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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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dude,RSS is the moral fabric of India.I think most of you here know about it only from the pseudo secular media which tries to portray it as a demon as it seeks to unite Indians.

It was the only organization physically involved in safely rescuing the people migrating from western punjab to eastern punjab and also running refugee camps in delhi to help the lost people get back to their families.

check out this and then talk to me

Direct Action Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh shut up. Evin Stalin had his humanitarian stuff. Doesn't make him any less of a Stalin. And the east punjab thing is 60 years old now. I can't believe a literate indian with a broadband connection supporting the RSS. That's reserved for dumbass hindutva fascist pigs. Let's keep our side of the subcontinent secular.
Else it'll be like going the pakistan way. Might as well call ourselves the 'Hindu republic of India'
Not in good taste friend. Does not contribute positively to the debate in any way.

Dont beatify him as a saint,this is the illness of india.If you are in serious politics,this is not an impossible outcome.

And Gandhi did let Bhagat singh hung up,for all his sainthood.Try reading Godse's point of view for why he did what he did.Stop thinking that Congress did us all a favour by getting us independence.
Have faith, its coming, just wait for americans to leave.

Thats way ur country is so worried of american withdrawl from Afghanistan.

And i would love to be ur uninvited guest in IOK. :cheers:

NATO has recently changed its strategy and has decided to STAY PUT in Afghanistan.So US has outsourced its work to the Europeans and is in turn bringing the Russians closer to the West.

This means the pressure on insurgency will increase and chances of a rag tag taking over in Kabul are fast receding.

Honestly, NATO is tougher to deal with than the Americans not only for India but also for Pakistan. I think in the overall scheme of things India still loses and gets another unwanted armed guest in its neighbourhood.
Have faith, its coming, just wait for americans to leave.

Thats way ur country is so worried of american withdrawl from Afghanistan.

And i would love to be ur uninvited guest in IOK. :cheers:

You need american permission to deploy your own sovereign army elsewhere? Wow, NOW THAT'S AN ARMY I'M AFRAID OF!
Oh shut up. Evin Stalin had his humanitarian stuff. Doesn't make him any less of a Stalin. And the east punjab thing is 60 years old now. I can't believe a literate indian with a broadband connection supporting the RSS. That's reserved for dumbass hindutva fascist pigs. Let's keep our side of the subcontinent secular.
Else it'll be like going the pakistan way. Might as well call ourselves the 'Hindu republic of India'

Mind your bloody words ---- Its not you alone who type BS. :angry: --- If you believe in this Congress/Left propaganda of (pseudo) Secularism,you can believe it-- but dont call others who are aware about it names.
Dont beatify him as a saint,this is the illness of india.If you are in serious politics,this is not an impossible outcome.

And Gandhi did let Bhagat singh hung up,for all his sainthood.Try reading Godse's point of view for why he did what he did.Stop thinking that Congress did us all a favour by getting us independence.
I believe it is the likes of bhagathsingh who played bigger part for our independence. Some says gandhi did tried to save bhagathsingh and some says otherwise..i am not sure.
but nothing can justify godse's act..could you share what he has to say in justification.
You are right, no point in reading between the lines. In due time things will become clear.

2010 has definitely seen an upsurge in Kashmir, and the upsurge is not just due to separatist military activity, but also political protests, civil disobedience and so on. These are just facts on the ground, so we can each wonder why they are, or where they will lead to, and whether the fire will burn hotter next year. But political statements are a dime a dozen. What matters is action on the ground.

My personal opinion is that with no further delay, a sincere round of discussions on Kashmir should be held by the concerned parties, starting from where Musharraf and Vajpayee left off. If the scenario in Kashmir continues to become more violent, it will make it politically difficult for Indian politicians to come to the table without appearing weak. If proactive measures to initiate dialogue are taken now, there can be political face saving and rather than appearing to react in knee jerk fashion where the primary motivation is fear, India will instead be seen as a party interested in peace.

Two concession I can think of that will literally kick start negotiations is first Pakistan adequately prosecuting those responsible for 26/11 and India responding in kind immediately with a slew of economic benefits that aims at stabilising the Pak economy.

Without these initial catalysts,the main issue of Kashmir is going no where.

Why are you comparing his statements to "Toms, Dicks and Harry's". You should compare his statements to ministers on this side of the fence. You have your own RSS/Purohit types that fall in the "Tom Dick and Harry" category with "armed terrorists under them".

Lt.Col Purohit has been convicted and is behind bars --- not organising rallies in Delhi,Mumbai declaring "dharmayudh" against Pakistan.
india terrorists - i mean slaping those folks are terrorism and blowing in between market is peaceful act that is how terrorism should be define isn't it ?? Please any of indian members can post video link here about the captured terrorist in kashmir giving interview even to many international journalist about recent kashmir voilence..
Oh shut up. Evin Stalin had his humanitarian stuff. Doesn't make him any less of a Stalin. And the east punjab thing is 60 years old now. I can't believe a literate indian with a broadband connection supporting the RSS. That's reserved for dumbass hindutva fascist pigs. Let's keep our side of the subcontinent secular.
Else it'll be like going the pakistan way. Might as well call ourselves the 'Hindu republic of India'

Hinduism is automatically secular.It is because of ignorant brainwashed **** sucking moderate pisshead morons like you that mother india is bleeding herself to death.

I am literate and i am supposed to side with moderate mullah sucking pussies.please?it is because of numbskulls like you that a devout hindu is seen upon as an evil guy in the society these days.

We are the hindu republic of india,whether you like it or not.All over the world and probably even in Mars,it is always the majority that makes the rules and minorities adapt themselves and live,not the other way around.

It is because of the hindu nationalists in north west of india that you are still walking peacefully on the road and using a computer.Else you ll be facing westwards and doing namaz while going to study in a madrassa.Learn to appreciate history and the people who shed their blood so that you can live peacefully and prosperously today.

East Punjab is 60 years old,but the scars live for ever my man.If i am in combat eye ball to eye ball,then it takes both of us to turn back and walk at once,if i do it first i get stabbed in the back.

If the country is so secular,why is it that hindus have to live like slaves here?
Hinduism is automatically secular.It is because of ignorant brainwashed **** sucking moderate pisshead morons like you that mother india is bleeding herself to death.

Sounds same as, Islam is automatically democratic. It is because of ignorant brainwashed **** sucking moderate pisshead morons like you that mother pakistan is bleeding herself to death.

Sorry Pakistanis for brining Pakistani into it.
Godse's statement:

The Man - The Mahatma : Nathuram Godse

BTW,i dont have extreme views on either of these 2 people,gandhi and godse.

Gandhi is not the saint as he is seen to be and Godse is not the villain as he is portrayed to be.

Having said this,i would have done the same if i was Godse but instead of Gandhi,i would have killed Nehru.
Hinduism is automatically secular.It is because of ignorant brainwashed **** sucking moderate pisshead morons like you that mother india is bleeding herself to death.

I am literate and i am supposed to side with moderate mullah sucking pussies.please?it is because of numbskulls like you that a devout hindu is seen upon as an evil guy in the society these days.

We are the hindu republic of india,whether you like it or not.All over the world and probably even in Mars,it is always the majority that makes the rules and minorities adapt themselves and live,not the other way around.

It is because of the hindu nationalists in north west of india that you are still walking peacefully on the road and using a computer.Else you ll be facing westwards and doing namaz while going to study in a madrassa.Learn to appreciate history and the people who shed their blood so that you can live peacefully and prosperously today.

East Punjab is 60 years old,but the scars live for ever my man.If i am in combat eye ball to eye ball,then it takes both of us to turn back and walk at once,if i do it first i get stabbed in the back.

If the country is so secular,why is it that hindus have to live like slaves here?

Do you wear "khaki chaddis" while carrying a lathi with a "kala-topi" perched on your head ? i mean are you a card-carrying RSS bloke ? if you are, then enuff said. :sick:
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