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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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If the decade long terror and ethnic cleansing was not "effective", these "protests" by traitors like this Syed are not going to be effective as well. He anyway has one leg in the grave and another on a banana peel.

The separatists back has been broken. It is their last hurrah before they fade away.

Well so has the Israelis been saying for past 50 years about intifada. India is slowly trying to cultivate a picture of Kashmir as indian terriotery rather than disputed one.

Source | Kashmir - Arab News
We view with grave concern the escalating violence in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

The violence has already claimed 40 lives. The present outbreak of violence can be traced back to the killing of a 17-year-old student by a police tear gas shell on June 11, 2010. The incident led to mass protests which continues unabated. The protests are the spontaneous reaction of a segment of the Kashmiri population to decades of suppression by the Indian police and paramilitary forces. Such abuses have been documented by a number of human rights groups in India and elsewhere.

It is wrong to argue, as some Indian officials have, that the protesters are in the pay of Pakistan-backed separatists. Instead of denying reality, the Indian government, and the Kashmiri leadership that it supports, should take immediate steps to ensure that their security personnel stop using excessive force against largely unarmed protesters. Police and paramilitary forces should withdraw from heavily populated civilian areas.

When there is a semblance of law and order, the governments of India and Pakistan and the legitimate representatives of the people of Jammu and Kashmir should begin talks aimed at finding a just and durable solution to the decades old crisis. In seeking a solution, the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir should take precedence over everything else. The only solution is a fair and impartial plebiscite under international supervision.
Thats what i love about you guys :smitten:, you guys so generous :tup:

1971,we got kargil
1984,we got Siachen
in future,probably that strategic pass(can't remember the name) responsible for making it easy for those infiltrators.

Wats the point of doing all this,we all know the only way Kashmir will get its independence temporarily is by military action(that is if you can overpower the Indianmilitary presence there of course).

Hey can't you see my posts. Can't you read them. I wonder why you Indians are such a dumbas*. Anyways your post was totally pathetic. :)
But Karan let me tell you an open secret. We will do it again and again until the problem is resolved. You can say many Blah Blah in reponse but we will do it again. Keep it in mind.


You will do it again and again and the history will repeat itself again and again.
First things first.. I dont believe India is backing TTP and am totally against promotion of terrorism to attain political objectives.

Having said that, this is how I see the last 60 years of tit-for-tat

1. Pakistan tried to capture the independent state of Kashmir in 1947, which actually led to the maharaja moving into India's fold (which he wouldnt have if Pakistan did not invade). India's intervention prevented Pakistan from capturing the key parts of the state including the capital Srinagar.

2. Pakistan again tried to break away J&K from India in 1965 and failed

3. In 1971, looking at Pakistan's past 2 unsuccessful attempts to force a military victory, India gave a live lesson on how such a military solution be brought about. Bangladesh got created

4. Pakistan did not learn much and failed again in 1999

5. Pakistan switched from trying a force a military solution to an insurgency based solution and has been trying since 1989 to get some positive results. There have been brief spurts of success in terms of riots etc primarily fueled by the separatists. That trend however is on a downward trajectory.

6. There are strong voices in the offices of Indian administration to pay back Pakistan in the same coin by promoting insurgency in Pakistan's areas of Balochistan, Sindh, NWFP etc. However the govt at this time feels that this is not required. The existing players (TTP, ISI, PA etc) are themselves doing a good job at this destabalization and that has contributed significantly to the things quitening down in Kashmir. But the option stays open

There may be that level of engagement Vinod, but I'm not talking about Kashmir as a whole, I'm talking about the Valley.

Your claim that they're already part of India is all well and good, but these eruptions of anger and mass protests don't seem to be going away.

From your side, where is it that the govt is failing? Why does the govt fail to prevent these cries for 'azaadi' and protests happening with frequency? Lots of CCS meetings take place, and shuttling back and forth from Srinagar to Delhi, but not a great deal is achieved.

And the point I touch on about the investment. From all accounts I hear of, Kashmir is doing very well. There is the development, there is the money (I believe only 6% live below the poverty line), so why is that you can't even 'bribe' them to feel part of the Union?

Hope you can clear up some of that for me.

You are right. There is a problem in the valley. We need to deal with it and we have not done the best job of it so far.

There was no problem before 1989 for decades. Then we had those happenings and things came to a boil. It will take time for them to get back to normal as there is still some last momentum left from the two decades of terror. Some people seem to believe they can snatch the valley from India.

The present generation of the worst separatists like this Syed will fade away and things will be normal again as they were pre-1989.
You are right, but dont forget that they have to work and feed their children so it is natural for a man to look for survival in tough times. Since you shared your story i will do the same. I was a house mate with a Kashmire doctor in Melbourne. He had lived in Delhi for long time and even had his own property there. He told me that in Kasmire Indian army would plant weapons in houses of ordinary citizens and then arrest them on charges of being armed millitants. I once joked with him of how he must be fearfull of Indians and he told me that i had no idea of what fear and humilitaion was, when a man cannot protect the dignity and honour of his family it is the worst feeling to have. Long story short we all have a story but whats important is that how will the hearts and minds of the Kashmire will be changed.

Yes, a healing touch is needed and that can be only applied in an atmosphere free from terror and these life paralyzing "protests".

We are in it for as long as it takes.
The conclusion is simple,India won't give up Kashmir,but Pakistan wants it.
So whats the future?
Status quo.. But if the trends are anything to go by, things not looking up for Pakistan...
The conclusion is simple,India won't give up Kashmir,but Pakistan wants it.
So whats the future?

nooooo,pak will have to leave that demand sooner or later.y india supports bla??,y india is in afganistan??.this is very sasta method.
dont u look at the condition of pak frm 3-4 yrs???war started frm afganistan,it seems to have its end in pakistan.india also wants war but on the soil of pak.
nooooo,pak will have to leave that demand sooner or later.y india supports bla??,y india is in afganistan??.this is very sasta method.
dont u look at the condition of pak frm 3-4 yrs???war started frm afganistan,it seems to have its end in pakistan.india also wants war but on the soil of pak.

R u accepting india spreads terrorism in Pakistan?u support a UN and internationally banned terrorist organistion?

Go back 2-3 year u see a fast growing Pakistan... Go in future u will see tht inshallah.

I wonder wat the next Taliban govt will do?

Anyways did u know who bombed indian embassy in kabul?
Who hoisted Pakistani Flag in Assam?who supports naxalites?moaists?etc

And forget tht we will leave kashmir issue!
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