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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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well jinxe_D girl, i found a post from afghan forum same as yours.
Only some minor changes

Do you copied this or are you the same person who posted this in the afghan forum?

Roby, You asked me that question before too and yeah I am the same girl from Afghan forum who got banned along with two Iranians Nimroo and SphagettiMonster. I think I have mentioned this several times on this forum.. No? :undecided: Are you Hindostani or Zubin from the same forum? Zubin was Sikh, you must be Hindostani...

Please use your common sense... I am talking about 2 different Priyas (looks like it is a common name in South India?) Sorry, if I hurt your feelings, but I like doing it just for fun... :rofl::rofl:

The Priya I mentioned on Afghan forum was from Tamil Nadu
Roby, You asked me that question before too and yeah I am the same girl from Afghan forum who got banned along with two Iranians Nimroo and SphagettiMonster. I think I have mentioned this several times on this forum.. No? :undecided:
Sorry to hear that. I thought you are not the same. Disappointed.:sick:

Are you Hindostani or Zubin from the same forum? Zubin was Sikh, you must be Hindostani...

I am not a member in afghan forum. I just read the posts there. also I use the same username Roby in every forum I joined.

Please use your common sense... I am talking about 2 different Priyas (looks like it is a common name in South India?) Sorry, if I hurt your feelings, but I like doing it just for fun... :rofl::rofl:
The Priya I mentioned on Afghan forum was from Tamil Nadu

You never hurt my feelings, because I use common sense while reading these kind of made up stories. :disagree:

Anyway carry on. Have fun. :)
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Sorry to hear that. I thought you are not the same.

I am not a member in afghan forum. I just read the posts there. also I use the same username Roby in every forum I joined.

You never hurt my feelings, because I use common sense while reading these kind of made up stories. :disagree:

Anyway carry on. Have fun. :)

Yeah Roby, I know you have lots of common sense, but the stories certainly are not made up. Don't you have "naughty" side and like playing pranks on people sometimes.. I am sure you do... everyone does. And telling Indian she/he doesn't look like Indian is one of my favorite pranks.

Our company have outsourced lots of jobs to South India, and everyday we see some new Priya and Ajay.. At our workplace we have 3 Priyas now... we call them Priya1, Priya2 and Priya3. Besides their names... you know what else is common among them? Guess!!

Our company have outsourced lots of jobs to South India, and everyday we see some new Priya and Ajay.. At our workplace we have 3 Priyas now... we call them Priya1, Priya2 and Priya3. Besides their names... you know what else is common among them? Guess!!


so the olive skin...is it because of 25% persian or the 75% Pakistan?
yeah the damn moustache...!!tell me about it...our Indian variant can not be killed!
whatever you use...it stays there...the friggin DRDO creams...!
Priya 4,5,6 and 7 that work in my office have hideous beards...
maybe you should try aishwarya 9...also from south India...full satisfaction guaranteed...!
Kashmiri girlz are very pretty... I have several Kashmiri friends... But Bengali and Gujarati girlz...

all the pretty gurrls are your friends...and all the Indian butt-ugly girls are there to be made fun off...
you make friends based on their looks..
you bully newbies in your office...
you honestly need to see a shrink for your own good...
or maybe you are still a teen...or maybe you are a budding eccentric film-maker...being eccentric does a world of good if you want to make films...
but more often than not...lands you in trouble...with other dissimilar people and in the morbid vastness and your own mental vortex...with your own dissimilar self...
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Yeah Roby, I know you have lots of common sense, but the stories certainly are not made up. Don't you have "naughty" side and like playing pranks on people sometimes.. I am sure you do... everyone does. And telling Indian she/he doesn't look like Indian is one of my favorite pranks.

Our company have outsourced lots of jobs to South India, and everyday we see some new Priya and Ajay.. At our workplace we have 3 Priyas now... we call them Priya1, Priya2 and Priya3. Besides their names... you know what else is common among them? Guess!!


I do like playing pranks , but making fun of peoples physical appearance is not a good thing to do IMHO and I believe it is racism.

Any way we better stop here, the thread is about some K in Pakistan. :P
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all the pretty gurrls are your friends...and all the Indian butt-ugly girls are there to be made fun off...
you make friends based on their looks..
you bully newbies in your office...
you honestly need to see a shrink for your own good...
or maybe you are still a teen...or maybe you are a budding eccentric film-maker...being eccentric does a world of good if you want to make films...
but more often than not...lands you in trouble...with other dissimilar people and in the morbid vastness and your own mental vortex...with your own dissimilar self...

You got that wrong.. Pari boy! All the pretty girlz are not my friends... but those girlz are my friends with whom I share alot in common :yahoo: Kashmiris and Punjabis share more in common as compared to someone from South India, so it is natural when we see each other we become friends.. Even historically, Kashmir, Punjab versus South India have never been part of same empires except perhaps Mughal and British Empire.. We have been isolated from each other for most of the history...

I don't bully people, I only play pranks on them sometimes. I mean I am not trying to sabotage the career of Priya 3. You know what I mean ?;) :D
I do like playing pranks , but making fun of peoples physical appearance is not a good thing to do IMHO and I believe it is racism.

Any way we better stop here, the thread is about some K in Pakistan. :P

Huh! Making fun of someone over which someone has no control counts as racism. I agree! But, moustache over which every girl and boy have full control and they can easily get rid of... is not racism.. Don't give excuses for bad grooming habits. If someone doesn't take bath for weeks, and people don't want to sit next to that person ... then that doesn't count as racism! That count as bad grooming!

Anywayz... I have befriended Priya 3.. and I am taking her to Spalon Salon this weekend.. She should get a menicure, pedicure, and that moustache has to go! No excuse for girl's moustache! I am telling ya! I won't let her represent India with a moustache!
Now.. all of you please stick to the topic - The "K" in Pakistan and I will post some pictures of Kashmir too when I go home... !! :D
Hitler wanted to eliminate certain races... in my case I want to avoid them.. Not the same thing!! :D

Now that is not being honest. If you want to ignore them why talk about them? It is not civil to compare people on the basis of their origin or race in a manner that belittles them. Do you honestly think that it is a good thing to do and that in anyway helps you to become a decent person? "Having fun with people" and "making fun of people" are two very different things, and the former is undoubtedly the way to go. :)

P.S. I am expecting a change of heart.

EDIT: Looking at your last few posts, I think you are well on the way. :)
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I was thinking that K in pakistan might stand for Kuwait. Afterall pakistan will change her name to United States Of Islam in 2XXX or maybe 3XXX. Although Kashmir is beautiful I think for Pakistan to have Kashmir and fulfill its K in that manner wont be possible. Maybe they can make Karachi a state and then complete the K in pakistan.

P- Peshawar , A - Attock ,K-Karachi , I-Islamabad , S - Sargodha , T - Taxila, A -Abbottabad , N- Nawabshah
Stone pelting is un-Islamic: Kashmiri cleric | TwoCircles.net


New Delhi : Terming stone pelting as a form of protest un-Islamic, the Grand Mufti of Jammu and Kashmir, Maulana Bashir-ud-Din, Wednesday said such violent practices were against the basic tenets of the religion whose essence is "peace and brotherhood".

"Islam strongly prohibits any means of violence. The stone pelting practice is surely un-Islamic. It causes inconvenience to people and propels more violence," the Grand Mufti told IANS here.

Bashir-ud-Din heads the Sharia court of Jammu and Kashmir and is also the president of the state Personal Law Board.

He is authorised to make decisions on Islamic law and issue fatwas - religious edicts.

Asked if he had issued a fatwa against stone pelting, which some separatists justify as a form of resistance, the mufti said: "What I am saying is not my personal opinion. I, as a Grand Mufti, am making it clear. When Islam doesn't advocate or justify any violence, how can you justify stone pelting? I am saying this in the light of Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) and the holy Quran.

"Islam is the religion of peace and brotherhood," he added, strongly condemning the practice which over the past two years has become a norm in the troubled state, especially on Fridays.

After the weekly Friday prayers, streets of downtown in Srinagar and parts of Lal Chowk surge with masked youths, mostly in their teens.

They throw stones at police and paramilitary personnel, triggering clashes. Security forces, in return, use tear gas and sometimes even open fire at the protestors.

Recently, a young boy in Old Srinagar was killed when he was hit by a tear gas shell. In another incident, a 10-day-old ailing baby died when a vehicle carrying him and his parents to a hospital was stopped by stone throwers in Kashmir's Baramulla district Feb 21.

The mufti said the stone pelting had taken a form of alternative employment in Jammu and Kashmir and the government needed to "nip the evil in the bud".

"They (stone throwers) are paid for what they are doing. What do you do about that? Give Kashmiri youth jobs so that they don't look for unlawful ways of earning," he said.

The mufti was in the national capital to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Home Minister P. Chidambaram.

"I will meet them to urge for a dialogue process with every shades of opinion in the state to solve the (Kashmir) issue," he said.

The mufti also condemned the killing of teenage Zahid Farooq, allegedly shot dead by Border Security Forces personnel last month. An official of the border guards has been arrested for the killing.
Local media report

Mufti Azam’s mission Delhi | Greater Kashmir Daily English Newspaper from Kashmir Online News Channel - Daily News - Live Updates

Seeks Involvement Of Religious Leaders In Peace Process, Declares Stone Pelting Un-Islamic
Meeting PM, Sonia, PC
New Delhi, Mar 10: Terming stone pelting as a form of protest un-Islamic, the Grand Mufti of Jammu and Kashmir, Mufti Azam Mufti Bashir-ud-Din, on Wednesday said such violent practices were against the basic tenets of the religion whose essence is “peace and brotherhood”.
“Islam strongly prohibits any means of violence. The stone pelting practice is surely un-Islamic. It causes inconvenience to people and propels more violence,” the Grand Mufti said.
Bashir-ud-Din heads the Sharia court of Jammu and Kashmir and is also the president of the state Personal Law Board. Asked if he had issued a Fatwa against stone pelting, which some separatists
justify as a form of resistance, the Mufti said: “What I am saying is not my personal opinion. I, as a Grand Mufti, am making it clear. When Islam doesn’t advocate or justify any violence, how can you justify stone pelting? I am saying this in the light of Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) and the holy Quran.
“Islam is the religion of peace and brotherhood,” he added, strongly condemning the practice which over the past two years has become a norm in the troubled state, especially on Fridays.
The Mufti said the stone pelting had taken a form of alternative employment in Jammu and Kashmir and the government needed to “nip the evil in the bud”.
“They (stone throwers) are paid for what they are doing. What do you do about that? Give Kashmiri youth jobs so that they don’t look for unlawful ways of earning,” he said.
The Mufti was in the national capital to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Home Minister P Chidambaram.
“I will meet them to urge for a dialogue process with every shade of opinion in the state to solve the Kashmir issue,” he said.
Noting that dialogue is the only solution to any problem, the Mufti said that he has asked the Centre to involve the religious leaders from the state in peace and confidence building efforts there.
“No attempt is being made to encourage the civil society in Kashmir to play its role in peace and confidence building attempts among the disgruntled groups of the state,” he said and added the Centre should involve religious leaders in peace building as the religious leaders are honest and not hypocrite. “So, they can play a good role.”
The Mufti said he met Chidambaram last Friday and informed him about the willingness of Kashmiri religious leaders to be part of the peace process in the state. “It was good,” he said, referring to his 30-minutes meeting with Chidambaram.
“I have some proposals (regarding Kashmir) and I have told the Union Home Minister that I will disclose them during my meeting with the Prime Minister,” he said.
The Mufti said in his meeting with the Home Minister he urged him to institute an inquiry regarding 7,000 missing persons in Jammu and Kashmir so that the facts are revealed about their whereabouts and fate. He also said the government must adopt policy of “zero tolerance” against the violators of human rights in the state.
“No one in Jammu and Kashmir is ready to share information about these missing persons. Most of the disappeared were reportedly picked up by the security forces,” he said while interacting with the media persons here.
The Mufti said that the family members of the missing persons are running from the pillar to the post to ascertain the facts about their kith and kin.
The Mufti said he also raised the issue of the recent killing of two innocent teenagers by the security forces in the Kashmir valley with the Home Minister, demanding action against the culprits. “These are gross human rights violations,” he said.
He said violation of human rights by the security forces causes unrest in the valley. He also stated that the present coalition government in the state has failed to perform and restore confidence of the common people.
He severely criticised the west for maligning Islam, stating that Islam is the most peaceful religion in the World.
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