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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Yeah,they had balls to nail the big one unlike quaid-e-azam who was giving orders to slaughter innocents in kolkata while munching his roasted pork.

Not in good taste friend. Does not contribute positively to the debate in any way.
Not an inch of Kashmir will be given to separatists: Farooq

Union minister Farooq Abdullah on Saturday said separatists would not get "an inch" of Kashmir and asked foreign ambassadors who visited the state to also undertake a trip to Pakistan occupied Kashmir. "Not a single person in India will give an inch of Kashmir to them," Abdullah, also
former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, said during a debate here on 'Civil Society is also responsible for the emergence of terrorism in India.'

Pointing out that ambassadors from a number of foreign countries visited Kashmir, he said, "how many of them visit Azad Kashmir? Is India to be put on the road and be beaten?"

Stating that there were pockets of civil society overtly or covertly supporting terrorism, he said that the youth who pelted stones at security forces in Kashmir valley had been paid to do so.

"We have to win them over with development, democracy and empowerment," the National Conference leader said.

Advocating anti-terror laws like POTA, Abdullah said such laws were the only tools in fighting terrorists.

"During my chief ministership, I implemented POTA going against my cabinet as it was the only option in fighting terror. But during the elections, the Opposition brought this up against me. But they did not realise that I did it in the interest of the nation," he said.

He said laws like AFSPA had resulted in excesses in the valley, but added that he was not in favour of withdrawing it. "Let AFSPA stay, but let there also be justice."

Not an inch of Kashmir will be given to separatists: Farooq - Hindustan Times
What's new? As if they were about to give Kashmir. Dialogue baazi.
I am always like Farooq Abdullah and his policies but his son *****
I think the separatists have taken the tact they have because they realize nothing is going to be "given" to them. They are thus in the business of fighting and taking what they believe is theirs. Sad state of affairs that can only be resolved if India and Pakistan pursue a mutually acceptable settlement that keeps the aspirations of the Kashmiris in mind.
What's new? As if they were about to give Kashmir. Dialogue baazi.

Dialogue baazi

This is not a one-sided phenomenon. I think that is what India and Pakistan mostly do regarding the Kashmir issue. Our political leaders are quite used to it.
I am always like Farooq Abdullah and his policies but his son *****

His son is very good.. But a little wet behind the ears..Did you hear his speech in the parliament on theNuclear bill vote..??
Yeah,they had balls to nail the big one unlike quaid-e-azam who was giving orders to slaughter innocents in kolkata while munching his roasted pork.

This is the True colour of RSS and supporters of RSS.

I find a lot of supporters of RSS on PDF .
RSS get more support on PDF than in India
What's new? As if they were about to give Kashmir. Dialogue baazi.

He is just making sure people across the border dont have any doubts.. ;)

Unfortunately this statements (from both sides) only increase the entry barriers for any solution..
Actually these type of dialogs are encouraging, it means whatever the separatists are doing is making them buckle and lash out.

you really thought that :lol:

Well if this type of dialogs can make separatist happy so i wish Farooq Abdullah daily give statement like this:bounce:

So we can save life of innocent Kashmirs and youngsters
Actually these type of dialogs are encouraging, it means whatever the separatists are doing is making them buckle and lash out.

Just wishful thinking. By your logic if I take Pakistan's FM and HM statements on taliban and Karachi situation, are they also buckling..

Lets try and not read between the lines all the times. So times a statement is exactly what it sounds like..
Just wishful thinking. By your logic if I take Pakistan's FM and HM statements on taliban and Karachi situation, are they also buckling..

Lets try and not read between the lines all the times. So times a statement is exactly what it sounds like..

You are right, no point in reading between the lines. In due time things will become clear.

2010 has definitely seen an upsurge in Kashmir, and the upsurge is not just due to separatist military activity, but also political protests, civil disobedience and so on. These are just facts on the ground, so we can each wonder why they are, or where they will lead to, and whether the fire will burn hotter next year. But political statements are a dime a dozen. What matters is action on the ground.

My personal opinion is that with no further delay, a sincere round of discussions on Kashmir should be held by the concerned parties, starting from where Musharraf and Vajpayee left off. If the scenario in Kashmir continues to become more violent, it will make it politically difficult for Indian politicians to come to the table without appearing weak. If proactive measures to initiate dialogue are taken now, there can be political face saving and rather than appearing to react in knee jerk fashion where the primary motivation is fear, India will instead be seen as a party interested in peace.
You are right, no point in reading between the lines. In due time things will become clear.

2010 has definitely seen an upsurge in Kashmir, and the upsurge is not just due to separatist military activity, but also political protests, civil disobedience and so on. These are just facts on the ground, so we can each wonder why they are, or where they will lead to, and whether the fire will burn hotter next year. But political statements are a dime a dozen. What matters is action on the ground.

My personal opinion is that with no further delay, a sincere round of discussions on Kashmir should be held by the concerned parties, starting from where Musharraf and Vajpayee left off. If the scenario in Kashmir continues to become more violent, it will make it politically difficult for Indian politicians to come to the table without appearing weak. If proactive measures to initiate dialogue are taken now, there can be political face saving and rather than appearing to react in knee jerk fashion where the primary motivation is fear, India will instead be seen as a party interested in peace.

Public won't allow composite dialogue to start after 26/11 without the culprits punished it seems the terrorists have won the peace progress has now been derailed which started under Musharraf and Vajpayee.

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