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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Whilst these actions cannot be condoned in any shape or form, your statement above is flawed... "One man's freedom fighter, Is another man's terrorist"...

But it should Be Upon land...... Not Upon Religion, How dare can he threaten like that, its there wish to choose there religion, You support kashmiris or Kashmiri Muslims???? Why dont the Other Kashmiris have any Problem while Only Muslims In The Vally have???

The Islamic Militants Have been Brain washing these Innocents to revolt against Indian Forces and Demand Freedom so that, these militants can have a Safe base In the vally and Make another Afghanistan.....
After failing to stop civilian protests in Occupied Kashmir, India and its terrorist minds in IHK have came up with this idea of floating fake letters in the name of Muslims so that India could pitch Sikhs against Muslims in Kashmir and make it a perfect point to kill more Kashmiris.

Shame on India
By Kuldip Nayar
Friday, 20 Aug, 2010

Put your ears to the ground and listen carefully. You may hear a new sound in Kashmir.

This is a different voice from the usual All Parties Hurriyat Conference call for an immediate solution or from the rhetoric of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) of Mehbooba Mufti. This is the cry of post-insurgency youth, born after 1989 when militancy crept into an otherwise quiet scene.

This is violent in the sense that the protesters pelt stones, but different because they have not taken arms from Pakistan as the militants had apparently done. Nor have they any ‘top contacts’.

This angry, amorphous force has no defined leadership. The baton of the movement is in the hands of the new generation. What binds them together is the anger against the establishment in Srinagar and in Delhi.

It is not correct to say that hard-liner Syed Ali Shah Geelani is their leader. He sees to it that he is not out of step with them. Yet when he tried to convert them into non-violent protesters he failed. The pelting of stones is their way of saying that they do not agree to the various formulas which have been presented for the solution of the Kashmir issue.

Both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah have failed to understand the ethos of the movement. The Indian prime minister’s willingness to talk to all sections or individuals in Kashmir, as he has said, is a shot in the dark. He has no machinery to reach them. His dependence on the same old apparatus and individuals will yield no results. They are not relevant in the present situation. His thinking has to be out-of-the-box.

In the same manner, Omar Abdullah’s offer to create 50,000 jobs to engage the youth is too late. He should have done so when he came to power after free elections. The youth movement has no economic agenda. It is a revolt against the entire system. Moreover, the economic package has become a joke because very little is delivered after making tall promises.

To understand the situation, two things should be kept in mind. One, there is no Pakistani hand. Two, the movement has nothing to do with the militants. The movement is not pre-planned. Had it been so, it would not have taken a dangerous shape during the current tourist season which yields income to Kashmir for one full year.

It is a spontaneous movement. It started with the killing of teenager Tufail Ahmed Mattoo on June 11. He was a student and not part of the procession which was throwing stones at the Central Reserve Police Force. Mattoo was killed by a tear-gas shell. Everything else followed.

One incident ignited the other and in no time the entire valley was engulfed by young protesters. No party took part in organising the agitation. They jumped into the arena after the event, not before. The youth is listening to them but keep their own counsel.

Anger against Omar Abdullah was the focus of their helplessness. The shoe-throwing incident at the flag-hoisting ceremony on India’s independence day was a form of protest. The confession of the policeman who threw the shoe was: “I did it because of my affection for my people who are being killed every day. I was beaten up in custody and won’t accept anything under duress. They [the police] want me to name PDP or Hurriyat leaders for that.”

This speaks volumes for the repressive methods of the police. What is disconcerting is that the shoe was thrown from a seat in the VVIP row, putting a question mark against the sympathy of even high officials and civil society members.

Mehbooba Mufti’s PDP is a supporter of the movement. She is a problem, not the solution. Her ambition is power. She wants to step in if and when the Congress party parts company with Omar Abdullah’s National Conference and picks up PDP to run the disputed territory. Manmohan Singh should know this.

However, such machinations on the part of politicians have been the bane of Kashmir. By and large, the politicians and their furtive ways are responsible for all that is happening there. Today all political formations — including the Hurriyat — are irrelevant because the angry youth do not have faith in them or their methods.

The vague, undefined leadership that has surfaced is radical and Islamist. It is Naxalism of sorts, with a pronounced religious slant. Yasin Malik, who is in jail, is respected but how far he can influence the movement has yet to be seen because he is against fundamentalism.

One woman journalist, a Muslim, told me from Srinagar that what was emerging was going to throttle gasping Kashmiriyat, a secular way of life.

Both India and Pakistan have not calculated the fallout the movement can have in their countries. India is too overwhelmed and is clueless. Pakistan feels happy that ‘the enemy’ is in the midst of real trouble. But the movement is something which should force the two to sit together for a sober assessment.

This only underlines the urgency of the need for a solution in Kashmir. Manmohan Singh has said that he is ready for it. This has also been the view of the Pakistani leadership.

I know that talks are going on between New Delhi and Srinagar through the back channel. But the main party consists of the Kashmiris. The sooner they are involved the better it would be for peace in the valley. But the Kashmiri youth, however justified in venting their anger, do not realise that none in India and probably Pakistan would agree to a fundamentalist, sovereign Kashmir on their border.

The writer is a senior journalist based in Delhi.
After failing to stop civilian protests in Occupied Kashmir, India and its terrorist minds in IHK have came up with this idea of floating fake letters in the name of Muslims so that India could pitch Sikhs against Muslims in Kashmir and make it a perfect point to kill more Kashmiris.

Shame on India

Another Feather in the cap for You When it comes to bad reporting madam, Is it ok with your Professional Ethics to do that???? I wonder:pop:
After failing to stop civilian protests in Occupied Kashmir, India and its terrorist minds in IHK have came up with this idea of floating fake letters in the name of Muslims so that India could pitch Sikhs against Muslims in Kashmir and make it a perfect point to kill more Kashmiris.

Shame on India

And i guess the ethnic cleansing of Hindu Pandits had Indian "terrorist minds" written all over it ,in order to pitch Hindus against Muslims?
After failing to stop civilian protests in Occupied Kashmir, India and its terrorist minds in IHK have came up with this idea of floating fake letters in the name of Muslims so that India could pitch Sikhs against Muslims in Kashmir and make it a perfect point to kill more Kashmiris.

Shame on India

You are right. This news is of the same validity as the news of Sikhs and Hindus in FATA having to pay Rupees Four Million (don't remember if it was per person or per family) by way of Jaziya.

All fakes just like the Degrees of Pakistani Members of the Assemblies and Parliament and others like the Hospital etc. etc.

It’s amazing that for past 20 years of violence nobody asked Sikhs to embrace Islam and now when India has been left with no other ploy to malign independence movement very conveniently this BS appears . Last ditch effort by Indian intelligence agencies to paint independence movement as communal.
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YouTube - Government agencies Behind Harrasment of Sikhs in Valley "Hurriyat"

It’s amazing that for past 20 years of violence nobody asked Sikhs to embrace Islam and now when India has been left with no other ploy to malign independence movement very conveniently this BS appears . Last ditch effort by Indian intelligence agencies to paint independence movement as communal.

Hindu pandits were evacuated then, Now they want sikhs to move out, so that they can have a safe heaven with there own religion, its a religious Movement not a freedom movement dear.... And we dont give room for such Movements....
Hindu pandits were evacuated then, Now they want sikhs to move out, so that they can have a safe heaven with there own religion, its a religious Movement not a freedom movement dear.... And we dont give room for such Movements....

We Don't care whether you give our movement some kind of room or not tht fact is that for past 20 years of strife sikhs have been part of our society and nobody bothered them . Isn't it convienient that this thing has to happen now . Morever syed ali shah geelani is the most respected leader in kashmir and his message is crisp and clear that we kashmiris don't want to force sikhs to convert to islam .
He clearly says it is against Islam . I hope that sikhs in valley don't fall for nefarious designs of Indian Intelligence agencies .
We Don't care whether you give our movement some kind of room or not tht fact is that for past 20 years of strife sikhs have been part of our society and nobody bothered them . Isn't it convienient that this thing has to happen now . Morever syed ali shah geelani is the most respected leader in kashmir and his message is crisp and clear that we kashmiris don't want to force sikhs to convert to islam .
He clearly says it is against Islam . I hope that sikhs in valley don't fall for nefarious designs of Indian Intelligence agencies .

We Dont care for YOUR Movement too, before 20 years Hindu Pandits were a part of Your Society Aswell, It does not need 6th sense to Figure Out why the same has been Happening with the Sikhs Now.... It has been a habit for the Militants there, If No other religion supports there movement Kill them or Evacuate them from the valley... its a Pure religious Movement, not for the sake of freedom, but Another afghanistan in the making for Which Indian Govt will not allow, We cannot risk a billion people below for the sake of Those supporting terrorists...
For all those Indians complaining about the 'ethnic cleansing', it has been going on since the Maharaja, but I don't see any Indian members talking about that. I believe that was one of the worst, if not worst cases of oppression in South Asia. Now, the Sikh's and Hindu's were of a higher 'class' at that time, and as you can understand wounds from that era would still have their marks on Kashmir. This in turn causes a level of 'divide' among the Kashmiri communities where some muslims feel hostility towards the Hindu/Sikh community. What I find sad in this case is that, nobody was prosecuted over the oppression of Kashmiri muslims and this was the biggest oppression/genocide in modern South Asian history. The same pattern must not be followed with the Sikh's and Hindu's, those that oppress them must be punished accordingly if not it will only lead to a cycle of violence.

The Kashmiri leaders need to work towards unity between the different communities in Kashmir. We, Kashmiris are the victims of religious divide and the youth must not fall into this disgusting buissness. I find that any 'freedom fighter' that oppresses a Hindu or Sikh is nearly as worst as the Indian Army. Another sad thing is, that the religious divide is still happening. The majority Hindu (then Sikh) Indian army is oppressing the muslims and the youth can sometimes place their hate at the wrong place.

Kashmir is for Kashmiris, not Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.
two things these people should understand and i have two questions too.

1. They are all living in Most unstable part of the world both in Pakistan part as well as India Part.

I am not talking about politics or social even.. i am talking about actual Geology .

The Himalayan belt is one of the most dynamic part of the world which is most geologically active. Indian plate is pushing up the aisan plate very second and this pressure is unimaginably high.

It will be released now and then in the form of earth quakes.. Scientist still belive we have a huge one which is still over due..

2. the soil and rock are not very hard in nature in various mountains due to extreme stress. this means lot of land slide and years to build any good infrastructure..

So if they want independence and if they get it, they wont survive even a single strock of mother Nature..

Even at times might India and powerful Pakistan are proved to be nothing against Mother Nature. then think about tiny Kashmir..

If they get independence what they will get is a satisfaction of ego for certain elements.


1. Who will govern Kashmir if it is an independent state.. and how will the people get jobs , infrastructure, money etc etc.. ( Pakistan can help but its resources are limited, after independence i feel Inida wont be much involved, and without any proper infrastructure , what type of economy will Kashmir have)

2. What kind of disaster management will Kashmir have..
1. flash floods, landslides, earthquake, and now climate change...

so the best thing is maintain the status quo and work with the respective govt , to increase the life status

My friend, the fight for independence is not for riches, it is for freedom. What you are forgetting is that not all of Kashmir is in the Himalayas. Also, I should point out life in AJK is comfortable, Kashmir has plenty of natural resources, I believe that Industry would provide jobs. Already in Kashmir there are a lot of 'carpenter' jobs. You also forgot the part about the Indian genocide in Kashmir, I wonder what that has to do with life status.
We Dont care for YOUR Movement too, before 20 years Hindu Pandits were a part of Your Society Aswell, It does not need 6th sense to Figure Out why the same has been Happening with the Sikhs Now.... It has been a habit for the Militants there, If No other religion supports there movement Kill them or Evacuate them from the valley... its a Pure religious Movement, not for the sake of freedom, but Another afghanistan in the making for Which Indian Govt will not allow, We cannot risk a billion people below for the sake of Those supporting terrorists...

I don't know why you are unable to comprehend the fact that the video represents the determination of pro -freedom kashmiri leadership to assure the sikh community of Kashmir valley that thier right to practice thier faith would be protected at all costs and they won't be harmed in anyway by pro-freedom kashmiris . The only party that can benifit from these threats is GOI which will get another handle to bracket our geniune struggle as barbarric . GoI used kashmiri pandits for same effect in early 1990s and would do same .
IR, This is what even my understading with the discussion of Kashmiris. Nobody want Army at their door. Kashmiris need freedom from Security personnels and then this Article 370 which stops development in the state. Once these 2 things will be taken care of there will not be such problem but for the both problems Pakistan needs to stop flow of money and so called "freedom fighters". GoI can't remove army from such place as anytime 48,65,99 can happen.

Last I checked Pakistan didn't have enough money to pay for thousands of stone pelters:rofl:Also, you should note that a lot of the monet you talk of comes from the Kashmiri diaspora, and Azad Kashmir, Gilgit.
I don't know why you are unable to comprehend the fact that the video represents the determination of pro -freedom kashmiri leadership to assure the sikh community of Kashmir valley that thier right to practice thier faith would be protected at all costs and they won't be harmed in anyway by pro-freedom kashmiris . The only party that can benifit from these threats is GOI which will get another handle to bracket our geniune struggle as barbarric . GoI used kashmiri pandits for same effect in early 1990s and would do same .

Well If I say that as a false claim How Would You Justify it? Its Just a Reason Born In your Mind for Not accepting what ever Indians say and Instead support Your Own claim with Your Own proofs Who By themselves are Fighting In the name of freedom and Negotiating with Militants Through Back Channel...... Atleast We dont want the Sikh Community there to to be like the Hindu Pandits who were Shown no mercy.....

Sikhs Living there do not support your movement, hence the Islamic Militants want to kill them or kick them out, come on Dont waste Your time justifying your Reason...

And you are supporting those whom the world is calling terrorists, LET.... They sre only freedom fighters to You...
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