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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Pakistan has been saying this from day one, now it has blown up in Indian faces. All the claims of fake encounters and allegations of extra judicial murders by Amnesty International should come under UN review.

So this is what India does, brings out the Kashmiri youth kills them and calls them Pakistani terrorists. Pathetic.
Can you refute the survey with fact/figures?

Here you go, a non-ToI source:

Only 2% Kashmiris want to join Pakistan: survey

do you have the study at hand?

what were his research methods and methodology?

are his sources verifiable?

the fact is thousands turn out to protest against indian occupation, and the other obvious truth is that if so many kahmiri;s wanted to be indian INDIA WOULD NOT NEED TO BE AN OCCUPYING FORCE
do you have the study at hand?

what were his research methods and methodology?

are his sources verifiable?

The survey is based on interviews with a sample of 3800. Beyond that, I don't know anything about the methodology.

But tell me this, do YOU have the study at hand? Any statistics/data to refute this survey? Sorry, I never ask for the veracity of sources when I read a research report. If you're interested in the sources, kindly contact the surveying party directly.

the fact is thousands turn out to protest against indian occupation, and the other obvious truth is that if so many kahmiri;s wanted to be indian INDIA WOULD NOT NEED TO BE AN OCCUPYING FORCE

Thousands in a state of millions do not make a majority. Anyways, the survey says 44% of Kashmiris want independence while 43% want to be with India.
The survey is based on interviews with a sample of 3800. Beyond that, I don't know anything about the methodology.

But tell me this, do YOU have the study at hand? Any statistics/data to refute this survey? Sorry, I never ask for the veracity of sources when I read a research report. If you're interested in the sources, kindly contact the surveying party directly.

Thousands in a state of millions do not make a majority. Anyways, the survey says 44% of Kashmiris want independence while 43% want to be with India.

so you know next to nothing about the actual study yet you still post it as if its gospel - i have no further comment.

as to saying kashmiri's want to join indian - i will leave it to you to explain why indian need to occupy them
so you know next to nothing about the actual study yet you still post it as if its gospel - i have no further comment.

as to saying kashmiri's want to join indian - i will leave it to you to explain why indian need to occupy them

Hahahaha, I know that it was conducted by your countrymen. So why don't you ask them?

Any study which does not conform to your contorted views does not automatically become biased and one-sided. To dismiss this study, you need something called, you know, proof. :cheesy:

India does not 'OCCUPY' Kashmir. Pakistan has occupied a part of Kashmir. Is that the answer you were expecting?
Read the survey carefully - the IaK results are skewed because support for independence in predominantly Hindu Jammu is around 1%. The support for independence in IaK proper 'is between 74% and 95%'

Almost a third of Jammuites are Muslim. But these Muslims are generally pro-India.

Another article for you guys, if it hasn't already been posted (my apologies if it has)

98% Kashmiris do not want to join Pakistan

Srinagar: Only 2% of residents of Kashmir want to join Pakistan while less than half of them favor independence as a solution to the unrest in the region, an independent survey conducted by British academic Robert Bradnock said. The survey found 44% of people in Pakistan side Kashmir and 43% in the Indian side favoring independence.

Titled “Kashmir: Paths to Peace”, the survey is seen as a rare attempt to assess the opinions of people on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC) – the de facto border that splits the region between the two countries.

“Any solution will depend on the Indian and Pakistani governments’ commitment to achieving a permanent settlement," Bradnock has been quoted as saying by Zee News.

United Nations resolutions soon after the partition of the sub-continent in 1947 called for a plebiscite to determine whether the region should belong to India or Pakistan. The resolutions, however, have not been implemented.

98% Kashmiris do not want to join Pakistan | TwoCircles.net
But sir don't you beleive all is not right in indian kashmir???? Is this fake encounters that Kashmiris deserve??? Why use of force ?? Why kill inocent people just to blame pakistan...??

First of All, Army was not present In Kashmir but in Border until Insurgency Caused head Aches for the Nation,And You should think and Consider the World as even they say Pakistan is Infiltrating terrorists, So You just cannot blame it on Indian Army 100%.... We Know there is a Fault in us, We are lacking better Intelligence Inputs by which these are happening....

But what else can we do? We cannot Risk another 26/11 , We cannot turn our country from Kashmir to KanyaKumari a Graveyard....

We really feel sad after After knowing them as Innocents and curse the Intelligence
There is no justification of fake encounters, if true the perpetrators should be punished. In this case, a local SHO who happens to be Kashmri muslim allegedly lured three boys for a sum of Rs150,000 to the LoC, the local army batallion killed them and planted weapons. This is a tarnish on the Army's image and only a swift investigation and punishment of the culprits will clean it.

Atleast this will go to show that any HR abuse will not be tolerated and deter such adventures in the future and instill confidence in the judicial process for the local people.
New leads emerge in the J&K fake encounter case - dnaindia.com

Srinagar: Even as Kashmir simmers over the killing of three youth by army in an alleged fake encounter, new leads are emerging in the case with investigations revealing that money has changed hands for staging this operation allegedly by 4-Rajputana Riffles, which has been shifted from the Machil sector some days back.

Sources said the shifting of 4-Rajputana Riffles to Meerut was as per schedule and its moving out had nothing to do with the fake encounter case which has sullied the image of the army. They have been replaced by another unit which has been entrusted the job of guarding the LoC at Machil.

Police have already registered a case of murder and abduction against the army. Three local people have already been arrested and an army major is currently under the scanner for staging this gun battle at Machil.

"Of course money has changed hands, but how much is a matter of investigation. Whenever we have material on file we shall make requisition for investigating these people (from the army)", said Farooq Ahmad, IGP, Kashmir range.

Sources said the three accused -- surrendered militant turned special police official Bashir Ahmad, his accomplice Fayaz Ahmad and Syed Abbas working in Territorial Army-- currently in the police custody had got a cut from the reward money for luring the three men who were later killed in a staged encounter dubbing them as infiltrators.

Shahzad Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Shafi Lone and Riyaz Ahmad Lone of Nadihal Rafiabad, Sopore had gone missing on April 27 prompting their families to lodge a missing report with the police.

After preliminary investigations the police converted the report into a kidnapping case and zeroed in on two people Bashir and Fayaz. On Friday police arrested their third accomplice Syed Abbas of Territorial Army.

The three civilians were lured to work as porters for the army and promised good money for the job. But instead they were taken to Machil where they were handed over to army who killed them in an alleged fake encounter and were branded infiltrators on April 30.

Even the defence spokesperson in Srinagar on April 30 issued the statement boasting about foiling the infiltration bid by killing three infiltrators on the LoC in Machil sector .The slain were later buried in Kalaroos graveyard as unidentified militants. But after the families saw the pictures they suspected foul play.

On Friday all the three bodies were exhumed from the graveyard in the presence of their families which identified their kins and then took them to Rafiabad for last rites.

Tension has mounted in Kashmir over the killing with protestors clashing with police at a number of places in north Kashmir and Srinagar. Six people including three cops were injured in the stone pelting incidents at Baramulla. The protestors had blocked the Baramulla-Handwara highway and when police tried to clear they were pelted stones.

"There were some incidents in which some people suffered injuries. The situation is under control and there is nothing to worry", said Shakeel A Beag, SSP Baramulla.

There are two probes currently being held to uncover the truth. The state government has asked divisional commissioner Kashmir Naseema Lankar to enquire while army has also ordered a fast-track internal probe to fix the responsibility.

"A person not less than divisional commissioner is probing the matter.No efforts will be spared to reach to the bottom of the case", said Omar Abdullah, J&K chief minister.

An army spokesman in Srinagar said the army is concerned about the seriousness of the allegations. "As and when a formal report is received from the police authorities, a fast track enquiry will be instituted to ascertain the facts. In case any wrongdoing comes to light, expeditious action to bring the guilty to book will be taken", he said.
also Pak should be ready to take back 150 muslims living in india, because at that time this was the case.
imagine 320 million people living on that tiny patch of land ...lol....

That comment was highly uncalled for. As an Indian Muslim i take offense to that.
WASHINGTON - Ahead of next week’s strategic dialogue between the United States and India, a senior American diplomat, while underscoring the importance of the Indo-Pakistan dialogue, has expressed the view that contentious issues like Kashmir should come up only after more vital problems like terrorism and trade are addressed.
“I think that’s not going to be an issue that’s going to be addressed right away,” Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Robert Blake said in response to a question at a special news conference on India Friday.
Observers noted Black’s attempt to downgrade the core dispute between India and Pakistan, saying there can be no peace and stability in the sub-continent without a just settlement of the decades old dispute.
The US official said, “What’s most important is first to get these talks going again and once they’ve gotten beyond the immediate counter-terrorism issues, to focus on some of the important opportunities like trade before taking up some of these more sensitive territorial issues.”
“We always have an interest in seeing our two friends have peaceful relations, but we are not pressurising either side, as you say. We have consistently said that it is up to India and Pakistan to determine how to improve their relations and that the pace and the scope and the character of whatever talks they have is really up to those two countries to decide,” he added.
“But we will always stand ready to help in any way that we can, because again, we see it very much in our interest to see improved ties between these two friends of ours.”
The assistant secretary said the US would like the two countries to develop their ties as they did a few years ago but argued that Pakistan should first stop militants belonging to banned outfits like Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Jaish-e-Muhammad from carrying out activities against India.

Moment not apt for Kashmir talks: US | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
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