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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Von Hölle;1183783 said:
^^^What BS are you talking about.. India is a free country ..any individual can file a court petition against any other..it court's job to verify it and accept or dismiss it based on facts!!

We'll just have to wait and see what your indian courts have to say then.

Relatives of Kashmiris killed by indian police/troops and wounded Kashmiris should also take the indian police/troops to courts for violation of their freedom of speech and freedom to protest.

Isn't it a crime in a democracy if police/troops kill unarmed citizens for speaking up and protesting?
We'll just have to wait and see what your indian courts have to say then.

Relatives of Kashmiris killed by indian police/troops and wounded Kashmiris should also take the indian police/troops to courts for violation of their freedom of speech and freedom to protest.

Isn't it a crime in a democracy if police/troops kill unarmed citizens for speaking up and protesting?

As your initial attempt to flame the thread failed ..hence you want take different approach and start with off topic posts... lame!! :disagree:
No freedom of speech granted to its citizens in the world's largest "democracy".

If freedom of speech means always spreading BS against the country she is staying, than no, she should be arrested and persecuted as per the law. She is lucky that it is India otherwise she might have been shot by the army way back.

I wonder what Gandhi Ji would think of his India if he was alive today.

You better think what Quaid E Azam would think about Pakistan if he was alive today. We think about our country.
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No freedom of speech granted to its citizens in the world's largest "democracy".

I wonder what Gandhi Ji would think of his India if he was alive today.

Freedom Of speech is allowed, But It should not result in Escalating the Tension's, This is Not the first Incident, remember Varun Gandhi?? he was Jailed for an Anti Pakistan and Anti Muslim speech, Does that Come under freedom of speech as well???
I am surprised at the contents of post #1 but not unhappy.

While it is necessary for ppl to oppose the Govt on all issues but making thoughtless remarks without knowledge of the entire picture amounts to attempts at sensationalism.

Europe & US are touchy on the holocaust, Pak is edgy on J&K in India ppl can get away with almost anything . This has to stop.
No freedom of speech granted to its citizens in the world's largest "democracy".

I wonder what Gandhi Ji would think of his India if he was alive today.

Lame argument. Try too understand what is written in plain english rather than putting in your illiterate arguments.

the case is of a free citizen agianst another free citizen stating her opinion freely. How come you understand it as a case against freedom of speech is beyond comprehension.

If she had been denied her freedom of speech ALA Pakistan or China she would have been lined up and shot or shoved into a prison. She can still defend herself with lawyers and move about freely speaking her mind, thats freedom of speech. One of the reasons she still speaks anti-government stuff is because she knows nothing like that can happen in India.

Looking close to home would be a good start to understanding how subversion of freedom of speech occurs-

Pakistani Journalist Speaks Out After an AttackBy JANE PERLEZ
Published: September 24, 2010
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — An investigative reporter for a major Pakistani newspaper was on his way home from dinner here on a recent night when men in black commando garb stopped his car, blindfolded him and drove him to a house on the outskirts of town.

Umar Cheema, 34, a reporter for The News, was kidnapped and beaten on the outskirts of Islamabad on Sept. 4 after having written several articles that were critical of the Pakistani Army.

There, he says, he was beaten and stripped naked. His head and eyebrows were shaved, and he was videotaped in humiliating positions by assailants who he and other journalists believe were affiliated with the country’s powerful spy agency.
Times Topic: Pakistan
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No freedom of speech granted to its citizens in the world's largest "democracy".

I wonder what Gandhi Ji would think of his India if he was alive today.

As many other Indian members pointed out... a free democracy gives equal right for people to speak whatever they want and it gives equal rights for any other citizen to challenge their freedom of speech if it conflicts his/her interest. It would have been a violation of her freedom of speech had it been the govt file a case or get her arrested upon her expression of opinion in regards to Kashmir, but it wasn't so.

There was another case filed in the recent judicial history where someone filed a case against Tamil actress Khusboo blaming her of outraging public decency when she supported pre-marital $ex rights for women. The case was dismissed by the Supreme Court of India. I am sure a similar decision will be made in this case as well.
Freedom of expression doesnt mean you can go around hurting the sentiments of millions of people and it does not allow you to conduct activities,which are anti constitutional.

The government of India maintains that the state of Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India.Thousands have laid down their lives to keep it that way.Now all of a sudden if Arundhati Roy goes on around the streets that Kashmir is not integral part of India,then she not only abuses the freedom of expression,but also hurts the sentiments of thousands of families affected by the Kashmir issue in particular and all the Indians in general.

Talking about Arundhati Roy,this lady has developed this habit of going against the interest of the people of India for almost any and every issue.I just cannot possibly out what exactly she wants to do with all this.It is not like she pursues any issue to see to its end.She makes some kind news-making comment whenever any particular issue is hot and then stops pursuing it after a while and jumps to some other issue,while the older one remains as it is.
This observation leads to only one conclusion.She wants to stay in the focus,in the limelight.
As long as democracy flourishes in Kashmir with Kashmiris electing their own leaders to rule them Kashmir will always be with India.

No other country will support Pakistan's position as nobody is willing to see the birth of another Afghanistan.
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Again a hypocrite Pakistani crutches on fake morality.....we meet again

Oh and LET is a humanitarian organization is it?

Just as you claim the Kashmiri are fighting for their right to "self-determination"....so are the BLA...both by resorting to vandalism and arson against the state.....why call one a terror org and the other a freedom movement? Because it suits you....how typical!


As opposed to Pakistani strategy of assasinating Baloch leaders to quell the revolt and using brute force to suppress the Baloch and their rights?....sound familiar?

Freedom is as important to the Baloch as it is to the Kashmiris.....what makes the Kashmiris so special to get their own state?
hahhahaha again joke how many balochs in punjab and sindh ... their population is more here and only factor responsibe for backwardness of baloches there is tussel between govt and feuds ....
What have the Kashmiris done to deserve freedom and not the Baloch?

My only point here is.....
If any settlement is to be made on Kashmir in an amicable manner, Pakistanis need to get out of this mindset that terrorism is the answer to Kashmir....
The sooner you understand that the existance of people like Hafiz Saeed, Lakhvi etc can only hurt our chances of peace...the closer we can get to Confidence building and eventually maybe a solution.
Both sides have equally bad cases of insurgencies....you cannot expect us to sympathize with your problems if you dont expect to rationalize with ours and remove the terror infrastructure of the LETs, JEMs, Jamaat Ud Daawas....instead of terming this suicide by your people as a "freedom movement"
hahahaha ... funny joke.....
what about such issues in india .... if we start counting these there would be hundreds in india.......
what about moist....... why u don,t like them.......
read history .... they(baloch leaders) are fueds and when government tried to end feudal culture they raised racial salogens and india paying them.........
ohh.......... what about kashmiri leaders , muslims in asaam and killing of moist leaders.... and many more don,t teach us morality ... king of immoraly

keep your biased points with u.....

ok free asaam , hyderabad , moist area ang kashmir we will free baloch area....... do u agree.......:pakistan:
As long as democracy flourishes in Kashmir with Kashmiris electing their own leaders to rule them Kashmir will always be with India.

No other country will support Pakistan's position as nobody is willing to see the birth of another Afghanistan.

hahhahaha .... puppit democracy.........
its good for indians not kashmiries...
we have not forget the words of indra gandhi after debacle of bangladesh that her next aim is balochistan.....
at that time no insergency had been started in kashmir........
but indian govt paid baloch insurgents that gave rise to 1973 operation....
why your ........ started itching in 1989 revolt....
and you need to count no of army on kashmir .... 7 lak plus and in balochistan no more than 20 thousand........
we know international community and media is being dominated by non-muslim forces. they are fully biased thats why all the issues relating to muslims are hanging fire ..
but even a single chance to damage muslim countries is cashed ...
it is unfortunate that muslims are lacking sincere and competent leadership that is making them suffer..
same is for our baloch brothers.... while baloch feuds are sitting in europe and india they are inciting baloch people on racial grounds ...
but their evil plans along with their evil masters are not going to be reality ....
relating kashmir with balochistan is irrational ... balochistan issue should be compared with moists and other insurgents in india........
it has been policy of india to damage credibility of pakistan....
a resolution in 1948 was passed in congress that pakistan is not a viable state and it would not be allowed to exist as viable state......
so it is indian legacy.....
pakistanies need not to be frustrated by indian propagandas on any ground rather they should face it on solid grounds......
Is not title misleading ? May be because its pakistani forum, title can be biased. :)

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