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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Sir, I am trying to stay within the rules and not using the term terrorists for armed insurgents of LeT, Hizbul etc who are attacking the Indian armed forces in J&K. But then if you switch to the T word to abuse Indians then this will unnecessarily derail a good discussion..

Can I request you to amend your post and delete this one of mine..

I think you misunderstood me. The people who helped blow up Samjhota in India under the guidance of Purohit, are those people not considered terrorists by the Indian government? If they are not, then let me know and I will amend what I wrote.

By the way, Pakistan considers the Sipah-e-Sahaba a terrorist movement, for example. I am fine using the word to describe them. I am not taking the position that terrorists only exist in India and there are none in Pakistan.
I think you misunderstood me. The people who helped blow up Samjhota in India under the guidance of Purohit, are those people not considered terrorists by the Indian government? If they are not, then let me know and I will amend what I wrote.

By the way, Pakistan considers the Sipah-e-Sahaba a terrorist movement, for example. I am fine using the word to describe them. I am not taking the position that terrorists only exist in India and there are none in Pakistan.

But Tech, LeT which is responsible for most of the infiltrations in J&K is a designated terrorist organization by GoP and UN. But we dont call those infiltrating into Kashmir, terrorists on this forum. About Purohit, he is still under trial and if he has truely done the dastardly deed, I hope he is brought to book. But as I said, a lot of CBMs and a lot less verbal one upmanship is needed for a solution. And to some extent same applies to this forum too.. Isnt it? :)
He just parrots the Indian government's position and being 'elected' in the presence of half a million occupying troops is hardly credible.

There were no Indian troops present in J&K when he first became Chief minster in 1982.

He, his father before him Sheikh Abdullah( Sher-e-Kashmir ) and his son after him have always been staunch nationalists.

Hence as nationalists their views differ from those of separatists or Pakistanis.

So does supporting your own government and country makes you a stooge?
While suppressing views is not good, but talking to them would be considered bowing to terror pressure. Instead, the situation should be improved from a security perspective. The Govt seems to be doing so.However, its also making noises to talk with Hurriyat etc, which begs the question how far will the Govt give in to these guys and Pak-China.

Govt should keep in mind that a resolution cannot be at the cost of India, as the nation.
I have a very simple solution sent FATA to IOK after americans leave Afghanistan.

It got u the present AK and it will get u the rest of it also. Have faith in ur own people, instead of International Hypocracy. :cheers:
I have a very simple solution sent FATA to IOK after americans leave Afghanistan.

It got u the present AK and it will get u the rest of it also. Have faith in ur own people, instead of International Hypocracy. :cheers:

You mean FATA or people of FATA??

btw, whatever you got of Kashmir was mostly before India was pulled into the conflict by the Maharaja of Kashmir.

You did that in Afghanistan after the soviets left.. See where it has taken your contry. Want to do that again, be my guest...:lol:
I have a very simple solution sent FATA to IOK after americans leave Afghanistan.

It got u the present AK and it will get u the rest of it also. Have faith in ur own people, instead of International Hypocracy. :cheers:

Very simple(istic) indeed. :cheers:
You mean FATA or people of FATA??

btw, whatever you got of Kashmir was mostly before India was pulled into the conflict by the Maharaja of Kashmir.

You did that in Afghanistan after the soviets left.. See where it has taken your contry. Want to do that again, be my guest...:lol:

Have faith, its coming, just wait for americans to leave.

Thats way ur country is so worried of american withdrawl from Afghanistan.

And i would love to be ur uninvited guest in IOK. :cheers:
He's a stooge. Nobody's asking him.

Who is not stooge?...So according to you people of Jammu are stooges, people of Ladakh are stooges, and 98% of Valley people are stooges...and anybody who is pro India is a stooge. That is rather a sad side of classification
So does supporting your own government and country makes you a stooge?

Supporting an occupying power might make you a traitor in some people's eyes.

Who is not stooge?...So according to you people of Jammu are stooges, people of Ladakh are stooges, and 98% of Valley people are stooges...and anybody who is pro India is a stooge. That is rather a sad side of classification

Indian polls, conducted at gun point, figuratively.
In most posts by Pakistanis, they assume that if plebiscite were to be held, People of J&K would choose Pakistan, ignoring that there could be different concerns and aspirations, so anybody who talks pro India is a stooge and anyone who talks anti India is a Kashmiri Nationalist...It seems that the Kashmir is just a hogwash for Pakistan’s anti India sentiments
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