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Kashmir solution will make Pakistan ‘normal’: US expert

I agree on the points you make Krait, but not the name calling. Unexpected of you. I hold you in high standards that you would even in anger, post normally without calling the other person this or that.
Sorry buddy. Editing. :D

Thanks for pointing out.
Fine, solving Kashmir would make Pakistan normal. But what is it for India?
the only solution acceptable to Pakistan will be taking Kashmir from India...so why the hell should we destroy our country for the sake of Pakistan?
Your post demonstrates the India-centricity which destroys Pakistan's chances of being normal.

Your post also demonstrates that if one set of problems is resolved, another set will then be dusted off and brought to the forefront. If Pakistan's fundamental right as a part of the fictitious partition deal is refuted, the UN Resolutions are invoked. If those are shown to be impossible of enforcement because of Pakistan's own intransigence, the innate freedom of self-determination of the residents of the Vale of Kashmir comes forth. Once this becomes a non-issue, the cruel oppression of the people is remembered. Finally, when that fails, the current hot topic: water is the key to Indo-Pakistani tranquillity and mutual tolerance.

I am not sure what the successor to water wars is going to be.

I am not saying this out of hate to anybody. I have been watching the political talk shows and other news channels with pannels sitting discussing the problems of whatever kind like their dying movie industry, their energy problems, their economic problems, recent addition seems to be sovereignty vis a vis USA. At some point India is invoked for sure. The anchors sparks off using India how they have fallen behind us or we are better so on so forth, the rabid anti Indian comments etc can be accepted as after all we are enemies for such a long time, however what absolutely frightens me is the anti Hindu sentiments expressed.

Crazy people talk on these shows some times at every end or start or middle of problems there is India. Most notable thing is some how people with balanced oh yes they are there seem to be in very much minority and they are either called Indian paid or American paid!!! To ask the awaam to look inwards before outwards is a blasphemy.

Some of the worst comments i heard are like

1) On a program some producer who is being castigated for investing in Indian film industry rather than Pakistani while giving perfect reasons just throws in a brilliant one saying all the actresses in India are not better than working maids in Pakistani houses!!!!! he killed it with that one line. Apparently this gentleman has worked with Mahesh Bhatt. Mashallah.

2) A anchor expresses anti semitism (of the worst kind i have ever heard) and anti Hindu (or anti Baniya i don't know what to say) before going on to talk about some bad qualities of Pakistani leaders and public. Is this prelude an attempt to say i am one of you so don't get angry even if i sound harsh?? This gentleman in another show says Lal Bahadur shastry died of heart attack because Indian public were angry with him thinking he had compromised on Indian interests and came shouting to his house, and his daughter conveyed this to him :alcoholic:

3) A program goes on about Pakistani economy and the gentleman in the audience says it is the mistake of munnis and sheilas of India !!!!!!

4) One Mr. Azizi does a comedy expounding the horrible characteristics of the Hindu Baniya and how he (in the character of a septugenarian) and his ancestors have been warned of his guile !!!!!!! Laughed myself of the seat. :hitwall:

5) By chance my eyes fell on a show where the host and an apparently knowledgable person say that Pakistani koum has become confused because they missed sharing the common history with India by aligning themselves with Arabs and that we are one and 'we' pushed the dravidians to the south. Oh my my an other IVC thread on youtube.

The talk about they winning the 1965 war has been mentioned in numerous shows by audience and corrected (thank god!!!) by the hosts or participants. I mean the hatred and the distortion is so prevalent that it is accepted as the truth and anybody saying otherwise is seen with suspicions. It somehow happens that the entire world (sorry except China and Saudi Arabia or Saudi Arabia and China, take your pick) is out with daggers in their back pocket to slit the gullible Pakistani Nuclear Islami Takat.

I know the standard retort from the Pakistani segment will be my obsession with Pakistani media, Pakistan etc and my Indian problem of hatred towards Pakistan and generalization but if the Public is so filled with this kind of facts and figures and personalities then what the heck is this guy on talking about normality ??

You are thinking of water wars successor ?? are u not aware of Zaid Hamid and his Ghazwa e Hind ?? he has been promoted from local channels in Pakistan to now some what International channels where sitting on the panel as an "Security Analyst" running "Brasstacks" talks about the fourth fifth and sixth gen warfare Pakistan fights. Even if he is considered a nuisance there are lots and lots of personalities out there with lots of issues with India. Nobody will be able to guess.
What balderash this! What has Sunnis killing Shias to do with India and Kashmir? What has Ahmedis being killed to do with India and Kashmir? What has India and Kashmir to do with the Pashtun MQM rivalry? What has India and Kashmir to do with TTP which wants Sharia Nizam in Pakistan?

If you have a recalcitrant and irresponsible person, it does not mean that other should resolve the problems for him. Learn to carry your own load.
well we would like to see pakistan normal.... but not at the cost of kashmir.... in that case it would be better to stay abnormal...
obviously than India will end her proxy wars in balochistan & Afghanistan, but who knnows after even Kashmir solution Pakistan will not accept india as a leader not only Pakistan, but Bangladesh, Srilanka even nepal are abnormal in tht sense cz they cz dont like india. thts means abnormal is only one country whose all neibours hate her which is india.
@indushek Buddy, I have seen all those videos. Same Javed Chaudhary appreciated India, in that Azizi show, they appreciated Indian minister resigning over black out, in that same Sheila Munni episode, the Pakistani guest said that look at Pashto films first, and another said apne Munne ko sambhalo.

Najam Sethi appreciated Indian electoral system, he lauded that even a Army chief can't get a plot of his choice even if he has good reasons. Listen to Hassan Nissar too.

They are media persons. They say all these things. its all about TRP. There is nothing called bad publicity. Arundhati Roy and Salman Rushdie are among the most known Indian authors in the world.

I know what their media do. Their media is worst because it gives Conspiracy theories after Conspiracy theories. Allow guests to speak against Hindus and Jews.

I can also give you link about SRK controversy where a Pakistani Canadian said that the case of Owasi if have happened in Pakistan and a Hindu said those words, mocked Islam like he mocked Lord Ram, he would be dead by now.

You can't defeat any nation of 180 million people by force. That's the reason India never attacked Pakistan because we have much bigger issues.

Sooner or later they will know that the enemy is within their own society.
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The Indian state killed 92,000 since 1989 when Kashmir rose up in arms. What are you qouting. Who said 70,000 were killed by Pakistan. Krait this is the second time I am seeing abnormal statistics that do not mention a critical detail like time period or the parties/party alleged to be involved. Don't rape statistics Krait. You know how incorrect these stats are.

According to the Islamic foundation of Kashmir 400,000 Kashmiris have been killed by the Indian state since 1947. Now figure. I do not qoute these because these are not widely accepted. Stop qouting false or incomplete statistics Krait. Mention properly who did what or its erroneous information.

Restrain India from violating Kashmiri rights: Naqshbandi « KashmirWatch
You claim to be an angel of facts and yet you misstate that all 92,000 who died in J&K were killed by 'Indian state'. Indian government puts the number of total killed at around 40,000 including civilians killed by militants, military, and those among armed forces, police and militants who died. The 92,000 figure you quoted is from international agencies but it includes all killed since 1989.
So Kashmir solution will make Pakistan normal. If Pakistan becomes normal, it will make a stronger claim on Kashmir(with more international support unlike now where they are treated as pariahs). So why should India ever take initiative?

In fact this is the right time for India to declare unilaterally that J&K is not disputed any more and that it is Indian territory. Throw in a little spice like demanding Pakistan to return GB and AJK and there will be decades of mess again in Pakistan.
obviously than India will end her proxy wars in balochistan & Afghanistan, but who knnows after even Kashmir solution Pakistan will not accept india as a leader not only Pakistan, but Bangladesh, Srilanka even nepal are abnormal in tht sense cz they cz dont like india. thts means abnormal is only one country whose all neibours hate her which is india.

bhaijaan kuch to khuda ka khauf karo :frown:

kuch aisa likho jo ki padha ja sake :hitwall:

kya medical store pe kaam karte ho

i mean something that a layman could understand
I agree that a solved kashmir problem will help india and pakistan alot but then the big question raises that what is the solution?? Accepts the LOC?
Very well but does india and pakistan have the right to break kashmir and its people apart who choosed to live along in 1947. But again as benzeer bhutto had said- an independent kashmir was never a solution.
I agree that a solved kashmir problem will help india and pakistan alot but then the big question raises that what is the solution?? Accepts the LOC?
Very well but does india and pakistan have the right to break kashmir and its people apart who choosed to live along in 1947. But again as benzeer bhutto had said- an independent kashmir was never a solution.

In today’s scenario only one solution is feasible ... LOC as AB nothing else is possible
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