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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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You are right, no point in reading between the lines. In due time things will become clear.

2010 has definitely seen an upsurge in Kashmir, and the upsurge is not just due to separatist military activity, but also political protests, civil disobedience and so on. These are just facts on the ground, so we can each wonder why they are, or where they will lead to, and whether the fire will burn hotter next year. But political statements are a dime a dozen. What matters is action on the ground.

My personal opinion is that with no further delay, a sincere round of discussions on Kashmir should be held by the concerned parties, starting from where Musharraf and Vajpayee left off. If the scenario in Kashmir continues to become more violent, it will make it politically difficult for Indian politicians to come to the table without appearing weak. If proactive measures to initiate dialogue are taken now, there can be political face saving and rather than appearing to react in knee jerk fashion where the primary motivation is fear, India will instead be seen as a party interested in peace.

I agree.. Also both political sides will need to ensure that the start of dialog is accompanied (not preceeded or followed) by large CBMs, that are huge enough to drown out the nay sayers in both countries. Things like quick prosecution on 26/11 accused, Major policy decisions on Siachen/Sir Creek, visible actions on likes of LeT and JeM and a visible demilitarization in J&K. Along with some large enough economical partnership statemetn. If we can find boldness on both sides of the border to do this, I personally believe that this can be solved quickly enough..

May sound too optimistic, but no harm in that.. eh? After all staying pessimistic doesnt help either.. Atleast staying optimistic help you sleep better...:)
He's a stooge. Nobody's asking him.

Well, him being a minister in the GoI, his statements carry significantly more weight than a bunch of Tom, Dicks and Harrys in Pakistan who keep making statements on Kashmir, even if they do it with a brigade of armed insurgents under them..
I agree.. Also both political sides will need to ensure that the start of dialog is accompanied (not preceeded or followed) by large CBMs, that are huge enough to drown out the nay sayers in both countries. Things like quick prosecution on 26/11 accused, Major policy decisions on Siachen/Sir Creek, visible actions on likes of LeT and JeM and a visible demilitarization in J&K. Along with some large enough economical partnership statemetn. If we can find boldness on both sides of the border to do this, I personally believe that this can be solved quickly enough..

May sound too optimistic, but no harm in that.. eh? After all staying pessimistic doesnt help either.. Atleast staying optimistic help you sleep better...:)

If there is a "bundle" of CBMs in which both sides are seen to make concessions, then I think it could be sold to both populaces. For example, both India and Pakistan have lists of "terrorists" they have given to each other. There could be some agreement on prosecution for the appropriate people on such lists. Demilitarization could start in Siachen so that it reverts to a pre 1980 position. We could sign an agreement not to use an ecologically important area such as Siachen for purposes of war or military deployments.

There's a lot that can be done if there is the political will. That's why I suggested that if somehow the violence that is rising in Kashmir can be preempted by both sides sitting together and working it out, it will be good for all involved. It's been two years since 26/11 now, and honestly, what is done is done. We almost went to war over this. We now have a clear choice. Either we allow that incident to hold one a half billion people hostage, or we move on. It would be a monumental failure of leadership if the former is allowed to happen.
Well, him being a minister in the GoI, his statements carry significantly more weight than a bunch of Tom, Dicks and Harrys in Pakistan who keep making statements on Kashmir, even if they do it with a brigade of armed insurgents under them..

Why are you comparing his statements to "Toms, Dicks and Harry's". You should compare his statements to ministers on this side of the fence. You have your own RSS/Purohit types that fall in the "Tom Dick and Harry" category with "armed terrorists under them".
But i dnt knw what Gellani is who contest elections twice and lost both times

Geelani wants freedom for Kashmir. The "elections" in Kashmir are organized by a force he deems to be an occupation power. Do you honestly think the result of such an election says anything at all about a separatist leader's true popularity.

I would request us to refrain from this this line of discussion. It will come to blows very shortly. Let's zoom out and talk about the macro issue instead.
We will never forget what happened on 26/11 and no talks will start until the culprits of these heinous acts are brought to book after all we are a democracy and no party can go againist the will of the mass population. Congress has just been destroyed in the Bihar polls this week it is in no position to start talks with Pakistan on Kashmir if it does then it will be a early x mas present for BJP and it's allies.
is it necessary to reduce the discussion to this?

No it is not, but I dare say, the opening one liner was not mine.

Dr Farooq Abdullah is an important cabinet minister in Union government.

I have serious reservation for him being called a stooge, bottom line is he is a proud Indian and always has been.
Why are you comparing his statements to "Toms, Dicks and Harry's". You should compare his statements to ministers on this side of the fence. You have your own RSS/Purohit types that fall in the "Tom Dick and Harry" category with "armed terrorists under them".

The point I was making was that even those Tom, Dicks are Harrys (mostly criminals as declared by GoP as well) dont stop in making statements on Kashmir. Then Farooq Abdullah being a minister in the govt within whose borders J&K is located, has signinficantly more credibility (atleast from where I see) in making statements on J&K..

It was a response to "who asked him"
You are right, no point in reading between the lines. In due time things will become clear.

2010 has definitely seen an upsurge in Kashmir, and the upsurge is not just due to separatist military activity, but also political protests, civil disobedience and so on. These are just facts on the ground, so we can each wonder why they are, or where they will lead to, and whether the fire will burn hotter next year. But political statements are a dime a dozen. What matters is action on the ground.

My personal opinion is that with no further delay, a sincere round of discussions on Kashmir should be held by the concerned parties, starting from where Musharraf and Vajpayee left off. If the scenario in Kashmir continues to become more violent, it will make it politically difficult for Indian politicians to come to the table without appearing weak. If proactive measures to initiate dialogue are taken now, there can be political face saving and rather than appearing to react in knee jerk fashion where the primary motivation is fear, India will instead be seen as a party interested in peace.

I think you meant from where Musharraf and Manmohan left off.

But the thing is, Kayani has gone back to the conventionally hardliner position of PA.
Why are you comparing his statements to "Toms, Dicks and Harry's". You should compare his statements to ministers on this side of the fence. You have your own RSS/Purohit types that fall in the "Tom Dick and Harry" category with "armed terrorists under them".

Sir, I am trying to stay within the rules and not using the term terrorists for armed insurgents of LeT, Hizbul etc who are attacking the Indian armed forces in J&K. But then if you switch to the T word to abuse Indians then this will unnecessarily derail a good discussion..

Can I request you to amend your post and delete this one of mine..
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