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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Some of these women are very tough........brave enough to go against a security force that has no issue in regards to using the bullet....not many people would have the guts to do such things.
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Obviously you don't mourn them enough as you would not have killied them.

We mourne them because they had to die in the unnecessary violence. If they were not dead, there was no reason to mourne.

Looks like they have failed in this regard......you had 20 years since 1989....yet you haven't even begun to scratch the surface in solving the problem......where was the communication then.
You are kidding me.. Do you know in 2001, 4500 people died in similar violence in Kashmir. In 2009, this number was under 400. Dont be so intent on making a point that you discard the numbers.

That's funny.....why are there 45 people dead then...if History does teach us that dialogue is better than violence.

You should ask this to people who decided that rioting was a better option than talking..
I think the army (and do remember, the beauty of Musharraf's plan was that he would've had the backing of the army), became entrenched in the fight against the Taliban, and so moved away from what Musharraf was dealing with.

But then it was left to the politicians to pick up where we were. But it seems for point scoring purposes, and the refusal to give Musharraf the deserved credit on Kashmir, they moved away from the four-point formula (and even failed to acknowledge it in some cases)

Unfortunately, as with Pak politics, the new administration is playing an oppourtinistic game, and can't fathom sealing a deal on Kashmir for which they'd have to credit a 'military dictator' for being the chief architect.

Well, may be you are right.

The perception in India is that it is the PA that drives the core agenda of Pakistan (and that includes relations with India). So it is Kayani who sets the tone and not the civilian government.

Recently there were some articles that again credited Kayani for the recent FM talks failure. Not sure how credible they were.

Kayani is considered a hawk on India, a PA officer of the 1971 generation (meaning the officers and men who have a burning desire to avenge 1971, by severing Kashmir from India (mythical chopping off of the head). There was an article by MJ Akbar in today' TOI and a thread on that which seems to have been deleted.
You are kidding me.. Do you know in 2001, 4500 people died in similar violence in Kashmir. In 2009, this number was under 400. Dont be so intent on making a point that you discard the numbers.

4500 is a very high figure...let me guess all of them were civilians, did any security forces die in that particular riot?

Karan the question is not how many people have died....but why is there still discontent within the Kashmiri community towards the Indian goverment......obviously India is doing something wrong....and it has not targetted the core issue in why there is a problem....failure of the goverment.
You should ask this to people who decided that rioting was a better option than talking..

May be you should ask your security forces why they used live bullets....if they are so keen to use dialogue.

---------- Post added at 11:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 AM ----------

We mourne them because they had to die in the unnecessary violence

They died unneccessay by your goverments guns.
May be you should ask your security forces why they used live bullets....if they are so keen to use dialogue.

They died unneccessay by your goverments guns.

Police dont use guns for fun..it is used when all the other measures for controlling the riots fails..Its not the police force who has to be solely blamed here nor the government..those rioters were equally responsible for it too..for me they brought it to themselves..what you want?let the government allow those rioters destroying and burning public properties and vehicles?
Police dont use guns for fun

That is debatable because your police force would not have killied 45 people in 2010.......and 4500 people in 2001...as Karan was kind enough to tell me. Were the police that desperate that they had to kill that many people......your police force needs some serious training in controlling the crowd.....because that is truly pathetic that they need to use the gun as a last resort....all the time.
4500 is a very high figure...let me guess all of them were civilians, did any security forces die in that particular riot?

Karan the question is not how many people have died....but why is there still discontent within the Kashmiri community towards the Indian goverment......obviously India is doing something wrong....and it has not targetted the core issue in why there is a problem....failure of the goverment.


@GS, you yourself said that the IRA issue took close to 80 years to solve.. These things dont go away over night. 20 years seem to be a large number and I would have been worried if the positive trend was not so stark. See what has happened in 20 years is that Pakistan's relative (to India) ability to forment trouble in Kashmir has gone down significantly due to increase in India's diplomatic and economic condition and Pakistan's own internal problems (see the attached similar trend for Pakistan below)


This has allowed India to make substantial progress on the Kashmir side and the level of unrest is nowhere near what it was towards the end of last century. And the incidents like these are few and far between. Shouldnt they be zero?? Sure...but for now 90% reduction in last 10 years will have to do..
let the government allow those rioters destroying and burning public properties and vehicles?

What is the total number of Paramilitary troops and police force you have in Kashmir?
That is debatable because your police force would not have killied 45 people in 2010.......and 4500 people in 2001...as Karan was kind enough to tell me. Were the police that desperate that they had to kill that many people......your police force needs some serious training in controlling the crowd.....because that is truly pathetic that they need to use the gun as a last resort....all the time.

Those 4500 included police personal ,civilians and terrorists ..look at the chart below and how it is lowering..and it would be also debatable for what action did police start at shooting them..You keep on telling 45 peoples killed by police like police went each and every ones homes and killed them..they were rioting and police tried to control them but it was in vein and when the riot turned violent police has to shoot..

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:rofl: you are so dead!! everyone will jump you now! cuz you asked for it! wait for the wrath of JANA!

but for your knowledge WOMEN IN PAKISTAN are more liberated and free compared to india! be it military or politics or any other field of work! :pakistan:as for protests well in our country it seems women protest way more than anywhere!! be it PML(N) ki PUNJABAAN's or JINNAH hospital's nurses or be it (MY FAVOURITE) MARVI MEMON!

I doubt it.
in the last 9 years over 4257 civilians have died...due to your security forces killing them...that is alot.......you seem to be defending your goverments actions..when clearly it has blood on its hands.Yes the figure has gone down....but nevertheless they are still dieing.....just because they are raising there voice........if that is the case...should all the Indians living in Malaysia be put to death....just because they are voicing for more right.
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