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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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You alluded that the Kashmiris didn't want to join India and that it was the Maharaja who did that. It all happened in '47. The question you had raised was what Kashmiris wanted then. What Kashmiris want now, is another issue. Don't try to shift your goal post.

Besides, ssheppard's reply should suffice for now.

I did not say that Kashmiris did not want to join India! I wanted some evidence to proof Kashmiris wanted to join India.

I had information that it is Maharaja that ceded Kashmir to India. I did not have information that it is the majority of Kashmiris that rise up against Pakistan and join India.

I am just linking up information given to me.

mrwarrior006 also mentioned that it is Maharahi that ceded Kashmir to India and it is not Kashmiris who wanted to join India!
Kashmiri wants to join India? Any evidence?

There is no evidence that Kashmiris ever wanted to join India or want to join India - the fact that India reneged on its commitment to the UNSC resolution to hold a UN led plebiscite in Kashmir is an indicator that they never really believed the Kashmiris would vote in their favor.

Even now some Indians will argue that Kashmiris want to be a part of India, and then you ask them to allow the UN to hold a plebiscite and they lose their 'cojones' so to speak, and come up with all sorts of excuses as to why that is not an option - the real reason being that they know their arguments on 'Kashmiri support for India' are lies and distortions, both past and present.
Two Kashmiri women whose deaths sparked protests were not raped or murdered, Indian investigators have concluded.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) told the high court in Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir that the women drowned in a canal.
The families of the women told the court that the CBI had hushed up the case to protect the guilty.
The CBI took over the case in the summer after state authorities admitted the women had been raped and murdered.
The discovery of the women's bodies in May led to weeks of violent protests by locals who blamed security forces for the deaths.
Police 'cleared'
The bodies of the women were exhumed in September by the CBI in a fresh attempt to determine what happened to them.
In its report presented to the high court on Monday, the CBI accused 13 people, including six doctors, five lawyers and two civilians, of fabricating a false case.
The CBI report says the doctors gave false post-mortem reports and sent slides for DNA examination that had been tampered with.
However, the investigating agency absolved four police officers who had earlier been arrested on charges of destroying evidence.
The report said the allegations against them were not substantiated.
Relatives of the two women and campaigners accused the CBI of trying to protect the guilty.
The CBI had not recorded vital information provided by the relatives of the two women, they told the high court.
The bodies of Neelofar Jan, 22, and her 17-year-old sister-in-law, Ayesha, were found in a canal in the town of Shopian on 30 May.
The women had gone missing the previous evening.
Local residents said they had been raped and murdered either by police or paramilitary forces.
Protests shut the town for 47 days. At least two people were killed and 500 injured in clashes with police after demonstrations spread to other parts of the Kashmir valley.
State authorities said at first the women had drowned, before admitting they had been raped and murdered.
Facing charges of a cover-up and with no one brought to justice, the state government handed over the investigation to the CBI.
The Kashmir High Court Bar Association opposed the move, saying the CBI lost its credibility in Kashmir during its investigation into a sex scandal three years ago.

BBC News - Kashmir women 'were not murdered', says Indian report
Can the Indian security forces bring back to life the tens of thousands tortured and massacred by them and buried in mass graves?

Let me know how that works out.

The real 'pity' is that Indian continues to occupy the territory and deny the Kashmiris the right to self determination as promised in the UNSC resolutions and accepted by India.

This is sad AM. When it is open out that your govt was not only supporting the terrorists by funding them and setting up camps and free open arena where they could not only train these terrorists. Now it out that it your government also supported Hurriyat. Whatz up with that? You are talking about the collateral damage where terrorist in-breeding proped-up media blizz with Indian government inaction where local illiterate Pakistanis sent across to India as canon fodder to mask as Kashmiris , Mujahadeen or even Deccan Mujahadeen.

Even the PA soldiers mask along with Mujahadeen and act as if Kashmir freedom movement in 65, in kargil, I feel deeply sad that you are able to see what is going in front of your eyes and still claim that Indian occupied land where it was Kashmiris that informed India of occupation by your Indian freedom movement in 1965 and in Kargil.

How is it possible that you are only able to twist the story? Now, it is pretty obvious why the senior Hurriyat was killed? Why he wanted to talk with India?
Its high time that kashmiris realize that Pakistan is no guardian angel of their's......Pakistan just wants to take its revenge from India ....add some land to Pakistan's map....and thats it.....Pakistan wants Kashmir resources....with or without Kashmiris ....it does not matter.....the whole Azad Kashmir is just a sham...a smoke screen to help hide its Hurt India movements.....I am sure after Kashmir thher will be one more ...Khalistan...Pilistan..Dhilistan....and similar stans movements funded by Pakistan.....to keep on troubling India.....Its about time ...India gives back to Pakistan that Pakistan...is giving to India......in a similar manner.
For the sake of justice for the victims the investigations should have been handed to a an agency which is deemed as being credible by the community
pakistan wants kashmir so tat it can have water resources in its control and not oly tat its strategic gain and free movement b/w pakistan and china

it really doesnt care kashmirs value

wat was more shocking when tey ceded it to china(gift is wat tey call ridiculos man) and tey say tey care for kashmiris
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There is no evidence that Kashmiris ever wanted to join India or want to join India - the fact that India reneged on its commitment to the UNSC resolution to hold a UN led plebiscite in Kashmir is an indicator that they never really believed the Kashmiris would vote in their favor.

Even now some Indians will argue that Kashmiris want to be a part of India, and then you ask them to allow the UN to hold a plebiscite and they lose their 'cojones' so to speak, and come up with all sorts of excuses as to why that is not an option - the real reason being that they know their arguments on 'Kashmiri support for India' are lies and distortions, both past and present.

Why India reneged on its commitment to the UNSC resolution to hold a UN led plebiscite in Kashmir? This could well resolved the territorial dispute!
I am a Kashmiri.....Me and thousands of other like me want to join India..... I have Indian passport...and I have traveled world on that. I earn a good living and enjoy all freedoms.

Why join India.... we consider ourselves as Indian Citizens and are proud to be a part of India ....we are getting equal opportunities here .....and we are making contribution towards making India a better place for all Indians.

Let me take this opportunity to say... Bull Sh*t. I've met enough legit Kashmiris in my life to know otherwise, unlike most of the people posting on this damn forum.
I'm sorry, but what exactly is wrong with Pakistan funding the parties that argue against Indian occupation of disputed territory that Pakistan claims as well?

A brouhaha over nothing is what it appears to be.

The politicians that contest the elections in Indian Occupied Kashmir and are elected into the legislature are paid by India are they not?

And many of those politicians have a 'pro-India' stance - so would that indicate that the participation of most politicians in Indian held elections is because they are on the 'payroll of India' and hence they are 'Indian agents' hardly concerned about the rights of the people of J&K, especially the right to self determination promised them by the UNSC and India (before it reneged on its commitment).

Now that you have been caught, trying to brazen it out?

If there is nothing wrong with Hurriyat being on payroll of Pakistan, then why did you not make it public before you were exposed in the media?
I'm sorry, but what exactly is wrong with Pakistan funding the parties that argue against Indian occupation of disputed territory that Pakistan claims as well?

A brouhaha over nothing is what it appears to be.

The politicians that contest the elections in Indian Occupied Kashmir and are elected into the legislature are paid by India are they not?

And many of those politicians have a 'pro-India' stance - so would that indicate that the participation of most politicians in Indian held elections is because they are on the 'payroll of India' and hence they are 'Indian agents' hardly concerned about the rights of the people of J&K, especially the right to self determination promised them by the UNSC and India (before it reneged on its commitment).

so are you saying that if india sends people into pakistan occupied kashmirto fight your troops there .then it is totally acceptable to pakistan andyou will keep quoet about it? -since india does claim that part of kashmir too..........
so what is wrong if india gives money to terrorists(according to pak govt) if it is going to keep its part of kashmir free of mishaps...since you guys will concentrate somewhere else and leave the indian territory alone?

what kind off stupid logic from you?you guys want kashmir so you send so called freedom fighters who come here and end up killing kashmiris -the very people whom you claim to be fighiting for and to keep the kashmiris quiet you guys give money to some greedy locals(so called seperatists) so that only what you guys do -goes quiet .and here you are supporting trechery!
I'm sorry, but what exactly is wrong with Pakistan funding the parties that argue against Indian occupation of disputed territory that Pakistan claims as well?

A brouhaha over nothing is what it appears to be.

The politicians that contest the elections in Indian Occupied Kashmir and are elected into the legislature are paid by India are they not?

And many of those politicians have a 'pro-India' stance - so would that indicate that the participation of most politicians in Indian held elections is because they are on the 'payroll of India' and hence they are 'Indian agents' hardly concerned about the rights of the people of J&K, especially the right to self determination promised them by the UNSC and India (before it reneged on its commitment).

What is wrong is that they create fake issue to build anti India sentiments. This explains why everything that happens in J&K gets hyped. Easier for us to defend now, thats all.
This spectacular was reported by Times Now. !!!!

Enough said.

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