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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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So thats why the muslims ruled india for a thousand years.

The areas you could not "protect" was the whole of india.

You did not donate anything....we took it!

The only insect entering kashmir is the indian occupation forces.

Let me try to put the 1000 year crap in perspective....

it is more due to the disunity among the hindu kings and the not-so-present loyalty (Rajputs aligning with Mughals) that u were able to rule for the so called 1000 years. and not so much due to the bravery of the Muslim kings.

If they had been united like the invaders were u wouldn be able to do shyt.

remember how much the Marathas and the Sikhs kicked the rear end of the mighty Mughals.??

And the Muslim hordes with all their armies couldn do jack in South India especially Tamil Nadu and Kerala and in the North East India were the Hindu Ahoms again repeatedly defeated the mughals.

And the people that became muslims where not just hindus but buddhist also........what was left of the buddhist anyway after the mass killing by hindu kings.

Eh..? before the invading Muslim kings came pillaging and killing innocents no religion related war ever happened on this beautiful land.

If hindus had that mas-killing tendency that was prevalent among the Christian and Islamic kings then there wouldn be much Christians,Muslims left in India wich has a 80 % Hindu majority.

P.S.: we r going woefully off topic.Since i ve clarified,Shall we get back on track..?
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Off course we do.......like christians where jews and pagan romans before the became christians.

And the people that became muslims where not just hindus but buddhist also........what was left of the buddhist anyway after the mass killing by hindu kings.

You are probably referring to that Hindu bigot Bakhtiyar Khilji and the destruction of Nalanda, those damn buddhists who stole our Ashoka had it coming!
You are probably referring to that Hindu bigot Bakhtiyar Khilji and the destruction of Nalanda, those damn buddhists who stole our Ashoka had it coming!

Fateh you just made mass killing a joke ,but cant help laughing ..

Bakhtiyar Khilji was the reason for the decline of Budhism in India...But he is Muslim not Hindu :what:...dabong please do some research before posting ..

Or is that sarcasm?? .sorry if it is :)
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You are probably referring to that Hindu bigot Bakhtiyar Khilji and the destruction of Nalanda, those damn buddhists who stole our Ashoka had it coming!

The decline of Buddhism in South Asia occurred long before Muslim arrival. The militant Hinduism has already dealt a death blow to Buddhism and were persecuting Buddhists when Muslim arrived in South Asia. Many Buddhists sided with Muslims and converted to Islam. According to many historians, Bakhtiyar Khilji did not get reports that identified Nalanda fortifications as Buddhist monastery. Bakhtiyar Khilji in short time conquered eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengal. Bakhtiyar Khilji was one of the most brilliant generals.
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A thread that should havebeen about saying how wrong it was for this to happen and appreciate the suggering of the Kashmiri people both Hindu and Muslim has turned into a bigotted competition about "history" if one can even call that.

The point is whats happening now.
Get your facts right.......if we wanted to force people into islam dont you think we would have converted all the hindus in india during the reign of the muslims?

This is the logic used by hardcore bigots to whitewash the black deeds of likeminded bigots from the past. Unfortunately, those bigots from the past wrote glowing accounts of their deeds in their own court documents.

About the Kashmir pundits and their plight, its nothing new, it started thanks to sirhindi, auragngzeb and their goon iftikhar khan in kashmir, it resulted in the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the 9th Guru of the Sikhs.

The Hindus and Sikhs DID retaliate when efforts were made to spread 'peace' 'peacefully' and the the decline of the mughal empire is history.

You probably think mughal empire collapsed because trecherous hindus sold themselves to British :rofl: I know your type and your polemics :tdown:
Eh..? before u muslims came pillaging and killing innocents no religion related war ever happened on this beautiful land.

Bro, please do not say "u muslims" ..... we have many million muslims of our own living in peace as loyal Indians. By choice. As brothers.

Without going into the gentic identity of the Pakistani "race" and how close if at all they really are to those muslim invaders of many centuries ago, whose flag they continue to fly vigorously and enthusiastically, the fact remains that a thriving multi-cultural multi-religion secular India today is more than enough of a slap in the face of such pseudo-supremacists.

I call this syndrome "Greatness by Proxy." Let us just smile and move on.

Cheers, Doc
Just show your total lack of knowledge about islam.......you cant be forced into islam.........simple logic says the muslims ruled for a long time in india and if they wanted they could have forced every hindu to accept islam but they did not.....thats why there still hindus in india.

I hope you know that hindus where involved and held high postions in the mughal empire.

are you trying to prove yourself a professor in Indian history ??

probably you did not read the Muslims attrocities on Sikhs to forcibly..mind it foricbly convert them to muslims..and when they failed in doing so..the sikhs were killed,mercilessly..just search and learn about sikh history...thousands of sikhs were butchered by Mughals just to forcibly convert them to Islam.

P.S - this is not to hurt any sentiments of our Indian muslims..I am just talking about Mughals, as claimed by the poster that they did not try to use force to convert everyone by force.
These pundits are the original inhabitants of Kashmir before the muslim invaders invaded indian subcontinent. So, Hindu pundits are true owners of Kashmir, muslims are in fact converts who were converted to islam by force several generations back.

Regarding kashmir pundits being homeless, they are being settled in the kashmir only.

New township being constructed for Kashmir pandits in Kashmir

Chief minister inspecting the work for Kashmiri pandit township in kashmir

So, those who do not want to live in india, they can permanently leave kashmir and head to azad kashmir across the border.

why even Azaad Kashmir, its a Pakistani Occupied Indian Land, If they want to go, go to Pakistan!!! Don't remain in Kashmir and whole of the India at all.
Over 1 lakh pilgrims at Amarnath so far

A total of 141,232 Hindu pilgrims have so far paid obeisance at the holy Amarnath Cave in Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) officials said here Monday.

'Today (Monday) 5,620 yatris (pilgrims) comprising 3,907 men, 1,344 women, 355 children and 14 sadhus left from Nunwan-Phalgam while 3,841, comprising 2,306 men, 1,158 women, 190 children and 187 sadhus left from Baltal base camps for the Amarnath Cave,' the officials said.

The two-month long annual pilgrimage to the shrine, situated at 13,500 feet above the sea-level in south Kashmir's Anantnag district started here July 1 and will end Aug 25, coinciding with the Raksha Bandhan festival.

Despite the present crisis in the Kashmir Valley, locals are cooperating fully in the conduct of the pilgrimage and lending all help to the pilgrims who come here from different parts of the country.
The non-Muslim converted to Islam in South Asia since 7th century. They may have followed any myriad of religions and cults that existed in South Asia at that time. All Muslim that migrated to Pakistan were Muslims for many centuries. Hinduism is amalgamation of religions and cults that existed in South Asia before and after the invasion Vedic Aryans from Eurasia. There were also millions of homeless Kashmiri Muslims in Pakistan that escaped Indian invasion of Kashmir.

Aryan is a sanskrit word which means noble irrespective of class, colour, country and race. The only invasion was the invasion of Alexander the Great which was also blocked at Taxila by Mauryans.

Vedic knowledge has its origin in Indian Subcontinent. later Europeans learnt it at Taxila because there was a centralised government of Bharat(Chandragupta Maura) and Greeks(selucus 1).
Despite the present crisis in the Kashmir Valley, locals are cooperating fully in the conduct of the pilgrimage and lending all help to the pilgrims who come here from different parts of the country.

I have always maintained that the locals..atleast a silent majority are truly secular and just want to go on with their day to day lives caring for themselves and their family.

It is only these paid miscreants who are on the payroll of their foreign masters,have a vested interest in keeping things on the boil.

Hope the silent majority soon has its voice heard above the barking of the separatists.
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