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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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For all those Indians complaining about the 'ethnic cleansing', it has been going on since the Maharaja, but I don't see any Indian members talking about that. I believe that was one of the worst, if not worst cases of oppression in South Asia. Now, the Sikh's and Hindu's were of a higher 'class' at that time, and as you can understand wounds from that era would still have their marks on Kashmir. This in turn causes a level of 'divide' among the Kashmiri communities where some muslims feel hostility towards the Hindu/Sikh community. What I find sad in this case is that, nobody was prosecuted over the oppression of Kashmiri muslims and this was the biggest oppression/genocide in modern South Asian history. The same pattern must not be followed with the Sikh's and Hindu's, those that oppress them must be punished accordingly if not it will only lead to a cycle of violence.

The Kashmiri leaders need to work towards unity between the different communities in Kashmir. We, Kashmiris are the victims of religious divide and the youth must not fall into this disgusting buissness. I find that any 'freedom fighter' that oppresses a Hindu or Sikh is nearly as worst as the Indian Army. Another sad thing is, that the religious divide is still happening. The majority Hindu (then Sikh) Indian army is oppressing the muslims and the youth can sometimes place their hate at the wrong place.

Kashmir is for Kashmiris, not Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

You poor bleeding heart.

It's a good policy. Terrorize minorities (Hindus, Sikhs) and ethnically cleanse out the valley, and then say "Oh you poor things, why did you leave?? Tsk, tsk. Bad jihadis!!!"

Where were you when the Pandits were being driven out of their homes? The poor among them still live in Ghettoes, as refugees all over India. They are (were) Kashmiris too.

This is the two-nation theory all over again. Muslims Vs the rest.

Dudes. Wake up. Kashmir is not just a symbol of the country's unity, It is also a huge STRATEGIC asset adjoining China, Pakistan and Central Asia.
Kashmir will never be an independent country, at least not for the two next generations. :wave:
Well If I say that as a false claim How Would You Justify it? ...

Which false claim and what justification ?

Its Just a Reason Born In your Mind for Not accepting what ever Indians say and Instead support Your Own claim with Your Own proofs Who By themselves are Fighting In the name of freedom and Negotiating with Militants Through Back Channel...... Atleast We dont want the Sikh Community there to to be like the Hindu Pandits who were Shown no mercy.....
Don't give me this BS that it is something in my mind , if you have any convincing arguements to make we can continue otherwise there is no need to waste the bandwidth
Sikhs Living there do not support your movement, hence the Islamic Militants want to kill them or kick them out, come on Dont waste Your time justifying your Reason...

And you are supporting those whom the world is calling terrorists, LET.... They sre only freedom fighters to You...

Who says sikhs don't support our movement as far as i remember nobody has asked them . Even if they were not supporting our movement that fact would have been so for past 2 decades also . If nobody in kashmir had urge to force sikhs to behave in particular way for past 20 years why such urge now ? The fact is that these threats are pathetic attempt by Indian intelligence agencies to malign freedom movement of kashmir .
Which false claim and what justification ?

So You have been agreeing with me for Such a Long time is it?? Your Own claim made out of no where....Justify it please....

Don't give me this BS that it is something in my mind , if you have any convincing arguements to make we can continue otherwise there is no need to waste the bandwidth

Why not, You put forth a convincing argument Instead just Hit what ever Comes Your way with what ever You Think correct to you... Give us The exact proof...

Who says sikhs don't support our movement as far as i remember nobody has asked them . Even if they were not supporting our movement that fact would have been so for past 2 decades also . If nobody in kashmir had urge to force sikhs to behave in particular way for past 20 years why such urge now ? The fact is that these threats are pathetic attempt by Indian intelligence agencies to malign freedom movement of kashmir .

Well The Militants are no fools to Get rid of Hindus and Sikhs at once, they Kicked Hindu Pandits Out of Kashmir for Not Joining there movement, now the Sikhs are In the same condition, as I said, One does not need 6th sense to figure out the Intention behind Islamic Militancy
For all those Indians complaining about the 'ethnic cleansing', it has been going on since the Maharaja, but I don't see any Indian members talking about that. I believe that was one of the worst, if not worst cases of oppression in South Asia. Now, the Sikh's and Hindu's were of a higher 'class' at that time, and as you can understand wounds from that era would still have their marks on Kashmir. This in turn causes a level of 'divide' among the Kashmiri communities where some muslims feel hostility towards the Hindu/Sikh community. What I find sad in this case is that, nobody was prosecuted over the oppression of Kashmiri muslims and this was the biggest oppression/genocide in modern South Asian history. The same pattern must not be followed with the Sikh's and Hindu's, those that oppress them must be punished accordingly if not it will only lead to a cycle of violence.

The Kashmiri leaders need to work towards unity between the different communities in Kashmir. We, Kashmiris are the victims of religious divide and the youth must not fall into this disgusting buissness. I find that any 'freedom fighter' that oppresses a Hindu or Sikh is nearly as worst as the Indian Army. Another sad thing is, that the religious divide is still happening. The majority Hindu (then Sikh) Indian army is oppressing the muslims and the youth can sometimes place their hate at the wrong place.

Kashmir is for Kashmiris, not Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

Good post!:tup:

We Indians know that the Maharajah was an autocrat. But don't associate it with the current Kashmir issue as neither Pakistan nor India had anything to do with it as Kashmir was an independent princely state back then.
That GOI is Behind all this, How do u know that???? I mean Do You have any Underworld Connections to get this top secret Info??:undecided:

The only party that benifits from these threats is GOI . It gives them a handle to paint our geniune struggle as barbaric where Islamic fundamentalists are out to force convert a reuluctant sikh population .
The timing of these threats corrobrates my assertion . India is currently facing an unprecedented mass movement in kashmir , after failing with all methods they are resorting to employ religous divide in thier favour . In past 20 years nobody bothered the sikh community of kashmir and anybody who bothers them now can't be a friend of kashmiri people .
Everything that is not favorable is RAW propaganda. One important point is if minorities are not part of protest means, problem is also religiously motivated. So particular religion is just finding excuse to point fingers. I have another question if someone can help, my history is weak. I wanted to know what was religious composition of Bangladesh and has it changed significantly. I mean did percentage of Muslims increased. The reason I ask this I can see a treand as Muslims grow in number they try to Impose Islam to others even using Government. Pakistan has laws and I can see something simlar being tried in Bangaladesh.
The only party that benifits from these threats is GOI . It gives them a handle to paint our geniune struggle as barbaric where Islamic fundamentalists are out to force convert a reuluctant sikh population .
The timing of these threats corrobrates my assertion . India is currently facing an unprecedented mass movement in kashmir , after failing with all methods they are resorting to employ religous divide in thier favour . In past 20 years nobody bothered the sikh community of kashmir and anybody who bothers them now can't be a friend of kashmiri people .

The party which looses is GOI, We had the support of Sikh Community there as they did not want any partition from India, the Hindu Pandits showed the same attitude, and there fate are the same, Getting Kiked Out of Kashmir, the only one getting Benefited are The Militants there, for which they are kicking Out anyone who does not support them.... Its a Periodic process for them to Nurture Only those who belong there religion and Others are Just Enemies of theirs...

Kashmiris as a whole do not want freedom, only Muslims there are brain washed by these terrorists .. Now If Sikhs are also Kicked away, there will be Pure Islamic Rule and Make another afghanistan out of Kashmir
This is all unsubstantiated BS coming from a conflict theatre, meant to rile Indians to an orgy frenzy on internet forums. Who's the real victim here? Migrant Indian Sikhs from Punjab or ethnic Kashmiris?
A dubious distinction in this reports stems out from the fact that it vows to label the oppressed as tyrants,its just a wretched attempt to keep the attention off the recent insurrection against the Indian military occupation of Kashmir. However, Indian military's treatment of Kashmir's is an open secret & indian military's stance is "Embrace indianism or face death
Should young Kashmiris think beyond religious stereotypes?

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This is all unsubstantiated BS coming from a conflict theatre, meant to rile Indians to an orgy frenzy on internet forums. Who's the real victim here? Migrant Indian Sikhs from Punjab or ethnic Kashmiris?

These are not migrant sikhs but local Sikhs. This is not an isolated incident it has happened before. Ofcours, majority of the Kashmiri muslims are against it and the sepratists have also opposed any harrasment to the minorities. The point to be noted is that, there are elements that do this, just like there are militants who attack anyone who is pro-India.

The Hindu : News / National : Omar, Mirwaiz assure Sikhs of security

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and chairman of the Hurriyat Conference (moderate) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on Thursday assured the Sikh community of its safety and security.

This came in the backdrop of an incident at Malangpora in Pulwama, in which the hair of a Sikh youth was allegedly cut by a group of youths who wanted him to raise slogans in favour of freedom.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police (South Kashmir Range) Shaqat Watali said the youth from Devar Tral was on way home after work at the Air Force Station. Some youths stopped him and asked him to raise pro-freedom slogans. “But he did not oblige them. They abused him and cut off some of his hair,” he told The Hindu, quoting the complaint filed by the youth.

Mr. Watali said he could not identify anyone, but “we have picked up two suspects for questioning, and further investigation is on.” Through consultations with leaders of both communities, the situation was brought under control. “Both the communities worked together, so that the situation did not flare up, though there was palpable tension in some areas.”

However, at Press Enclave and Hyderpora in Srinagar, Baramulla and other places, Sikhs protested and urged the government to act against the culprits.

A delegation of Sikh leaders met Mr. Abdullah and the Mirwaiz. Mr. Abdullah told the delegation that the government was committed to secularism and brotherhood which, he said was the essence of ‘Kashmiriyat.'

He assured them of their security and welfare, and vowed to deal sternly with elements that harboured designs to disturb communal harmony. The majority community in Kashmir always respected the sentiments of the Sikhs, he said.

An official spokesman said the delegation professed full faith in the Chief Minister and promised him that the Sikh community, which had always worked to strengthen the communal harmony in the past two decades of turmoil in the State, would continue to do so in future.

The Mirwaiz termed the incident intolerable and asked the community leaders to remain cautious, as “such a situation will have dangerous consequences.”

The Mirwaiz said the Hurriyat Conference would work with the Sikh Co-ordination Committee to foil such designs. “There was no place for [such] acts in our culture.”
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