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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The problem is not with the average Pakistani who does'nt even know what the militants do in Kashmir. They think they are different from the TTP but they are the same. If Pakistan wants to resolve the dispute protecting its interests, its welcome to do so, but please leave the "Jihad" rhetoric aside and don't insult this concept by saying what these militants do is Jihad. The locals who were involved in militancy like the JKLF e.t.c. have all given up arms and they didnt even use the word Jihad when they were fighting against GoI for independance. Its only the Pakistani based militants like LeT, Hizb e.t.c that are active now who do so.

During the 2002 state elections, for instance, militant attacks were stepped up. These included the assassination of Mushtaq Ahmed Lone, law minister in the National Conference government. Independent candidates and political activists were attacked, and some were killed. Even the APHC was not spared. Abdul Ghani Lone, who led a moderate APHC component, the People’s Conference, and was willing to negotiate with the GOI on participation in the polls, was assassinated. APHC is an umbrella group of sepratists mainly adovcating for Independace if you did'nt know.

Even the media in Kashmir is not spared. The media in Kashmir is pressured by the militants to adopt an anti-Indian and pro-militant stance. During the 2002 elections and even now to some extent, journalists are openly threatened. Those who protest or write against the militants have been physically attacked.
The Srinagar Times, Daily Aftab and Alsafa have closed down on many occasions due to militant threats. The militants also target the minority Hindu community in Kashmir to ensure that any peace process fails. But by far the kashmiri muslims bare the brunt of militant attacks.

Its another story that because of this Kashmiri muslims get victimised by Indian security forces as well. And the corrupt sections withing the J&K police and security forces do'nt uphold the rule of law in all cases.

I hope people realise that these so called "Jihadi" groups are part of the problem, not the solution in J&K
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I have been visiting Kashmir since I was a kid. What I have personally witnessed, is that when there was no insurgency or violence in the valley, Kashmiris had a very high standard of life.

I remember back in early 80's, the kids of Shikara owners used to smoke cigarettes that would cost over Rs.100 per stick even in those times. Then, very few of the Kashmiris would talk about separation, and yet those who did speak, would get heard at international level! That was the reason why in those times, be it the UK, the USA, and even some times China would give signs of mediating the Kashmir dialogue between India and Pakistan.

India had no leverage of any kind to play on Kashmir issue, and any country's interest in mediation would become a big news. Indians were the villains then.

Then one fine day, the USSR pulled out of Afghanistan. Hamid Gul became a hero. And Pakistanis (ISI and the Military, not the general Pakistani) were amazed, and took this withdrawal as a defeat of the USSR.

By the time Hamid Gul became chief of the ISI, the establishments in Pakistan were already convinced of a foolproof formula that involved the invincible 'Jihadi' ideology.
Now, when someone become successful at something, that person/entity, applies the same formula in the next plan. The next plan, and even more crucial, was the bone of contention between India and Pakistan, known as Kashmir.

And so, under the expert supervision of Hamid Gul's ISI, a great amount of left-over from Afghanistan was fed to the Kashmir issue under the name of 'Jihad'. The shear number of arms and arm-bearers sent for 'Jihad' in Kashmir was such that it shocked everyone in India. Many tourists became the first victims, bringing their horrid stories to the government quarters in Delhi.

Now how could India miss such a golden opportunity. It had to look more like a revenge, that could be justified in any court. Along with the para-military forces, India more than doubled its Army troops in Kashmir and for an apparently valid reason - the reason that could stand internationally.

This was not to go down well with the outfits such as the violent separatist organization *JKLF, who retaliated with all their might, and in the process became internationally recognized as hardcore terrorists. This recognition of theirs made Pakistan look like a villain, and gave India a free-hand on 'Jihadis'/Separatists. On all kinds of Jihadis.
Around 1995, the Indian Army began to push back the insurgents, or whoever confronted them, back to the mountains. Reaction: International media applauded a 'victimized' India's efforts against militancy, and began shying away from their stance on mediation in the Kashmir issue.

In my opinion, if Pakistan had not tried the same Afghanistan's formula in Kashmir, and rather had left it to the Kashmiris, India could not have such a strong stand on the issue as it has today.

However, now when I talk to Kashmiris (I have had interaction only with the educated ones who have traveled well), they appear smitten by India's progress in the last 15 years and want it to be India's integral part forever.

Since this brief piece on Kashmir's situation is solely based on my personal experience and views, please feel free to disagree.
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No annexation of G-B has taken place - unlike India, the Pakistani constitution does not treat it as Pakistani territory.

That alone should be enough to debunk this rant.

Kashmir is a part of India because of Pakistan, The Maharajah of Kashmir Joined India because of the backstabbing by Pakistan

i.e. as the article says :toast_sign:
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Correction there, JKLF is not a 'Jihadi' outfit. It is a Kashmiri nationalist organisation and still is secular in nature and advocates right to return for Kashmiri pandits. JKLF leader Yasim Malik renounced violence in 1995 and since advocates a peacful resolution to J&K issue.

Interview - Yasin Malik
The Hindu : Come back, Yasin Malik tells Kashmiri Pandits

Thanks for the correction Ejaz, I will edit that. My perception was based on the flag of Islam hoisted above its (now deserted) headquarters in Sopore that I visited in March this year.
Thanks for the correction Ejaz, I will edit that. My perception was based on the flag of Islam hoisted above its (now deserted) headquarters in Sopore that I visited in March this year.

Is this the flag you are talking about which is the JKLF flag?
File:Kashmir independent.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not sure what you mean by the flag of Islam as there is no such thing. Although the green colour and star and crescent are usually associated with it, there is no theological or Quranic basis for this and is more a cultural/historic thing.
Is this the flag you are talking about which is the JKLF flag?
File:Kashmir independent.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not sure what you mean by the flag of Islam as there is no such thing. Although the green colour and star and crescent are usually associated with it, there is no theological or Quranic basis for this and is more a cultural/historic thing.

No Ejaz, that's JKLF flag I think. The one I saw was like Pakistan's flag without the white strip on the left. It was all green with a crescent and a star.
At first I thought it was Pakistan's flag, so I asked my brother (who is deployed there), why did they not take it down. He told me that it was not Pakistan's, but Islam's flag for the Kashmiris.
^^^That would be right I guess, like I said; there is no scriptural basis for the green color or star and crescent. But i has become associated with Islam for historic/cultural reasons.
Muslims are one Ummah no matter who ever they are, wherever they are, even Muslims in India are connected and spiritually part of Pakistan and rest of Muslim World. A non-muslim cannot understand what does it mean to be a Muslim and what does it takes to remain a Muslim. This is not religion of Cowardice and Shameless people.. it takes Heart of a Lion filled with Love of God and His Prophet (PBUH) to understand what Ummah means. No wonder after offering nearly 1,00,000 people on the way of Jihaad, the Kashmire Blood is not cold as you are desperate to see it.

Where is the concept of Muslims Ummah when ur army killed millions of Bengali muslims in East pakistan and they choose to get separated and become independent Bangladesh.

And how about stopping the killing of Shia muslims in pakistan before dreaming of greater muslim ummah??

Its only the weak poor pakistanis who dream of Ummah as they badly need money and employment in gulf .The Arab are pretty secure of their identity and always maintain their exclusivity .They even wont allow muslims from South Asia to become citizens of their countries,so much for the ummah,haha.
Where is the concept of Muslims Ummah when ur army killed millions of Bengali muslims in East pakistan and they choose to get separated and become independent Bangladesh.

And how about stopping the killing of Shia muslims in pakistan before dreaming of greater muslim ummah??

Its only the weak poor pakistanis who dream of Ummah as they badly need money and employment in gulf .The Arab are pretty secure of their identity and always maintain their exclusivity .They even wont allow muslims from South Asia to become citizens of their countries,so much for the ummah,haha.

Dont interfere in muslim issues you hindu just stay put.
@grey boy
IWhile in India certainly the living standards may not be comparable, there is freedom of religion and this is where the theological argument falls flat. It doesn't matter wether your rich or poor in India, but most importantly you have the freedom to practice and preach your religion.

FREEDOM OF PRACTICE IN INDIA...??? can sm1 tell me what is freedom of practice??? my dear you do not treat minorities even like humans... there r thousands of xamples.. i'll qoute just one of them..

every one knows that India has got a huge army and we also know that one fifth (1/5) of the population of India consist of Muslims, so called warrior nation.. can you qoute a single name of a MUSLIM GENERAL in your army...??? you just CAN'T...

this is called FREEDOM OF ACTION..
just as you dont talk about 1965 war... when your army faught FACE TO FACE... and was smashd... u can never win a face 2 face battle so u fight like BUZDILZ..
FREEDOM OF PRACTICE IN INDIA...??? can sm1 tell me what is freedom of practice??? my dear you do not treat minorities even like humans... there r thousands of xamples.. i'll qoute just one of them..

every one knows that India has got a huge army and we also know that one fifth (1/5) of the population of India consist of Muslims, so called warrior nation.. can you qoute a single name of a MUSLIM GENERAL in your army...??? you just CAN'T...

this is called FREEDOM OF ACTION..

If Muslims dont join Indian army....what can Indian army do...you can not just force people to join army....It voluntary.....India army has just 3% Muslim staff.....is it India's fault that Muslims in India don't want to join Indian army ..just because they don't want to go to hell...after killing at their Pakistani Muslim counterparts.....

its Muslims choice that they want to join army...so they don't get promoted to higher ranks....

Anyways...a slap on your face: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-2921323,prtpage-1.cms
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