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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Maybe not in the last 1.5 years, but in the last decade 63 rapes have happened, which has been dished out by your Army. I had this perception that India had a Professional army that was disciplined.......looks like that is not the case...as you have animals residing in your army that have not been punished. Before getting weapons.....you should educate your soilders in not raping.....other wise your reputation as a modern army will go down the drain. You should take pointer in how the UK conducts it army.

U dont have to worry abt the IA.I think u should be more concerned abt your british army.I have seen how they treat PoWs.The world saw how British soilders pulled naked Iraqi PoWs like dogs with chains that were tied to their necks.
And i think i mentioned it earlier that the IA rarely carries out ops in Kashmir nowadays.
Sure...but please first learn to spell your country correctly.

You are going off...topic......is your blood boiling...knowing that the truth is beginning to set in your mind....what type of disgusting Army you have.
Well Kashmir's don't feel that way......other wise they would not have come out on to the street's and protest. Women and Men of all ages are involved in this protest.....just the other day Ejaz a Pakistan member showed a article where an Indian Security officer shoved a baton down a 8 year old throat.....was that right Karan......do you support such aggressive behavior of your secrurity forces.

No I dont support any child getting injured in any event by anyone. Where the blame lies, though needs to be seen. Would like to see a link to that article (not a blog) and the credebility of the link. And would want to see the parents of that child prosecuted for causing injury due to willful negligence.

About coming out on streets and protesting...Go back a few months when Karachi was burning due to protests by the public against electricity shortage. It was still on the streets..The public memory is too fickle.. Dont tie too much hopes to that...
You expect us to take a pragmatic stand on an issue of independence/freedom to an Indian state....while you bury your head in the sand pretending to ignore a similar call to action happeneing in your own country?

Why shy away from what EjazR asked in a post just a few above yours?

My question to you is....

What makes Kashmir so special that it should be the highlight for all discussions? What makes the Kashmir movement so "right" and every other movement for independence be it Balochistan or Tibet not as important to you?

Dont you find it a least bit hypocritical that on one hand, you support and pretend to have a moral high stand regarding freedom to people of Kashmir..Human rights..ancestral homes hooplah etc about a state thats part of India....
While you ignore, alienate and squash the same call for Independence from one of your own states?....
What makes the Balochis stand so weak compared to the Kashmiris? Dont they deserve freedom?

At least with India...we have dealt all Insurgencies with an even hand.....whether it be the Kashmiris, Khalistanis, ULFA or anything.....
'Kashmir' is special for very different reasons. The litmus test of their 'love for the kasmiri people' can be seen in what they've done to what's called 'Azaad Kashmir'. Poor, underdeveloped, politically unstable and swarming with extremists- that's the real legacy of pakistani rule in their occupied area.

The 'love of kashmiri people' and their 'rights' is a blatant lie. it has always been a strategy- once kashmir moves out, it sets a precendent and it becomes possible for other regions to ask for independence (yeah that's gonna happen). And then ( in the minds of delusional pakistani govt. members), they'll be ruling a hundred afghanistans all around them and be a 'great power'. And what are the achievements of this 'great power'- little policitcal stability, little economic prosperity and little clarity on moving to a better future. In the end, even this Kashmir would be in as much of a mess as the occupied one.
I would much rather debate with a bit thick headed but large hearted Pakistani anyday rather than with conniving/clever/cunning/convoluted/twisted Brits who still want to muster an empire out of the their old colonies..

And for that I will report you to the Moderator.
Tell me Indians was that 8 year old paid by separatists as well.....did he deserve to die......this type of thing will never happen in the UK.....thank the lord that I was not born in India.

Unfortunate Collateral Damage.. People who started these riots are responsible as are parents who send their 8 year olds along with the rioters..

And yes.. Thank God you were not born in India..
You are going off...topic......is your blood boiling...knowing that the truth is beginning to set in your mind....what type of disgusting Army you have.

Firstly i dont think u are a British national.Maybe u r a British national of Pakistani origin.Secondly i would suggest that u dont comment on our army .U dont know anything abt our army.If u really want to discuss, then discuss abt the possible methods by which the problems of Kashmir can be solved.
Listen Ganga if the British army did that....to what the Indian army did to that 8 year old, there would be condemnation through out Britain.

Firstly i dont think u are a British national.Maybe u r a British national of Pakistani origin

I would be careful if I was you....because the last perosn who said that was given a warning by the moderator.
You are occupying them; therefore your argument is totally flawed. They don’t want you there. That’s why they are revolting.

Lets see 2 weeks down the line.. They were fine a few weeks back, they will be fine a few weeks down the line. You can keep blowing the occupying trumpet.. Doesnt change anything..

Who is hitting the brick wall?

You put the emoticon, so I assume its you...

I was referring to Kashmiris ;)
I mentioned a challenge to Pakistan.. Not Kashmiris..

Sure we could actually; because last I checked, according to even hindustany media – naxal are in 1/3 of india and that is just one of a handful of rebel movements. But that’s a whole other subject.
Yes.. A separate topic just like the abiliity of Taliban to strike with impunity anywhere in Pakistan (100% ?).. I would say better than 1/3rd

It’s a land dispute….people live in those lands; you are sadly naive to think they will just pack up and go.
No one is asking them to pack up and go either. Their choice.. Stay or leave..

‘’Kashmir is an integral part of hindustan’’

Your favourite adage. Unfortunately for you, it’s farthest from the truth. In Azad Kashmir, I don’t see people throwing rocks and objects at our forces. Pooch lo kyu… Because we give them almost full autonomy and don’t treat them like subjects.

Yeah.. I know that autonomy. Virtually every neutral source rates Pakistan administered Kashmir significantly lower than J&K on human rights and autonomy.. Refer to recent EU paper as well as Amnesty international report..

You on the other hand, your strategy is failing miserably. Kill 2 people, you created 35 more enemies who will denounce your presence. In that sense, you are only doing a service to Pakistan; and most importantly, you are just sowing the seeds for further anti hindustan sentiment

Check the trend of violence in J&K and contrast it with Pakistan's situation.. Very visible where strategy is working and where not. Last I checked, civilian lives claimed by such insurgency is second highest in Pakistan.. Only next to Afghanistan

Nope. No matter how you try to mis-construe it, those are 2 more innocent lives taken away by the occupying forces.

Imposing curfew, target killing and intimidation wont be effective tool…
Watch and learn...

Worlds largest democracy hard at work, ey?
The Birtish did every evil of world and crossed all levels of barbarity so lecture of peace from them is undigestible. By the way GreenStar what peaceful means Bristh used in Jaliyan wala bagh,

Dont get pulled into British Bashing.. Thats what the flags are for...;)
Dont get pulled into British Bashing.. Thats what the flags are for.

That is what I was thinking......Britain is not linked to this topic....I don't know why your fellow countrymen get emotional when this is a public forum.....you lot our grown men, and you can't even debate with a 19 year old........gosh if I showed this to my friends they would laugh.
And that's the reason why Punjab is with India too. The avergae Indian really doesn't want to discriminate or put someone at a disadvantage. The average Indian doesn't want Sikhs to 'lose their relegion and become hindus' as was being spoken of them. We've always adored and respected their culture.
Someone once said....

"Sikh Hindustan Ki Chaddar Hain"...in reference to their massive presence in the armed forces along with their contirbution towards the Independence and security of our Union.....

And Rightly said too....

I grew up with Sikhs and one of my best friends is Sikh....it makes me ashamed to think of what happened to them...

Nevertheless, I am completely fine with the likes of Bindhrawale and the Babbar Khalsans being dealt with severly....same goes for Sangh Parivar, MNS and their ilk!

Terrorists have no religion.....Lets make sure we maintain that stand....

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