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Where is Kashmir's conscience?

Is Kashmir's conscience dead? The answer, most definitely, seems yes. Recently, J&K CM Omar Abdullah hit the nail on its head when he lashed out at the separatists for their silence on the killing of a three-year-old by terrorists.

Why separatists alone, the whole of Kashmir should answer this question. Really, where are the protests now? Where is the Valley's anger – so visible, at the drop of a hat, all these years? Why, all of a sudden, has Kashmir forgotten to take to the streets -- stones in hands and tears in eyes? The same Kashmir, which burned with rage over the rape-cum-murder of two women in Shopian, has its eyes closed when the perpetrators of the crime are terrorists.

Don't get me wrong, no one is condoning the brutality in Shopian. Anyone who outrages the modesty of women should be punished. But what about these double standards? How about a little anger against the terrorists from across the border who have killed anywhere between 65,000 to 1,00,000 people since 1989? All in the name of freedom?

In an indirect attack on the separatists at a function in Srinagar, Omar said: "They prominently organize marches and give ‘chalo calls' to highlight violation of human rights...These elements resort to politics of hypocrisy." Fairness, morality and respect for human rights demand these elements should raise same voice whenever terrorists kill civilians, he said.

Bang on, Mr Abdullah. Or do human rights apply to terrorists alone? Maybe. The Shopian incident has resulted in prolonged protests. At the same time, the killings by terrorists have continued unabated. They, of course, go unnoticed. Why this anger against security forces and cops only? Against those same security men who, away from their families, are risking their lives to protect Kashmir? Why no thought before damaging public property, before attacking the people who are there to protect them?

The suffering doesn't seem to end. Repeated terror attacks have happened in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. No point mentioning which country these attacks are coming from. And all in the name of Kashmir. It's time the same Kashmir lent the country a hand. It's time the same Kashmir raised its voice as loud and clear as it raises it against the security forces.

Quite aptly, Omar's comments came on a day when SC questioned the Jammu & Kashmir High Court's order to arrest police officers for their alleged involvement in Shopian rape-cum-murder. The court also rapped the high court for its direction that the bail plea of the accused cops be filed only before it. The SC Bench said: “Anybody can be arrested. Anybody who has nothing to do with this case can be arrested. What material was there for arrest? Even now, they (state) have been unable to produce the material."

With power comes responsibility. If some jawans and policemen were involved in a heinous crime, they shouldn't go unpunished. But in no civilised society should action be guided by agitation and protests. And in the meantime, it's time for Kashmir as well to show some responsibility. And for our politicians to shed some hypocrisy.
This election is held every night in Pakistani's dreams....and Pakistan wins 10 out of 10 times.....LOL
And India calls itself the 'worlds largest democracy.' They should be ashamed of themselves.
And India calls itself the 'worlds largest democracy.' They should be ashamed of themselves.

Ahm ahm wait gimme a second ;)

What does Hindustan Means???

Land of Hindus !!!!:azn:

How does it represent a " True secular democracy " where the very name of of the Country contradicts with the basics of Democracy ...

Shopian MLA visits bereaved Sheeraza's family

Srinagar, Dec 17 (PTI) Senior PDP leader and MLA from Shopian, Abdul Razak Zawoora today visited the bereaved family of Sheeraza (21), who was shot dead by an unidentified militant in her house on Tuesday.

Zawoora, on directions of party president Mehbooba Mufti, today visited Keller to convey solidarity with the bereaved family.

He expressed sympathies with the family and asked the government to identify the culprits and punish them, a party release said today.

Zawoora also met citizens of the area, who brought to his notice acute problems of ration, power and other essential items.

The MLA assured them that he will take up the matter with the administration for immediate redressal of grievances.
Ahm ahm wait gimme a second ;)

What does Hindustan Means???

Land of Hindus !!!!:azn:

How does it represent a " True secular democracy " where the very name of of the Country contradicts with the basics of Democracy ...


the name is "sovereign socialist secular democratic republic of India"
with the level of comprehension shown..it'd be impossible to elaborate exactly what all that means.
Ahm ahm wait gimme a second ;)

What does Hindustan Means???

Land of Hindus !!!!:azn:

How does it represent a " True secular democracy " where the very name of of the Country contradicts with the basics of Democracy ...


ours is a true secular country because once its president was a muslim and present PM is a sikh . The place i live we celebrate any festival together may it ID or DIVALLI or RAMJAN
All of them want their land back which is occupied by India.

Simple as that.

Dear Jana if it was that simple, Great Islam Republic of Pakistan with Nuclear aresanal could have solved it 15 years ago. Isn't it surprising the game of victim is played on and on, yet there is not substance from the Pakistanie side. Let me repeat Substance, beside religious card. It's like in America if a black man gets hurt, it becomes a racism issue, Racisim Card, find sound correlation.

I thought we Indian's where black, but yet you are sounding one!!!! Just my observation.
Ahm ahm wait gimme a second ;)

What does Hindustan Means???

Land of Hindus !!!!:azn:

How does it represent a " True secular democracy " where the very name of of the Country contradicts with the basics of Democracy ...

Historically Hindus referred to the people living along the Indus river in the present day Pakistan all the way to the Ganges in the east. IT did not refer to the religious identification until the British came and started classifying and conducting religion based census. So even the Buddhists, Muslims and other natives in that area were referred to Hindus or Hindis even by the Arabs. So Hindustan refers to the geographical connotation not religious.

Even Dr. Zakir Naik has clarfied this and has said that if the word Hindu is taken in that geographical meaning, then he said that "I am a Hindu too".

Infact, Hindu scholars actually prefer to call themselves as Vendatists or sanatan dharmi.

And being secular or democracy is nto an on/off switch. It is a work in progress. India is a relatively young country compared to more established secular democracies like US/UK for example. Atleast we are moving towards that goal although we may not be there yet.
Separatist elements threatened witnesses to implicate forces: CBI

The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Separatist elements threatened witnesses to implicate forces CBI

Navin Upadhyay | New Delhi

The CBI has found a number of evidence to establish that separatist elements tried to influence the witnesses to implicate the security personnel in the death of two Shopian women — Neelofar Jan and Asiya Jan. Separatist supporters and advocates threatened two crucial eyewitnesses that their houses and shops would be burnt and their family wiped out if they did not frame up the police and security men.

There is a great deal of discrepancies in the statement of the two alleged key witnesses who deposed before the Special Investigation Team (SIT) and Jan Commission about hearing the cries of the two women coming from a police vehicle and presence of men in uniform on the bridge over the river from where their bodies were recovered.

But Ghulam Mohiuddin Lone and Abdul Rasheed Pampori told the CBI they lied under threat and inducement about the presence of security men at the river bridge. In addition, the statements given by the two before the SIT and Jan Commission are also full of contradictions.

In his first statement, on June 6, 2009 recorded under Section 164-A J&K CrPC before the SIT, Ghulam Mohiuddin Lone stated that on May 29, 2009 after closing his shop at 8 pm, when he was heading home, he saw four uniformed persons standing before a blue colour police vehicle parked on the road after crossing the bridge. Lone said he and Pampori also heard the cries of women coming from the vehicle.

However, in his second statement, recorded by the CBI on October 10, 2009 under Section 164-A J&K CrPC, he stated that about 5-10 days after the death of Neelofar Jan and Asiya Jan, Advocates Abdul Majid Mir, Mohd Yusuf

Bhat, Mushtaq Ahmad Gatoo, Altaf, Mubarak, Al Mohd Sheikh, neighbour of Shakeel Ahmad Ahanger and Zahoor Ahmad Ahanger, and Shakeel’s brother came to his residence and took him to the bridge and enquired him about the incident. Shakeel is the husband of Neelofar.

After Lone told them he did not have any knowledge about the incident, they took him to Shakeel’s residence where Neelofar’s father Abdul Hai caught him by the neck and asked him to tell the truth. When Lone repeated he did not have any knowledge about the incident, advocate Abdul Majid beat him up and dragged him to another room. Lone told the CBI that Abdul Majid threatened him that if he did not give the statement that “I have seen police vehicle near the bridge, they would burn my house and shop and would also kill my entire family.”

He added that Abdul Majid Mir also told him that if he gave a false statement “of their choice”, he will be offered a shop at the Shopian bus stand and handsome amount of money.

Admitting that under intimidation, he gave false statements first to the Jan Commission and then before the CJM, Shopian, Lone told the CBI he neither saw any police vehicle near the bridge nor he heard any cries of women.

Similarly, the investigation has revealed that in his first statement under Section 164-A J&K CrPC on June 18, 2009, Pampori stated that on May 29, 2009 evening, when he along with Lone was going home, they saw a blue colour police vehicle, just after crossing the Rambiara Bridge facing towards Batpora, Shopian. He also stated that inside the vehicle he saw three policemen in uniform and heard cries of women asking for help from the vehicle.

However, in his statement recorded by the CBI on October 27, 2009, he stated that he gave false statement under pressure from Lone and some police persons.

Pampori’s statement was corroborated by Haseeb Mughal, SP, Kishtwar and advocates Syed Aijaz Hussain, Mohd. Mansoor Shah and Ghulam Ahmad Paul. They told the CBI that on June 9, 2009, when Lone gave his statement implicating the policemen, Pampori told Jan Commission he had seen nothing of the sort.

Similarly, Ghulam Mohiuddin Lone’s father Ahmad Lone corroborated his son’s statement. The elder Lone told the CBI that his son was picked up by Abdul Majid, Mushtaq Ahmad Gatoo, Mohd Yusuf Bhat, Sheikh Mubarak, Mohd. Sheikh and Zahoor Ahmad Ahanger in the evening of June 9.

“When he Ghulam Mohiudin Lone returned home at about 3 am, he told me that he had been beaten, threatened and compelled to give false statements,” Ahmad Lone told the CBI.

When Ahmad Lone visited Abdul Majid Mir the next day and protested against the beating, Mir told him that he was ready to keep him at his house for his safety.

The mala fide conduct of the advocates — Abdul Majid Mir, Mushtaq Ahmad Gatoo and Mohd Yusuf Bhat — is also evident from the statement of one Hasina, wife of Azad Ahmad Tureay. Hasina told the CBI that these advocates visited her house and Mushtaq Ahmad Gatoo told her to give a statement that she and her husband saw policemen and a police vehicle standing on the bridge and heard screams of the women near the Rambiara nallah in the late evening of May 29, 2009. Hasina was offered jobs for her children, a house and Rs 20 lakh.

Hasina also told the CBI that Mushtaq Ahmad Gatoo disclosed they had offered Ghulam Mohiuddin Lone and Abdul Rashid Pampori new houses and “remuneration” for making such false statements.

The investigation has also concluded that a concerted effort was made by these advocates and some private persons to create false evidence for implicating the police/security forces in the death of the two ladies.
December 18, 2009

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

PAKISTAN: Colonel Hamza of the ISI must be prosecuted for abduction, illegal detention and torture of young men from Pakistani Kashmir

Three young men from the Pakistani part of Kashmir, abducted by an army Lieutenant Colonel and officials of Frontier Corp were released by their captives after the warning that they should not reveal that where they were held in captivity and tortured or the identities of those who had abducted them. The men were severely tortured and abused in Bala Hisar fort near Peshawar, the capital of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), for 21 days. Please see AHRC's urgent appeal for their illegal arrest by the high official of notorious state intelligence agency, the ISI;
PAKISTAN: An army colonel has had four men abducted and tortured due to a personal dispute, in Pakistan-held Kashmir

Three out of the four persons illegally arrested by the ISI colonel and Frontier Corp (FC), were released on the night of December 14 and thrown out on the road side near Peshawar city. Before their release Colonel Hamza of ISI and other officials of the FC abused them physically and threatened them not to tell anyone about their illegal detention in Bala Hisar otherwise they would face dire consequences. The police have also refused to entertain the complaint of the abducted men as a Lieutenant Colonel of the ISI is involved.

Pakistani held Kashmir, generally known as Azad Jammu and Kasmir (AJK), has been a sensitive state for the Pakistani military because of its claim on Indian part of the Kashmir which is part of the unfinished agenda with the separation of Pakistan from India. The presence of state intelligence agencies, particularly, the ISI in Pakistani held Kashmir means that the people are not allowed to carry out their social and political activities without inference. There are only four major offices in the city of Muzaffarabad, the capital of AJK which has a population of 3.2 million, besides many other offices in the state. The police cannot interfere in the affairs of ISI as it claims that it is working in the national interests of the country in the presence of great potential threats from neighbouring India.

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) was appointed by the government of Pakistan from the Pakistan police force so he is unfamiliar with the local situation and all affairs related to law and order situation are dependent on the ISI.

In the case of abduction, arrest and torture of the four young men the whole affair was illegal and a direct threat to the independent governance of the state. Lieutenant Colonel Hamza was posted in the office of ISI Peshawar, capital of North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan, and he has no jurisdiction to operate in AJK. Neither do the officials of the Frontier Corp have jurisdiction there. According to the law they can operate only in the NWFP. However, being a powerful group they take advantage of their militaristic status to operate illegally anywhere they wish. The Colonel and officials of the FC illegally took the detainees to another province without the permission of an independent state which has its own laws and government. This case is another example and ample proof that the military forces consider themselves above the law. The local police are also powerless before the ISI and FC who undermine the law of the land.

The Asian Human Rights Commission urges the government of Pakistan to initiate an inquiry into the matter of the abduction, illegal detention and torture of four young men from Azad Jammu Kashmir by Lieutenant Colonel Hamza of ISI, based in Peshawar, capital of NWFP, and by officials of the Frontier Corp. The military officials should be punished for violating the rights of the people recognized by the constitution and supposedly protected by the laws of Pakistan. The government should also protect the people of Pakistani Kashmir, the AJK, from the illegal acts of its notorious intelligence agency, the ISI and FC. The abducted and tortured young men should be paid compensation for their ordeal and a police case should also be filed against Lieutenant Colonel Hamza and the concerned officials of Frontier Corp.
Yet another one of the ************* stories.
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