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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Hope now this congress anti-hindu party gives the land to the shrine board.
Congress isn't very cooperative with Buddhists either. For example, I am a Vajrayana Buddhist by belief and by our sect, most of our texts revere mainstream Hinduism.

Most Congress politicians in the northeast claim to help Buddhists but don't do anything in reality when it comes to stopping illegal immigrants who are violent or foreign missionaries who demonize our peaceful faith.
Congress isn't very cooperative with Buddhists either. For example, I am a Vajrayana Buddhist by belief and by our sect, most of our texts revere mainstream Hinduism.

Most Congress politicians in the northeast claim to help Buddhists but don't do anything in reality when it comes to stopping illegal immigrants who are violent or foreign missionaries who demonize our peaceful faith.

This is expected from a sick party like congress who named a nuclear bomb after Lord Buddah. When election comes they make false promises but as soon as congress won it was back to square 1, im so glad Baba Ramdev is making a polictical party he cant be tainted with corruption at least.
@Tshering22 and @Amit27

I have to agree with u brothers but let us not discuss this on a Intl forum shall we. Its like washing our dirty linen in public bro's. And for the record i too hate this ******* Congress govt i would love to see BJP back.
@Tshering22 and @Amit27

I have to agree with u brothers but let us not discuss this on a Intl forum shall we. Its like washing our dirty linen in public bro's. And for the record i too hate this ******* Congress govt i would love to see BJP back.

I agree :agree: it dont help our cause
For the uninformed murakhs ....

The Amarnath caves (Hindi: अमरनाथ गुफा, Urdu: امرناتھ گُپھا) are one of the most famous shrines in Hinduism, dedicated to the god Shiva, located in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The shrine is claimed to be over 5,000 years old and forms an important part of Hindu mythology.

Inside the main Amarnath cave lies an ice stalagmite resembling the Shiva Linga, which waxes during May to August and gradually wanes thereafter. This lingam is said to grow and shrink with the phases of the moon, reaching its height during the summer festival.[According to Hindu mythology, this is the cave where Shiva explained the secret of life and eternity to his divine consort Parvati. Two other ice formations represent Parvati and Shiva's son, Ganesha.

The cave is situated at an altitude of 3,888 m (12,756 ft), about 141 km (88 mi) from Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir. The Central Reserve Police Force, Indian Army and Indian Paramilitary Forces maintain a strong presence in the region due to security concerns.

:blink:oh boy ~~~~ another twist

I need to drink my ice stalagmite water to cool down its quite hot in here

How dare you make fun of another religion?Mods please remove the objectionable post
For the uninformed murakhs ....

The Amarnath caves (Hindi: अमरनाथ गुफा, Urdu: امرناتھ گُپھا) are one of the most famous shrines in Hinduism, dedicated to the god Shiva, located in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir ....ah strategic weak point . The shrine is claimed to be over 5,000 years old and forms an important part of Hindu mythology.

Inside the main Amarnath cave lies an ice stalagmite resembling the Shiva Linga, which waxes during May to August and gradually wanes thereafter. This lingam is said to grow and shrink with the phases of the moon, reaching its height during the summer festival.[According to Hindu mythology, this is the cave where Shiva explained the secret of life and eternity to his divine consort Parvati. Two other ice formations represent Parvati and Shiva's son, Ganesha.

The cave is situated at an altitude of 3,888 m (12,756 ft), about 141 km (88 mi) from Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir. The Central Reserve Police Force, Indian Army and Indian Paramilitary Forces maintain a strong presence in the region due to security concerns.

:blink:oh boy ~~~~ another twist

I need to drink my ice stalagmite water to cool down its quite hot in here


Any how informative ..stuff learnd something new

I wonder if pilgirims reach 1-2 million then India can claim Jammu Kashmir as a religious site and right to own ...ah... nice tactic

Well Kashmir is a holy land for Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhist but at present moment the Indian goverment does not let Indians buy land in Kashmir even though this is against the constitution but God willing this will change in the future.
Your posts themselves show the religious bigot u are, just because a people of certain religion ruled the part u still want them to be in rule ,
The thing is people like u hate India because u think that Hindus who were under ur rule have broken free and u want to bring the long last kingdom back. But ur wet dreams will never be fullfilled . I am sick of this 1000 year rule boast every time to satisfy oneself's prejudice and racist ideology. Just try to do what ur so called glorified crusaders did now, u will join them even before u know.

Do tell where i said i want the muslims to rule india and put down the "evil" hindu.:coffee:

so that u can call them dhimmis , get them arrested under laws by which no proof is required by saying they abused ur religion and after converting them say that nobody can be converted forcefully.

Years and years of that bollywood-indian media propaganda seems to have taken its toll.
Vedic knowledge has its origin in Indian Subcontinent. later Europeans learnt it at Taxila because there was a centralised government of Bharat(Chandragupta Maura) and Greeks(selucus 1).

According to Urheimat hypothesis, the homeland Aryans was in Ukraine from where they migrated and settled in Europe, Middle East and South Asia. The Hindu high caste allegations of South Asia as Aryan homeland is based on fear that Dravidians and tribal groups will regard Aryans as alien invaders. Archaeology and in most case Genealogy may increase our knowledge over the years.
According to Urheimat hypothesis, the homeland Aryans was in Ukraine from where they migrated and settled in Europe, Middle East and South Asia. The Hindu high caste allegations of South Asia as Aryan homeland is based on fear that Dravidians and tribal groups will regard Aryans as alien invaders. Archaeology and in most case Genealogy may increase our knowledge over the years.

Nahraf, countless theories abound wrt Aryan origin. The truth is that its not certain. The earliest Aryan records, the Vedas, do not contain any mention of Aryan physical or racial characterstics. They allude to their origins in vague terms, quoting rivers and mountains; things whose names have undergone changes over-time. All the Vedas and the Puranas contain are their rituals, daily life, hymns and poems. There is no definite way of saying what their point of origin was.

If you are interested in Aryan and Indian history I'd suggest you try and get hold of Romila Thapar's books. She is the pre-eminent authority of ancient sub-continental history.
According to Urheimat hypothesis, the homeland Aryans was in Ukraine from where they migrated and settled in Europe, Middle East and South Asia. The Hindu high caste allegations of South Asia as Aryan homeland is based on fear that Dravidians and tribal groups will regard Aryans as alien invaders. Archaeology and in most case Genealogy may increase our knowledge over the years.

No your totally wrong there was no Aryan invasion of India, the word aryan is derived from the sanskrit word arya meaning noble.

I suggest you watch 'The Story of India' by Michael Wood historian he goes into detail on this.
Once again Kashmir erupts in violence, and the government's decision to involve the Army is widely seen as having affected the peace process.


Protesters throw stonesat the police in Srinagar on June 29.

EVERYTHING was going well for Kashmir Valley this year economically. The summer tourist season witnessed a boom. With all the rooms in hotels and the houseboats on the Dal lake full, the year was set to surpass all previous records in tourist arrival. Then came the violent unrest, as in the two previous prosperous summers. This time the valley erupted over the killing of a schoolboy by a teargas shell fired by the police in Srinagar on June 11 during street protests. Since then seven other Kashmiri youth have been killed, and the unrest has been spreading to more towns in the valley.

There is a clear link between the current upheaval and what happened in the two preceding years. In 2008, the region saw much disturbance for over two months over the specific issue of allotment of forest land to the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board. The following year, the alleged rape and murder of two women in Shopian saw the valley burn.

In fact, even after the current turmoil began, there was no significant decline in the tourist rush. But when the State government decided to call out the Army as a last resort to restore normalcy, the hopes of having a normal tourist season were dashed.

Why is Kashmir on fire again is the question on everyone's lips, but there is no satisfactory answer that can assuage the feelings of both the sides – the agitators and the government. Of course, the mishandling of the law and order situation by the Omar Abdullah government is one of the reasons for the anger in the valley.

According to Omar's opponents, he finds little time to address the problems in Kashmir. His hard posturing in defence of the Central Reserve Police Force (“too much of antagonism against the CRPF will be of no use as it will only disrupt the law and order situation in the State”) and the police, at a time when more and more civilian killings were reported, aggravated the situation. Making a fresh appeal for peace, the Chief Minister insisted that Kashmir was a political issue and needed a political solution. But apparently it came too late as pro-freedom and anti-India slogans were getting louder.

The absence of a genuine political initiative on the ground has given a fillip to the trouble, and this has been used as an opportunity by the hardliners in the separatist camp to revive their strategy. In a way, they have been running a parallel government. It is not completely true that the fear of “militants being behind the hardliners” makes them relevant. Moderates such as Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin Malik have been further marginalised by the way the hardline group led by Syed Ali Geelani has used the turf to achieve its political ambitions. A low-rung functionary of the Geelani group is calling the shots, and the entire State machinery has gone into overdrive to arrest him. When the violence broke out, even mainstream politicians chose to stay indoors, fearing reprisal from unruly mobs. “Mainstream politicians have been marginalised. We feel cornered. Our leaders can't go out. People call us Hindustani kutte [Indian dogs],” said People's Democratic Party president Mehbooba Mufti.

The situation in Kashmir has always been fragile, but policymaking in New Delhi, which has remained “one track”, has only helped to aggravate it further. The Centre has disconnected itself from the ground reality in Kashmir and listens more to the “experts” sitting in the Delhi studios of various television channels. It may be true that those taking the law into their own hands do not constitute a major section of society, but their proliferation has put both the State and Central governments on the back foot.

The government's response to the initial trouble, which began on June 11, was devoid of any strategy. It failed to notice the burning anger among the youth. On June 11, Tufail Matto, 17, was killed in a police action in downtown Srinagar when he was supposedly returning from a tuition class. The original spark that ignited the public anger actually came from a fake encounter in the Machil sector of Kupwara district. In the mayhem that followed, 15 civilians, all of them in the age group of nine to 25, fell to the bullets of the CRPF and the police. The government had, apparently, decided to adopt an “iron hand” method to restore normalcy.

Confidence eroded

The past 14 years have seen massive development and creation of employment opportunities in Kashmir with a large number of schemes touching ground. The Prime Minister's Reconstruction Plan made the construction of vital roads possible. On the face of it, the problem should have been resolved if the alienation element was linked to misgovernance or lack of development. But the recurring change in the situation shows that the unrest is linked to political issues rather than the demand for development.

Since 2006-07, Kashmir's political landscape has gone through enormous changes with confidence-building measures between Jammu and Kashmir and the ***************** territory and improvement in the relations between India and Pakistan. This created an optimism that something was happening to resolve the Kashmir tangle. There was political stability during those years as people connected themselves with that rapprochement, which had been initiated by Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee and Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, who had emerged as leading lights of the process for peace and reconciliation. People devoted themselves to routine work in the hope that New Delhi and Islamabad were working on a solution.

But as the initiatives between Srinagar and New Delhi and the confidence-building measures reached a deadlock, the confidence that the people of Kashmir had gained in the process was eroded.

Sheikh Showkat, Professor of Law at Kashmir University, sees the unrest as the fallout of “unproductive processes”. “Even Mirwaiz and other moderates were Geelanised as they felt irrelevant in this situation,” he said.

That became evident on July 7, when Mirwaiz threatened that the new generation was ready to “take on India”. “The baton of the freedom struggle has now been passed on to the next generation who, by sacrificing their precious lives, has reinforced the universally accepted fact that it might be possible to annihilate the body by killing it but no power on earth can subjugate the yearnings of a nation for freedom,” he told Frontline.

Experts say that the Army's deployment can defeat the efforts of the Omar Abdullah government to restore normalcy. Amid demands for the revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act and the thinning of troops, calling the Army out on the streets is bound to worsen the situation. “What after the Army is withdrawn?” is a question being asked in Kashmir.

“The last line of defence has been used, if it fails to put a break on the protests, who will control it?” asks Bashir Manzar, a senior journalist and editor. Even former Army chief V.P. Malik opposed the decision to call out the Army. “The Army is not meant for riot policing but for defending the country and fighting insurgency,” he told a news channel.

By all accounts, the coming days will be crucial for Kashmir. A drastic change in New Delhi's policy towards Kashmir has become all the more inevitable now.

Valley of unrest
Withdrawing army will help terrorists.govt should create more developement and job opportunities.
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