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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The onus of proof is on the party making the claims.

Again same old line but no proof.

Young Kashmiri Braveheart Kills Dreaded Terrorist Commander - Sri Lanka

The only "proof" we have that they were LeT members is a statement by Indian police. Given the nature of the situation in Kashmir, that is a less-than-credible source.

We have already shared links to show that they are LeT members. There is not a single thing which says otherwise. Therefore no reason is found to descridit the news. Entire Indian media reported the incident. I have posted foreign links as well. But you seem to denying them without any logic.
Wrong. A brave woman killed an attacker with an AK-47. Was he a LeT member, a common criminal, or an off-duty Indian soldier? She doesn't know. All we have is the media's and Indian police's :-)rofl:) statements.

I think the debate should end here.

As u've choosen to discredit the indian media and as usual find it more comfortable to live in surreal denial.Then good for u buddy...its aint gonna make any differerence to the truth of the matter that a that teenage kashmiri gal killed a dreaded LeT terrorist with an axe . Period .
Independence of Kashmir ? My foot.

Any struggle that is originated/supported/funded by outside influence will not succeed.

The first war of Kashmir was in 1948..and its 61 years...and kashmir is still with India.

The true internal struggle, like that in East pakistan is called as freedom fight. And they got the freedom in less than 1 year after starting the struggle.
Independence of Kashmir ? My foot.

Any struggle that is originated/supported/funded by outside influence will not succeed.

The first war of Kashmir was in 1948..and its 61 years...and kashmir is still with India.

The true internal struggle, like that in East pakistan is called as freedom fight. And they got the freedom in less than 1 year after starting the struggle.

Relax buddy......Pakistan tried in Punjab....started Khalistan Movement....Failed.... Their Mission Kashmir will also meet the same fate....

Just a matter of few years..... Kashmiris have started killing the terrorists...just like Punjabis killed them during Khalistan movement times......The same story will unfold....soon...just wait and watch......
You are absolutely correct blueoval, its only a matter of time now. My friends in the army used to tell me that the valley was one of the most dangerous postings (along with Assam) because of the terrain, the closely packed settlements of the villagers, narrow alleys, nooks, and crannies, and the fact that the jihadis used to hide out and take the help of the villagers for logistics, shelter, and information (mostly by threats or force as in this case, by holding family members hostage).But things have changed over the past few years. Now that the villagers are totally fed up, disillusioned by this so called "jihad" (every Kashmiri has realised how he or she has been used since the violence began in the 80s and the tourism went south), and long suffering at the hands of the jihadis, being caught between being forced to help them and swift reprisals from the forces if caught, they have finally had enough and like any cornered animal, are fighting back. One of my Pakistani brothers correctly said that those who have nothing to lose are often the most dangerous, as these jihadis found out to their mortal surprise. With the locals turning hostile, these jihadis will be hunted out of their burrows like so many rats, and exterminated like the vermin they are. They keep coming across the border to fight for "freedom" and as hospitable Indians over centuries, we give them exactly what they want, permanently.

Cheers, Doc

Scroll to the bottom and you will see the source listed as "indianexpress". Once again, pro-India media parrots the Indian spin without independent verification. The Sri Lankan paper even underlined the word "Pakistani", which pretty much destroys their credibility and objectivity.

We have already shared links to show that they are LeT members.

All you've shown are statements by Indian police. Hardly an objective or credible source in the matter. Do you honestly believe that a top LeT commander personally goes around abducting women? Doesn't he have minions to do small jobs like this?

Also, sexual crimes are not the LeT's speciality. Their human rights abuses center mainly around torturing/killing suspected informants and collaborators.

As u've choosen to discredit the indian media and as usual find it more comfortable to live in surreal denial.

I have shown a healthy skepticism about "news" from a region that is fraught with controversy and spin.

Relax buddy......Pakistan tried in Punjab....started Khalistan Movement

Khalistan was a Sikh secessionist movement which was effectively terminated when Benazir Bhutto dobbed in the movement's leaders to India.
Do I really need to get into this???

India lays claim to all of J&K....including Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and parts donated to China by Pakistan.

Pakistani's are entitled to their views....we to ours.....

The people of azad kashmir call it azad......the people held under occupation in indian occupied kashmir say that they are living under occuaption ,its only you indian that call it something else but the people of kashmir dont agree with you.

Indian occupied punjab?
Khalistan was a Sikh secessionist movement which was effectively terminated when Benazir Bhutto dobbed in the movement's leaders to India.

Whatever was done to finish the movement....but the truth is .....Pakistan Created Khalistani Terrorists.....backed them with money...and Weapons.....but when Pakistani Ruling class realized the game is over.....they handed over some terrorists to India as a token....This is still fresh in Mind of Punjabi population.... Thus there is no support for Pakistani Sponsored Terrorism in Punjab......anymore.....

Pakistan's Mission Kashmir...will have same fate..... These terrorists will be killed by Army....Civilians....and then they will run with their tail between their legs.......into their western Moms...and Dads....b@hind....
Indian Punjab did not have a competing ideology, a competing state vying for the hearts and minds of its people, its people split in half and the international community, through the UNSC resolutions, endorsing the position that the territory is disputed and that the people need to exercise self-determination.

Kashmiri people send their reprentatives into Indian political structures so I can not accept that they are not so-called split ideology/momentum. As UN resultion is concerned, this is not compulsery. The prequisite should be settling Kashmiri pundits and sikhs back into J&K, removing all forces etc.

Kashmiri people has a right to vote every five years as rest of India does. And they are already exercising right to determination through vote.

Lastly, There are a very less percentage of separatist and that too is reducing day by day.
Apparently the girl belonged to the nomadic Kashmiri Gujjar tribe

Girl who killed terrorist to get Rs3.5 lakh - dnaindia.com
Ishfaq ul Hassan / DNA
Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) government may recommend a gallantry award for 21-year-old Rukhsana Kausar, who, along with her mother Rasheeda Begum, killed top Lashkar-e-Taiba militant Abu Osama at Upper Shahdra Sharief in Rajouri district on Sunday night.

Governor NN Vohra has sought a formal report from the director general of police. Based on it, he will recommend a gallantry award for the girl. The governor also intends to honour the brave girl at Raj Bhavan," an official spokesman said on Tuesday.
The mother-daughter showed exemplary courage when they took on two Lashkar militants who had begun beating up family head Noor Hussain after barging into their house.

The girl, who had never handled a gun before, overpowered one of the terrorists with a sibling's help, snatched his weapon and shot him dead.

Police said she first attacked the militant with an axe and later snatched his gun to kill him on the spot. Other family members, including her 18-year-old brother Aijaz Ahmed, caught hold of the other terrorist, snatched his gun as well and fired at him, forcing him to flee.

"I was hiding under the cot when the two militants barged into our house and started beating up my father and mother. I came out and hit one with an axe. Then I picked up his gun, which had fallen down because of the axe effect, and fired at him. One of terrorists died on the spot, while the other fled after suffering an injury," Rukhsana said.

Following the incident, police have rented a house and posted 15 men in the village.
"We are considering appointing a Hussain family member special police official (SPO). This will be in addition to the Rs3.5 lakh which will be given to the family once it is established that the slain militant was Abu Osama. We have also recommended to the deputy commissioner to give one of them a government job. We will also recommend a gallantry award," SSP Rajouri Shafaqat Watali said.

An SPO is a causal employee of the police department who gets Rs3,000 a month. Mostly, village defence committee members and former militants are enrolled as SPOs, who play an important part in the fight against militancy in Jammu and Kashmir.
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Scroll to the bottom and you will see the source listed as "indianexpress". Once again, pro-India media parrots the Indian spin without independent verification. The Sri Lankan paper even underlined the word "Pakistani", which pretty much destroys their credibility and objectivity.

All you've shown are statements by Indian police. Hardly an objective or credible source in the matter. Do you honestly believe that a top LeT commander personally goes around abducting women? Doesn't he have minions to do small jobs like this?

Also, sexual crimes are not the LeT's speciality. Their human rights abuses center mainly around torturing/killing suspected informants and collaborators.

You seem to be in denial mode. What makes you think that all media agencies posted without their verification. This seems to be an attempt to counter a thing which actually can not be countered, atleast not yet.

Everything which goes against you is labelled as pro-Indian. So whatever I will give you, will not satisfy your query. I have already given you enough links. Rest it is your choice mate. Since you don't trust any Indian authority so whatever media I will give, you will deny that source is Indian. We are just going in a circle.

Regarding the sexual expertise of LeT, a terrorist is a terrorist. He can do any evil act. We can not explain what they will do. So we can not say what is the real motive. Some Indian media said they wanted to abduct the girl but none can see the evil reason. Also there are reports already that terrorists are seeking young girls to marry. So I guess this would help you.
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Also, sexual crimes are not the LeT's speciality. Their human rights abuses center mainly around torturing/killing suspected informants and collaborators.
Perception is such a big thing, if you are against anyone even best of evidence seems nothing. If you support someone (LeT) you can vouch for anything. I do not thing anyone can say with confidence xyz cannot rape anyone, we have seen lot of cases where fathers have raped daughters and what not and it is all over the world. Its human and I believe LeT also has human recruited. To add to it, most terrorist organization recruit, poor, illiterate and rough people, people with soft heart will never get recruited in terrorist organizations.
I do not agree with you. Terrorists are not "humans".:sniper:

I did not meant human in that sense. I also believe they are devils at the best with no heart, someone who can fire at a child, women etc cannot be Human.
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