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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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That means no solution until Pakistan decides that demanding Kashmir has little benefit, and that perhaps might never happen.

So bye-bye to peace then.

Correct! India can take 20 more Mumbai like attacks on her, but the kashmir stand cannot change.

If it accepts to succeed kashmir independence, then there are 20 others minor ones which will get fuel. Then religious ground will not be the only thing , we are so ethnically diverse there is no end to it.

Actuallly on contrary Kashmir is critical more to INdia.
I might also add that many Pakistanis believe that the hawkish position on J&K in India is convert the LoC as the final border. But this is actually the mainstream as well as centrist position.

The hawkish position is to claim the entire territory of J&K including Pakistani Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan as a part of India as was intended by the Instrument of Ascension.
It should not be forgotten that these areas also had a significant number of Hindus and Sikhs who were forced out of their land and had to take refuge in Indian J&K as well.
Whats your view on the Northern Areas G&B?? Areas given to China ??

GB have not been integrated into Pakistan because they are considered part of disputed territory under the UNSC resolutions. The area adjusted with China was uninhabited and largely barren at the time, and its future status is also subject to negotiations between China and the nation that the Kashmiris choose to join once a plebiscite occurs.
Well said.

So in order to ensure peace you can go to any extent. You will even give your home to ensure peace??????

This is not the solution. If we today agree to give Kashmir to india (to ensure peace :angel: ) tomorrow she will demand Gilgit-Baldistan (and so on). There is no way to satisfy indian hunger.

sorry Gilgit etc is part of Kashmir:partay:
Seems people like to use the word troll a lot these days.. Its the truth..stop spreading crocodile tears for Kashmir..

check the latest survey about Kashmir...around 44% of Azad Kashmir wants independence compared to 42% of Indian Kashmir

truth hurts...doesn't it :lol:

Read the survey carefully - the IaK results are skewed because support for independence in predominantly Hindu Jammu is around 1%. The support for independence in IaK proper 'is between 74% and 95%'
My bet, let the peblicite happen in Indian Kashmir, in front of Kofi Annan. Sure India will win. "Bhaiya sabse bada rupiah!!"

And even if the officials are from Pakistan even then the result will be same.

Who is stopping your govt. then?

Get this done with so that we both could live in peace, if kashmiris favour india over Pakistan that is!
GB have not been integrated into Pakistan because they are considered part of disputed territory under the UNSC resolutions. The area adjusted with China was uninhabited and largely barren at the time, and its future status is also subject to negotiations between China and the nation that the Kashmiris choose to join once a plebiscite occurs.

The question on areas adjusted to or occupied by China is not whether they are uninhabited or not, but how strategically they are important to China; moreover, China claims some of the occupied areas as part of original Tibet. There is no question that China is ever going to abandon its position neither there are any pacts or resolutions to make China give up the occupied land.
The question on areas adjusted to or occupied by China is not whether they are uninhabited or not, but how strategically they are important to China; moreover, China claims some of the occupied areas as part of original Tibet. There is no question that China is ever going to abandon its position neither there are any pacts or resolutions to make China give up the occupied land.

The point about the areas being uninhabited is that they would not impact the result of a plebiscite.
The point about the areas being uninhabited is that they would not impact the result of a plebiscite.

The areas may not impact the plebiscite. However, for plebiscite to happen, there are certain preconditions. One of them is Kashmir of 1947(Geographically).
why no replies from our Pakistani friends..?

Too much difficulty in grasping the truth that the big,bad Indian Army is not involved in this..?:lol:
Srinagar, May 26 -- The United Jehad Council, an amalgam of more than a dozen P-0-K-based militant outfits, has expressed willingness to enter into a dialogue with New Delhi in response to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's recent invitation for talks. "The Government of India must realize that the bilateral efforts made in the past have proved futile due to the absence of the real Kashmiri representatives in such initiatives.

India's stubborn attitude towards Kashmir issue has always been an impediment in the meaningful talks," Syed Sadaqat Hussain, a spokesman of the UJC, was quoted by local dailies in Srinagar on Wednesday. The UJC's new stand was lead story of most of the English and Urdu dailies in Srinagar today.

Indian should continue to be stubborn in its stand in not negotiating with the terrorists.Otherwise every tom,dick and harry with a kalashnikov and grenade will ask for talks with the GOI.

The pre-conditions set by the UJC to sit with New Delhi are revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and Public Safety Act (PSA), release of political detainees and curbing all kinds of human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir. Moderate All Parties Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq for creating conducive atmosphere for a dialogue has put the same conditions forth.

Those acts should not be revoked till the life is snuffed out of the last terrorist and peace returns to the valley.

Conspicuously, the traditional line to declare Kashmir as a dispute by India was missing in the UJC statement. "There should be no precondition like asking militants to lay down arms before entering into any parleys.

Talks only wen the militants lay down arms - as simple as that..The govt should be strong in this.

P.S: The GOI should in no circumstances be involved in talks with groups like LeT,JeM etc.Just smoke them out.

But if indigenous (now not so much!!) groups like Hizbul come to talks talk with them but only if they give up arms.
The GOI is in a position of strength now and the supoort base of the militants are at an alltime low and they know it.
Thats y these talks etc.Deal them from a position of strength.
Now army and security forces should surgically remove doctors ****. they can't rape anyone.
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