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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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So your saying pakistan and india where not split along the lines of faith...?
A little correction, Pakistan was created on the basis of Islamic faith, not India. FYI, India chose to remain secular. Though there was a feeble attempt by Pakistan to paint itself secular, that really hasn't happened and now everyone can very well see where those paths led us to!
So you think the chinese are going to shout out loud they have got themselfs into the kashmir game and that they support the kashmiris.:cheesy:

Eu has said that Kashmir (J&K) is an integral part of India. China cannot meddle in Kashmir because it has its own skeletons in its closet and also has its own vested interests. Read these links..

from this thread:

Disputed Kashmir Serves China’s Interests

and this thread

J & K integral part of India: EU
Kashmir integral part of India: EU
The only people who are not happy with china getting a foothold in the kashmir problem is the indians.......if you want china to give up its bit of kashmir then there has to be a three way process....china-pakistan-india
Pakistan "handed" over a part of J&K to China. It now becomes Pakistan's prerogative to get it back from China if it wants a meaningful dialogue with India, so basically its your problem. As far as India is concerned China can take a hike when it comes to Kashmir, which they probably will do considering a few aces Indians have up their sleeve. There is a very good reason why China hasnt been making any noises about kashmir (those bites done privately to satisfy Pakistani "establishment" dont count and dont really translate into action!).

Edit: As regards to Aksai Chin, both India and China have mutually agreed to respect the LoAC!
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A little correction, Pakistan was created on the basis of Islamic faith, not India. FYI, India chose to remain secular. Though there was a feeble attempt by Pakistan to paint itself secular, that really hasn't happened and now everyone can very well see where those paths led us to!

Statements likes these simply show off your stupidity and ignorance on the little part of history called the British Raj of the subcontinent. No wonder many Indians tend to be inept at understanding complex political situations when they insist on summing everything up with one liners.

If you cant handle a real debate, this is probably not the forum for you.

If you want to know why Pakistan gained independence separately from India you should familiarise yourself with the lives and works of Jinnah and Allama Iqbal.

Eu has said that Kashmir (J&K) is an integral part of India. China cannot meddle in Kashmir because it has its own skeletons in its closet and also has its own vested interests. Read these links..

from this thread:

Disputed Kashmir Serves China’s Interests

and this thread

J & K integral part of India: EU
Kashmir integral part of India: EU

Doesn't matter what the Swedish ambassador said. He also said that he wants to understand the separatist perspective. You are not big on quoting that part though.
But since you take such an interest in quotes, here is one you should recall.

Princely states enjoyed three options: accession to India, accession to Pakistan, or independence. But the choice, according to India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and tacitly endorsed by the British, was to be made by popular referendum in cases where the creed of the ruler varied from the religion of the majority. That fundamental democratic principle had been sternly applied by Nehru with military means in Hyderabad and Junagadh where the rulers were Muslim but their inhabitants largely Hindu. Kashmir presented a converse case: the Maharaja was Hindu but the majority subscribed to Islam.

On November 2, 1947, Prime Minister Nehru reiterated, “We have declared that the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. That pledge we have given and the Maharaja supported it, not only to the people of Kashmir but to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it."

Pakistan "handed" over a part of J&K to China. It now becomes Pakistan's prerogative to get it back from China if it wants a meaningful dialogue with India, so basically its your problem. As far as India is concerned China can take a hike when it comes to Kashmir, which they probably will do considering a few aces Indians have up their sleeve. There is a very good reason why China hasnt been making any noises about kashmir (those bites done privately to satisfy Pakistani "establishment" dont count and dont really translate into action!).
Pakistan did not "hand" anything over. Once again your lack of coherent facts shine through. Maybe you should consider knowing the first thing about Kashmir before you start ranting again? Just a thought.

As for "Aces up your sleeves", India will need plenty considering that you barely have any allies in the region.
Statements likes these simply show off your stupidity and ignorance on the little part of history called the British Raj of the subcontinent. No wonder many Indians tend to be inept at understanding complex political situations when they insist on summing everything up with one liners.

If you cant handle a real debate, this is probably not the forum for you.

Can you expand this more, please. Isn't that true what he said that Pakistan was created based on Islamic ideology, but India elected to remain secular.

Pakistan did not "hand" anything over. Once again your lack of coherent facts shine through. Maybe you should consider knowing the first thing about Kashmir before you start ranting again? Just a thought.

I respectfully disagree with you. You need to read the history about this.

Trans-Karakoram Tract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Statements likes these simply show off your stupidity and ignorance on the little part of history called the British Raj of the subcontinent. No wonder many Indians tend to be inept at understanding complex political situations when they insist on summing everything up with one liners.

If you cant handle a real debate, this is probably not the forum for you.

If you want to know why Pakistan gained independence separately from India you should familiarise yourself with the lives and works of Jinnah and Allama Iqbal.
It seems your COAS is showing the same degree of 'stupidity' and 'ignorance' like gubbi, by thinking out loud that Pakistan was created on the basis of 'Islamic faith'.
India is the problem in kashmir.......what role can you guys play other then pull the occupation forces out and give a free vote to the people of kashmir to see what they want.......after all you indians keep telling us that the kashmiris love india so you would have no problem with the vote considering your going to win?

India's stand on J&K is the same as that of China on Tibet - its ours & shall stay that way.

So on one hand you agree that china has a part of kashmir but you dont want then involved in any peace process but you want the chinese to give up there bit.:disagree:

Yes, China has only to return Aksai Chin -thats all. It has no role whatsoever. The moot prob in J&K is the effects of the partition, PRC did not exist then so obviously it is not a party to the resolution.
Statements likes these simply show off your stupidity and ignorance on the little part of history called the British Raj of the subcontinent. No wonder many Indians tend to be inept at understanding complex political situations when they insist on summing everything up with one liners.
Mr. ThinkTank, why was Pakistan created, by partitioning Indian subcontinent? To satisfy those old egomaniacs or their thirst for power or as a supposed emancipation for the Muslims of the subcontinent? Ah complicated politics you say? Pray, do enlighten us as to the reasons for Pakistan's creation!
If you cant handle a real debate, this is probably not the forum for you.
What debate? I just stated facts! I see, you dont like facts!
If you want to know why Pakistan gained independence separately from India you should familiarise yourself with the lives and works of Jinnah and Allama Iqbal.
I have read enough about them, and FYI I really wish Pakistan had charted out a course what Jinnah had envisioned as per his speech! Alas, that was not to be and I really have my doubts that after creating Pakistan (if only partly) based on religion, whether he really meant what he said in that speech.
Doesn't matter what the Swedish ambassador said. He also said that he wants to understand the separatist perspective. You are not big on quoting that part though.
For you it may not matter, but in diplomatic circles it a very big victory. It effectively blocks Pakistan's pov in the EU and that is one major power block in the world. Rest will be won over slowly and surely, you will have nowhere to go then.
Pakistan did not "hand" anything over. Once again your lack of coherent facts shine through. Maybe you should consider knowing the first thing about Kashmir before you start ranting again? Just a thought.
Oh please do reread real history and check out the part of J&K that Pakistan handed over to China. Brush up your history.
As to your arguments about Hyderbad and Junagadh, yes we annexed them because they were to be a thorn in our Union. Plain and simple, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. So what's your problem there? We saw how a country seperated by a large distances struggles to exist and ultimately falls apart!
As for "Aces up your sleeves", India will need plenty considering that you barely have any allies in the region.
You wish! But the realities are different, my friend. China cannot do anything regarding Kashmir and will always tow Indian pov. As for allies, you need not lose sleep, we've got plenty! In our own neighborhood!
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Any union that is tumultuous and not mutually beneficial, may that be groups, or nations does not last.

Soviet Union disintegrated
Yugoslavia disintegrated
British Raj
French Occupations
Dutch occupations
Italian Occuptions
Japanese Occpuations

Gone are the ancient and middle ages where you slaughter nations and ppl to gain control.
It is actually about Kashmiri people. It should not be about India or Pakistani PRIDE. There are real people dying there. People are not properties. If they want to stay with India, or Pakistan or if the majority of Kashmiris want to create their own Republic I am not sure how that can be an issue at all ?
well in that case....there can be referendum for tibet, taiwan, baluchistan....isn't and i will not be surprised with the outcome..isn't
Has the Indian Prime Minister interacted with the Kashmiri people like Pakistan's Prime Minister has.
Well your primeminister should also have made the effort of interacting with the people in waziristan some time.Oh wait but there are indian sponsored terrorists all over in that area. I wonder who sponsors the terrorists infiltrating into J&K
India committing state terrorism in IHK: Samsam

ISLAMABAD, Nov 27 (APP): State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Samsam Ali Bukhari has said that Indian troops are committing state terrorism in occupied Kashmir.Talking to a private TV channel, he said “Indian troops in uniform are committing state terrorists in occupied Kashmir.”He urged international community to come forward and pressurize Indian for the resolution of Kashmir issue in accordance with the aspiration of Kashmiri people.Samsam Bukhari urged India to behave like a responsible state.

He urged India to stop blame game adding Pakistan had never involved in such a game.

The Minister said both the countries have to set together for the resolution of their all outstanding issues.

To a question he said Pakistan is playing key role in war against terrorism. “Pakistan is a victim of terrorism and condemned all kinds of terrorism anywhere in the world.”

To a question about differences between PPP and MQM he said “The things will be corrected when the senior leadership meets.”

He urged the political parties to get united for the strengthening of democracy in the country.
Well your primeminister should also have made the effort of interacting with the people in waziristan some time.Oh wait but there are indian sponsored terrorists all over in that area. I wonder who sponsors the terrorists infiltrating into J&K

Going wildly off topic seems to be your speciality. What exactly is the point of your posts anyway?
What exactly is the point of your posts anyway?
The point is..........................................
I have no " posts " just "a post". You seem to be confused and therefore at a loss of the ability to read between lines.
There are good number of Kashmiri who support Independence. This is the fact and I do not have any means to know the percentage but some of hthe anti India rallies had big number of people participating.
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