclectic lineage. My heritage is conventionally dull :'(

Both my Parents are Nairs from Kerala. :sad:

Lineage doesn't mean squat - A person is the sum of the decisions he makes in life !

Kerala is a good place ! :)

You know I sometimes wonder if South India was a separate country - We probably would've had good relations with you guys - You're not the 'Alaaalaaa types' that start foaming & frothing from the mouth like we Pakistanis & North Indians do to each other ! :lol:
Now, that's called ignorance, North and South Indians have same culture and part of Indic race since time eternal and we had a name Uttarapatha for North India and Dakshinapatha for South India, together they made Bharat varsha. Also, not entire North-East was different and now people in India too consider them as one of us.

only thing that connects people East and west of Indus is the common religion that was the basic of the creation of Pakistan.

Same goes for us, mister. Besides, you don't honestly think that the people 'east and west' of the Indus don't share anything else other than religion? We've been living under the same roof for the past hundreds of years :rolleyes:

This thought just popped into my head. After 26/11 Indians were jumping up and down in impotent rage because they knew they couldn't do anything against Pakistan.

It fed into the stereotype a certain Pakistanis have about Indians. That as long as you give the Baniyas money, they will keep quiet and this is how the Hindus were lorded over for 800 years.

So if Indians were to give Kashmiris freedom, what is stopping from Pakistan to brag about it :P

Think about it, I think it has become more of an ego issue.

as I said before, Kashmir is the most subsidized state in India and yet it has woeful Economic and Human development Indices. So the current situation is not the way to go.

and I am sure that Indians probably will out of spite will just round up all the Kashmiris and deport them to Kashmir (You know how ridiculous Indians can get)

@waz what's this Punjabis and Sindhis are more pure than North Indians Yaara? What's ging on :sad:

I don't know about bragging friend, perhaps relief would be the better word for everyone. Ego? Heck they come into everything and they seem to highly inflate when it comes to nationalist issues. I say let time take its course.

As for who is purer, seriously I judge a man on his actions. I heard the likes of Hitler had good genes. :what:
@Armstrong I don't know if this is true or not, but I think Pakistanis tend to have mixed marriages within Pakistan than Indians.

Indian society is stratified, and often arranged marriages have to take into consideration caste and sub-caste.

Only the elite have the luxury of gene migration.

Some vestiges of tribalism are present where people prefer to marry within their own Biradari or a sub-ethnic group for the lack of a better term but by & large this isn't so !

Then over here in Punjab; there is a lot of ethnic, racial & linguistic harmony with millions of non-ethnic Punjabis staying here in addition to the fact that arguably there really isn't even anything called an 'ethnic Punjabi' to beginwith because you've got Punjabi from all types of ethnic or racial descents, inter-marriages are quite prevalent !

The same can be said about Sindh where almost 40-50% of the Sindhis are of Baluch descent.

Its only recently due to bad governance & poisonous politicking has racial or ethnic nationalism has been used as a political slogan but by & large it still doesn't sell that much as evidenced by nationalist parties never really getting that many votes.

But amongst the middle-class...inter-marriages are very much prevalent, amongst the upper-class....its very....very much prevalent & even amongst the low income & low education classes...its there & not the exception by a long-shot !

What we have are problems concerned with inter-religious or even at times inter-sectarian marriages !

The inter-sectarian marriage is still very much there & you'd find countless people amongst one's friends & family who's one side of the family belongs to one sect while the other belongs to another - Hence why these 'sectarian killings' caught us by surprise because at a grass root level there is a significant divide on sectarian basis.

But inter-religious marriages are a big.....big taboo even amongst the educated & it ranges from being not socially acceptable to not being socially desirable but exceptions are there & usually amongst the elite or amongst ex-pats !
Hahaha I'm dying of laughter at this delusion :omghaha:

Really, you should contact PDF's resident scientist shan, he will explain to you what black Andaman Island ASI genes every Pakistani has. @Nuri Natt bombard him with your harrapa shrrapa project bro :lol:

Not a single Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi is without ASI genes. So what does that tell you? Think hard. I know its difficult for a Pathan, but try your best!

Being racist doesn't change a thing.
Indians, Bengals and Sri Lankas are very dark thats a fact.
Pakistanis are in average light skinned but there are also some dark ones because of migration from Indians and africans.
And Kashmiris are still not "Indians".
Just give Kashmir back to Pakistan.
Problem solved, and your Bollywood friends can make films about "evil" Pakistanis as much as you like.
We couldn't care less.
India is not an interesting and important country at all.
Pakistan should only have "neutral" relationship with India if India gives Kashmir back to us. If not Pakistan should not recognize India as a country and should not have any kind of relationship at all.
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Being racist doesn't change a thing.
Indians, Bengals and Sri Lankas are very dark thats a fact.
Pakistanis are in average light skinned but there are also some dark ones because of migration from Indians and africans.
And you are accusing him of being a racist :rofl::rofl:
And what skin color has to do with what he posted :lol: Typical looser attitude :lol:
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