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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I realize you hate this question....but why is the BLA a terrorist org then? Arent they fighting for freedom? How is Balochistans freedom less important that Kashmir? What makes Kashmir so special or their case more legitimate to allow them freedom?

Again an indian bring Balochistan in a thread about Kashmir.

BLA are armed with weapons and openly killing people (Baloch and Non-Baloch), and they blow pipelines in their own province.

Kashmiris throw stones at indian police/troops, indian police/troops respond by firing at unarmed Kashmiris.

And unlike Kashmir, UN and the international community recognizes Balochistan as an integral part of Pakistan even india recognizes Balochistan as an integral part of Pakistan.
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Another blog from Choudhry saab posted by an indian.

If Pakistan withdraws from Azad Kashmir then india will most likely invade Azad Kashmir with its million troops. Thats why Pakistan cant withdraw from Azad Kashmir.

I agree that a plebiscite needs to be given to the people of Jammu & Kashmir, in all parts of Jammu & Kashmir.

The contents are not by Choudhry saab ... However, even if they were, I find his writings very factual and to the point. Unlike a lot of other blogs you see floating around.

Seriously, the formal stand of GoI aside, even in the wildest of our dreams, no Indian would ever want to get stuck with any part of Pakistan in its current state. Posturing aside, if country was like a house, we would have UHauled away years back. But unfortunately thats not an option. So we are happy in our current state and have no intention of adding to our land size by attacking PO K, but have all the determination of not allowing anyone to try and take away a part as well.

Do what you will with that...
Another support to India's typical complaint about Pakistan's stand on Kashmir.
As far as problems in Kashmir is concerned then no nation bet on bunch of hot head teenage rioters but Pakistan does at present. On what Pakistan was betting before is another can of worms. But there is a chain of reaction as far as security situation in Kashmir is concerned. Pakistan on its convenience can opt not to mention about it, and can only accuse about the actions of security forces happening without provocation; which totally unfair.
Fortunately India has been able to expose that chain of reactions very well to many significant nations around world; who have already lost the appetite to entertain such insurgency and militancy against any state.
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Again an indian bring Balochistan in a thread about Kashmir.

BLA are armed with weapons and openly killing people (Baloch and Non-Baloch), and they blow pipelines in their own province.

Kashmiris throw stones at indian police/troops, indian police/troops respond by firing at unarmed Kashmiris.

And unlike Kashmir, UN and the international community recognizes Balochistan as part of Pakistan even india recognizes Balochistan as part of Pakistan.

So I will not go into the legitimacy of the BLA struggle here..However on your comment about BLA openly killing people and blowing pipelines.. Isnt this exactly what is being done to NATO vehicles by the folks who are getting accolades on this forum along with advice on how to maximize returns from those ventures. People however forget that while these attackers are buring the NATO fuel, the people getting killed are innocent Pakistani workers who are just driving the trucks being attacked..
Again an indian bring Balochistan in a thread about Kashmir.

Again a hypocrite Pakistani crutches on fake morality.....we meet again!

BLA are armed with weapons and openly killing people (Baloch and Non-Baloch), and they blow pipelines in their own province.

Oh and LET is a humanitarian organization is it?

Just as you claim the Kashmiri are fighting for their right to "self-determination"....so are the BLA...both by resorting to vandalism and arson against the state.....why call one a terror org and the other a freedom movement? Because it suits you....how typical!

Kashmiris throw stones at indian police/troops, indian police/troops respond by firing at unarmed Kashmiris.

As opposed to Pakistani strategy of assasinating Baloch leaders to quell the revolt and using brute force to suppress the Baloch and their rights?....sound familiar?

Wouldnt be surprised why they decide to revolt!

And unlike Kashmir, UN and the international community recognizes Balochistan as an integral part of Pakistan even india recognizes Balochistan as an integral part of Pakistan.

Freedom is as important to the Baloch as it is to the Kashmiris.....what makes the Kashmiris so special to get their own state?
What have the Kashmiris done to deserve freedom and not the Baloch?

My only point here is.....
If any settlement is to be made on Kashmir in an amicable manner, Pakistanis need to get out of this mindset that terrorism is the answer to Kashmir....
The sooner you understand that the existance of people like Hafiz Saeed, Lakhvi etc can only hurt our chances of peace...the closer we can get to Confidence building and eventually maybe a solution.

Both sides have equally bad cases of insurgencies....you cannot expect us to sympathize with your problems if you dont expect to rationalize with ours and remove the terror infrastructure of the LETs, JEMs, Jamaat Ud Daawas....instead of terming this suicide by your people as a "freedom movement"
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Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Dr Fai

Washington, October 04 (KMS): The Executive Director of Kashmir Centre Washington, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, has said that Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognised disputed territory and not internal matter of India.

Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai was reacting to the recent assertion of the Indian Foreign Minister, S M Krishna that the elections in Indian occupied Kashmir were a plebiscite. In a statement in Washington, Dr Fai said that the Indian Foreign Minister’s claim clearly flouted the UN Security Council resolution 91 of 1951 and resolution 122 of 1957 which clearly affirm that the convening of a Constituent Assembly as recommended by the General Council of the All Jammu and Kashmir National Conference and any action that Assembly might attempt to take to determine the future shape and affiliation of the entire State or any part thereof would not constitute a disposition of the State in accordance with the above principle. “Therefore, Mr. Krishna’s assertion that an election in Kashmir is a substitute for plebiscite is the negation of India’s international obligations,” he said.

The Executive Director said, the only election acceptable to the people of Jammu and Kashmir is one which will be conducted and supervised by an impartial agency like the United Nations and which will take place in an atmosphere free of coercion and intimidation. He clarified that Kashmir was not and could not be regarded as an internal matter of India because under all international agreements, which were agreed by both India and Pakistan, negotiated by the United Nations, endorsed by the Security Council and accepted by the international community. “Kashmir is a disputed territory and does not belong to any member state of the United Nations. If that is true, then the claim of Mr. Krishna that Kashmir is an internal matter of India does not stand,” he added.

Dr Fai emphasized that as far as the third party intervention was concerned, there had to be the persuasion or facilitation by a third party to impress upon both India and Pakistan to include the genuine leadership of Jammu and Kashmir in all future talks over the issue of Kashmir. “The history of past sixty-three years testifies to the fact that the bilateral talks between India and Pakistan have always been fruitless. In fact any attempt to strike a deal between any two parties without the association of the third party, will fail to yield a credible settlement. The agreement between Sheikh Abdullah and Jawaharlal Nehru in 1952, the pact between Sheikh Abdullah and Indira Gandhi in 1975, and an agreement between Farooq Abdullah and Rajiv Gandhi in 1980’s sought to bypass Pakistan, leaving the basic issue of Kashmir unsettled. Likewise, the Tashkent Agreement of 1966 between India and Pakistan, the Simla Agreement of 1972, the Lahore Declaration of 1998, the New York Joint Communiqué between President Musharraf and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2004 sought to bypass the people of Kashmir and it resulted in a failure. So the time has come that talks need to be tripartite. The reason that talks must be tripartite is that the dispute primarily involves three parties, India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir. But the primary and principal party is the people of Kashmir, because it is ultimately their future, the future of 15 million people of Kashmir that is at stake,” he said.

The Executive director warned that offering the LoC as an international border by Indian Home Minister, P Chidambaram, was an absolute fallacy to begin with. He said that this was also an ideal non-existent solution. “One cannot imagine a better formula for sowing a minefield in South Asia that will lead them to a nuclear disaster. Kashmiris revolted against status quo and how can status quo becomes an option. Also, Kashmiris wish to emphasize that their land is not a real estate which can be parcelled out between two disputants but the home of a nation with a history far more compact and coherent than India’s and far longer than Pakistan’s,” he stated. He maintained that no settlement of the Kashmir dispute would be lasting unless it was explicitly based on the principles of self-determination and erased the so-called Line of Control, which was in reality the line of conflict.

The Executive Director reiterated that the concept of autonomy for Kashmiris proposed by some quarters in India was an absolute non-solution. “Here you will have to rely on a provision of the Indian Constitution. All Constitutions of the world are subject to amendments and Indian Constitution is no exception. If not now, if not today, in the foreseeable future, the Parliament can delete this provision in the Constitution and the move will not even need a debate in the Indian Parliament,” he said. Dr Fai further stated that the Kashmiris had had the experience of a limited autonomy, which was first practiced under a personal understanding between Nehru and Abdullah and later provided for by Section 370 of the Indian Constitution, adding that it was eroded and eventually whittled away by the forces of circumstances.

Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai pointed out that the presence of a million peacefully protesting people on the streets of Kashmir gave a loud and clear message to the world powers including the United States that they would not accept anything short of “Azadi” freedom. He deplored that India was seeking the candidacy of the UN Security Council while it was continuously flouting its resolutions on Kashmir. “We fail to understand how can the world powers, including the Obama Administration, even consider to support a country like India to become a member of the United Nations Security Council when it has been violating the very principles for which UN stands for? This will make mockery of the principles of the United Nations and of international obligations of a member country under the United Nations Charter,” he added. »

Kashmir is not India?s internal matter: Dr Fai | Kashmir Media Service
I have changed the title of the thread to reflect the headline of the article. Don't come up with your own spin on the content.

The article does not at all state that the movement is against Pakistan, as your thread headline implied.
Security bunkers being removed in Srinagar

Srinagar, Oct 5 (ANI): Jammu and Kashmir Government on Tuesday started the process of removing 16 security bunkers from Srinagar.

The decision to remove the bunkers was taken at a meeting of the Unified Headquarters in Srinagar last week as part of the Centre's eight-point Kashmir peace initiative.

The bunkers will be removed from Anganwadi centre Wanihama, BD school Batmaloo, Sonawar, Janab Sahib Soura, Hazratbal, PHC Palpora, Magarmal crossing, Agricultural University Shalimar, DAV School Wazirbagh, SDPT Aloochibagh, Miskinbagh, Firdausabad in Batamaloo, Sazgiripora, Sumkachbal, Common Dental College Karanagar, Bone and Joint Hospital in Barzulla.

It was also decided that the state government would set up two groups of senior police and Army officers in Srinagar and Jammu to identify areas where the government could de-notify the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) (ANI)

Security bunkers being removed in Srinagar - Oneindia News
JK peace gesture: 5 of 16 security bunkers removed​

Srinagar, Oct 5: As part of the Centre's eight-point Kashmir peace initiative, the Jammu and Kashmir government has removed five bunkers out of 16 of the security forces from Srinaga city on Tuesday, Oct 5. The move has come as part of the Centre's peace initiatives to reach out to the people of the Valley.

Sources said the bunkers will be removed from Anganwadi center Wanihama, BD school Batmaloo, Sonawar, Janab Sahib Soura, Hazratbal, PHC Palpora, Magarmal crossing, Agricultural University Shalimar, DAV School Wazirbagh, SDPT Aloochibagh, Miskinbagh, Firdausabad in Batamaloo, Sazgiripora, Sumkachbal, Common Dental College Karanagar, Bone and Joint Hospital in Barzulla.

The Centre has decided to appoint interlocutors to hold "sustained dialogue" with various shades of opinion, to release about 200 youth detained for stone-pelting and de-scale the presence of security personnel.

Further request were also made to state government to review the deployment of security forces in the Kashmir Valley and maintain peace in the disturbed areas.

Srinagar Relief | Bunkers Removed | Central Govt | Security Forces | Kashmir Eight-Point - Oneindia News
"India conducting state terrorism in Kashmir, Pakistan tell U.N."

How many believe this BS? Most view India as peaceful country. For Pakistan, using Mujahadeen is a better strategy than addressing UN to counter india
"India conducting state terrorism in Kashmir, Pakistan tell U.N."

How many believe this BS? Most view India as peaceful country. For Pakistan, using Mujahadeen is a better strategy than addressing UN to counter india

Pakistan is making a fool out of itself by saying such things. Its credibility will go down the toilet if it keeps saying things like this. You dont want to be in the league of Iran, do you? Pakistanis - rein in your government from embarrassing you all. You just cannot convince the developed nations that India sponsors terrorism. An intern in the political area can tell you that. The problem for Pakistan is the developed nations dont want Kashmir to be outside of Indian government's influence. At the end of the day, we are not spending money to root out a terrible menace from the Indian soil but a terrible menace from pakistani soils. The pakistani minister has to understand how we view things.
this story is from 5 days back and today dear musharaff admitted to training militant groups to fight in kashmir....
Case against Arundhati Roy

RANCHI: A complaint case was lodged at the Ranchi chief judicial magistrate's (CJM) court against Booker prize winner and social activist Arundhati Roy for saying that "Kashmir was never an integral part of India".

The case was lodged under Section 124 (A) of IPC against Roy by one Ashish Kumar Singh in the court of CJM Vijay Kumar. The hearing on the complaint case will take place on Tuesday.

The petitioner alleged that Roy, by issuing a statement in public that in her view "Kashmir was never an integral part of India", has attempted to bring hatred or contempt against the government establishment by law. The petitioner demanded lawful action against Roy.

Roy was in the state capital on September 25 and 26 to attend a public hearing on Operation Green Hunt. While interacting with reporters, Roy had said in her opinion she did not accept that Kashmir was ever an integral part of India.

Meanwhile, judicial custody of former chief minister Madhu Koda and his aide Vikash Sinha was extended by the vigilance and Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) courts on Monday.

Koda was produced in the vigilance court of special judge Binoy Kant Khan and his judicial custody was extended till October 18, while Sinha was produced in the court of special judge Geetendra Kumar Singh and his judicial custody was extended till October 27.

Case against Arundhati Roy - The Times of India
No freedom of speech granted to its citizens in the world's largest "democracy".

I wonder what Gandhi Ji would think of his India if he was alive today.
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^^^What BS are you talking about.. India is a free country ..any individual can file a court petition against any other..it court's job to verify it and accept or dismiss it based on facts!!
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