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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Boy killed as fresh clashes erupt in IHK

* 20 injured in clashes with police as hundreds defy strict curfew restrictions in several places, stage protests

SRINAGAR: Twenty people were hurt on Thursday in fresh clashes with police after the death of a nine-year-old boy injured during a weekend protest in Indian-held Kashmir, police said.

The death brought to 59 the number of protesters and bystanders killed in two months of violent protests against Indian rule. Most of the victims were young men or teenagers shot dead by security forces. The boy, who was not part of any protest, had been shot in southern Kulgam district on Saturday and died in a hospital on Thursday, police said. “He was injured when a stray bullet hit him after security forces opened fire to quell a demonstration,” a police spokesman said.

Thousands of Kulgam residents, shouting “We want freedom” and “blood for blood” attended his funeral, which dispersed peacefully. In Srinagar, hundreds defied strict curfew restrictions in several places and staged protests, witnesses said. Baton-wielding riot police fired live ammunition and tear-gas shells injuring 17 protesters and bystanders, a police officer said, asking not to be named. He said three of the injured suffered bullet wounds and were from the same family – a man, his daughter and daughter-in-law. Protesters retaliated by hurling rocks and bricks, injuring three policemen. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
two things these people should understand and i have two questions too.

1. They are all living in Most unstable part of the world both in Pakistan part as well as India Part.

I am not talking about politics or social even.. i am talking about actual Geology .

The Himalayan belt is one of the most dynamic part of the world which is most geologically active. Indian plate is pushing up the aisan plate very second and this pressure is unimaginably high.

It will be released now and then in the form of earth quakes.. Scientist still belive we have a huge one which is still over due..

2. the soil and rock are not very hard in nature in various mountains due to extreme stress. this means lot of land slide and years to build any good infrastructure..

So if they want independence and if they get it, they wont survive even a single strock of mother Nature..

Even at times might India and powerful Pakistan are proved to be nothing against Mother Nature. then think about tiny Kashmir..

If they get independence what they will get is a satisfaction of ego for certain elements.


1. Who will govern Kashmir if it is an independent state.. and how will the people get jobs , infrastructure, money etc etc.. ( Pakistan can help but its resources are limited, after independence i feel Inida wont be much involved, and without any proper infrastructure , what type of economy will Kashmir have)

2. What kind of disaster management will Kashmir have..
1. flash floods, landslides, earthquake, and now climate change...

so the best thing is maintain the status quo and work with the respective govt , to increase the life status
Dude lot of people get confused with Independence, they do not mean seperate state but freedom of movement and reduced presence of security forces. Currently they think it cannot be given by India hence they want a seperate state. Understand what they want, I am in favor of reducing security forces from Kashmir.
SRINAGAR: Twenty people were hurt Thursday in fresh clashes with police after the death of a nine-year old boy injured during a weekend protest in Indian Occupied Kashmir, police said.

The death brought to 59 the number of protesters and bystanders killed in two months of violent protests in the mainly Muslim-majority Kashmir Valley, most of them young men or teenagers shot dead by security forces.

The boy, who was not part of any protest, had been shot in southern Kulgam district Saturday and died in hospital Thursday, police said.

"He was injured when a stray bullet hit him after security forces opened fire to quell a demonstration," a police spokesman said.

Thousands of Kulgam residents, shouting, "We want freedom" and "blood for blood" attended his funeral, which dispersed peacefully.

In Srinagar, the Kashmiri summer capital, hundreds defied strict curfew restrictions in several places and staged protests against Indian rule, witnesses said.

Riot police fired live ammunition, tear-gas and wielded batons, injuring 17 protesters and bystanders, a police officer said, asking not to be named.

He said three of the injured suffered bullet wounds and were from the same family -- a man, his daughter and daughter-in-law.

Protesters retaliated by hurling rocks and bricks, injuring three policemen.

Srinagar has been under a rolling curfew after separatists called on residents to hold protests against Indian rule.

Anti-Indian sentiments run deep in the valley, and recent protests that started on June 11 after a teenage student was killed by a police tear-gas shell, are the biggest in recent years.

Kashmir is in the grip of a 20-year-old insurgency against Indian rule that has left more than 47,000 people dead by an official count.
Kashmiri's have threatened Sikhs to covert to Islam or else get killed. I cannot post URL as I am using Phone but it's on TOI site today. So the people asking for justice are so just, first they killed and raped Hindus and now Sikhs. These are religious bigots.
Kashmiri's have threatened Sikhs to covert to Islam or else get killed. I cannot post URL as I am using Phone but it's on TOI site today. So the people asking for justice are so just, first they killed and raped Hindus and now Sikhs. These are religious bigots.

Embrace Islam or leave Valley, Sikhs threatened

SRINAGAR: Sikhs in the Kashmir Valley have received anonymous letters from Islamic militants asking them to either embrace Islam and join the protests against civilian killings or pack up and leave the Valley. The 60,000-strong Sikh community is the single largest minority group in the Valley.

An organisation of Kashmiri Sikhs said that several community members have received these letters. "Community members have received unsigned letters at various places," said All Party Sikh Coordination Committee (ASCC) coordinator Jagmohan Singh Raina. He said the community has decided to stay put and fight these "evil designs" at a meeting in Srinagar on Thursday.

Raina quoted a letter as saying: "When you are enjoying the joys here, why can't you share the grief and sorrow of Kashmiris as well? We know you are afraid of bullets... Hold protests inside gurdwaras or leave Kashmir." He added, "Some letters have asked Sikhs to embrace Islam."

Raina urged both factions of the Hurriyat, JKLF and P-O-K -based United Jihad Council to take serious note of the threats to maintain amity and brotherhood in the Valley.

Hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani has reassured the Sikhs saying they shouldn't feel threatened and should ignore the "fake letters". He assured the community that nobody would force them to join the protests.

Earlier, Geelani has made an emotional appeal against forcing minorities to join the protests and said harming them would be like "inflicting a wound on his (Geelani's) body".

The state unit of Akali Dal (Badal) president Ajeet Singh Mastana described the threats as acts by anti-social elements. "The threats can't break us and reduce our love for our motherland," he said.
SRINAGAR: Sikhs in the Kashmir Valley have received anonymous letters from Islamic militants asking them to either embrace Islam and join the protests against civilian killings or pack up and leave the Valley. The 60,000-strong Sikh community is the single largest minority group in the Valley.

An organisation of Kashmiri Sikhs said that several community members have received these letters. "Community members have received unsigned letters at various places," said All Party Sikh Coordination Committee (ASCC) coordinator Jagmohan Singh Raina. He said the community has decided to stay put and fight these "evil designs" at a meeting in Srinagar on Thursday.

Raina quoted a letter as saying: "When you are enjoying the joys here, why can't you share the grief and sorrow of Kashmiris as well? We know you are afraid of bullets... Hold protests inside gurdwaras or leave Kashmir." He added, "Some letters have asked Sikhs to embrace Islam."

Raina urged both factions of the Hurriyat, JKLF and ***-based United Jihad Council to take serious note of the threats to maintain amity and brotherhood in the Valley.

Hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani has reassured the Sikhs saying they shouldn't feel threatened and should ignore the "fake letters". He assured the community that nobody would force them to join the protests.

Earlier, Geelani has made an emotional appeal against forcing minorities to join the protests and said harming them would be like "inflicting a wound on his (Geelani's) body".

The state unit of Akali Dal (Badal) president Ajeet Singh Mastana described the threats as acts by anti-social elements. "The threats can't break us and reduce our love for our motherland," he said.

Embrace Islam or leave Valley, Sikhs threatened - India - The Times of India
Sounds something like what happened to Kashmiri Pundits in 1987-88. Punjab is closer than they think, let that be known to whoever indulges in ethnic cleansing. We will not tolerate Kashmiri Sikh's being turned into refugees pushed out of their own land.
Sounds something like what happened to Kashmiri Pundits in 1987-88. Punjab is closer than they think, let that be known to whoever indulges in ethnic cleansing. We will not tolerate Kashmiri Sikh's being turned into refugees pushed out of their own land.

True and still Pakistani denies the fact that there is always a religious angle attached to Kashmir struggle. They always compare Kashmir with Palestine for atrocities against muslims but will never talk about Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs... Selective choice ..huh :tdown:
If I recall correctly Dal Khalsa joined Kashmiri protestors, Maybe Geelani is right.

If Dal Khalsa joins Kashmir protest then there would be no surprise as they are Pro-Khalistan groups but the point is how many sikhs in the valley will support such nonsense.
Such people giving threat to innocents civilians of minority are called freedom fighters my foot.
Dude lot of people get confused with Independence, they do not mean seperate state but freedom of movement and reduced presence of security forces. Currently they think it cannot be given by India hence they want a seperate state. Understand what they want, I am in favor of reducing security forces from Kashmir.

IR, This is what even my understading with the discussion of Kashmiris. Nobody want Army at their door. Kashmiris need freedom from Security personnels and then this Article 370 which stops development in the state. Once these 2 things will be taken care of there will not be such problem but for the both problems Pakistan needs to stop flow of money and so called "freedom fighters". GoI can't remove army from such place as anytime 48,65,99 can happen.
If Dal Khalsa joins Kashmir protest then there would be no surprise as they are Pro-Khalistan groups but the point is how many sikhs in the valley will support such nonsense.

Dal Khalsa ain't joining anything. Some fanatic coward out of frustration decided to leave letters to these Kashmiri Sikh residents. Dal Khalsa would be asking for serious trouble in the valley if they ever openly attempted such lunacy.

We will see Punjab government playing a bigger role here if things escalated like early 87. After all Akali Dal wants some votes in Punjab in next election. Badal and Captain won't let this opportunity slip by like thin air. If someone wants to get dirty in the valley, impact will directly involve Punjab governments intervention from all fronts. They won't leave a stone unturned, when they start hunting for the real culprits.
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